Why aren't you out approaching girls?

Why aren't you out approaching girls?

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i'm too beta and unnatractive

Girls don't want to be approached

I need a bigger beard to hide my subhuman chin.

*girls want to be approached by chad only

Same reason you're not

I have sisters and they come home excited and brag whenever they get approached even if they totally shrugged the guy off which they do every time.

why would I waste my time with something so useless as girls?
spread your beta propaganda elsewhere redditfag

>get shrugged off
What's the fucking point of it then

>i'm 3/10 on a good day
>city living surrounded by turbo ascended chads
>is creepy to cold approach girls and start talking

Always waiting for the smallest signal before approaching but it just won't come so I guess I am not attractive.

I don't know. I don't approach girls. Just reporting how they act when no one who's a potential sex partner is around.

Tell your sisters to stop being cunts

Those are called limiting beliefs. Women care more about character traits and the emotions she feels around you.

They do, but only by cool guys. You can become one if you actually try going out and learning how to approach.

I am. I've done hundreds of approaches. I'm Going out tomorrow.

You are weak at heart and don't want to experience pain. So you pass off the difficult thing as a 'waste of time' to make yourself feel less bad about not doing it.

Lol don't do that just approach.

If you start taking action, it will be difficult, but you will improve.

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this reminds me of a story
>be me, driving with qt girl from uni
>random conversation
>till I brought up the subject "cute girls always date handsome boys"
>she kinda gets mad and says "i don't like cute boys"
>you are lying I said

is she flirting with me appealing to my unnatractiveness?
even tho I know she is full of bullshitting in that phrase

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Did it when I was 15-16. Got a few numbers but understand that no amount of self improvement of exercise will get you laid unless you look like a chad. Best you can hope for is the friendzone. And even that's not guaranteed.

I'm out approaching bois.

or you can try lowering your standards

>I am. I've done hundreds of approaches. I'm Going out tomorrow.
And how's that worked out for ya?

Because I'm at home waiting for a response from the girl I asked to hang out.

I'm already anticipating the ghosting, though.

Because I am not Chad.

Last time I tried to go up to girl and talk I got a dirty look and they looked scared/nervous. Feels bad.

made me kek m8

Do you think I was only taking to stacies? Dude, I have low standards anyway. But nevertheless, they all want a turbo chad or at least a cute twink.

I'm 19 now. Alone. Lonelier than when I was 15. Don't even have friends. Lost all motivation.

But I still want a GF!!!!

OP pic has laid literally a thousand women.

Amazing. I am a hundred times the person I was a year ago. I'm moving out of my parents house at the end of the month. I have massive confidence and inner happiness. I no longer think about suicide, at all. I actually want to live and experience life.

Don't ask the girl to hang out and then leave. Ask her on the spot when she is free and make plans right there and then. Texting is a waste of time.

>approach girl
>she leaves once i cross the 3 meter border
Woah OP thanks for the advice, did you get that by yourself?

Lets be honest here, he only instance where any of us would approach to a woman and she would have a possitive response (or even a response where she doesn't leave unsettled) is when you are chad or normie tier.

>muh mental barriers
It's called facts, must of us have already tried more than once and there is no reason to fall in such falacy that "next time the outcome will be different".

>limiting beliefs.
i feel like this is where the rabbit hole begins, reality and what you want to believe clash and your pick up role models just tell you that you have a bad attitude and limiting beliefs

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>OP pic has laid literally a thousand women
And you believe that?

Either you shut the fuck up and approach or you die alone.
Its hilarious how retarded you people are. Grow up.

I want to wait for the perfect opportunity. I have to spend minutes talking myself into it.

ever heard of being rejected?

you saw the videos I'm sure, all the cringe trainwrecks when a guy tries to swing the bat but reality hits them in the face and they do mental gymnastics over and over again because that's what they're told to do.

hey by all means do what you want I guess, we all want the same things

Is this that PUA guy? Tyler or what was his name?

Lets say its false. Does what you have to do change? You got handed the short stick now get over it and take action to make the best reality for yourself.
Its either that or you give up and die alone.

Kek, yep. Tyler durdin is his name.

>bee urself dood
I'm feeling it. Chads get prepared. Player two enters the game. Secret weapon. Going to sperg out, drop all my spaghetti and the girls pussies will flow niagara falls all over me. Tonight is the night.

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Dude I've done literally hundreds of approaches. Rejection means literally fuckin nothing. Grow up bud. Getting rejected changes NOTHING about you. You lose literally nothing. Grow the fuck up.

My country is in crisis, so i don't have money

he's running a scam cult it's mostly about looks and not being a mentalcel to the point of disability


take the blackpill, i'm not saying it's hopeless because what do I know but thinking you can get a stacie or even an average girl with social posturing is absurd

Lol when did I ever say be yourself? You guys don't even know who you are. You're too caught up in your victim mentality. All I'm saying is shut the fuck up and approach women. If you can just stop caring about getting rejected thats already massive growth.

I'm celibate anyway by default. What I mean by that is, I will never try to pursue a female. If, I'm the other hand a girl likes me and she is interested then I would date her.

But I'm not making the first move, just to get my feelings hurt.

>Don't ask the girl to hang out and then leave. Ask her on the spot when she is free and make plans right there and then. Texting is a waste of time.
Life isn't sunshine and flowers.
>had plans
>couldn't make it due to last minute family reasons (who knows if that's true or not)
>"I might be free tomorrow though, I'll let you know then"
>checked in and still no response yet, though it is early

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Damn, those videos will kill your already weak self esteem.

Assume she likes you. Call her at 12:30.
Like I said texting is a waste of time. I call people I care about.
If she's not receptive just stop texting her and talk to other girls.

But dood, i want i said to her hi and she greeted me and gave me a head, just go a try it dood, it isn't that hard lmao XD

Jow Forums was the place where i could talk shit and laugh at awkward stories but now i have to endure these shitty normie larping threads, would you kindly leave already if you hate us that much?

and you need self esteem to get grilsl amirite?

I don't hate you. I literally was you. But I decided to get over my victim mentality and misery.
Life is too fucking pointless for you to be sad dude. Just say fuck it and take action. Experience a range of emotion. That makes life awesome.

Yeah, sadly I don't. :pensive:

Talking to a girl is litterally the scariest thing I imagine myself doing. I'd rather shoot myself in the knee.

If you do the scary thing, you'll see that it's not scary. If you get over your fear you gain something called freedom and self esteem.

I also think a lack of money and my own place hold me back. I'm not bringing a girl back to my place and I have limited funds to do shit. I don't need both but I'll take one or the other. These things definitely affect my confidence.

Also when normies say b urself, yeah it's a meme and it doesn't necessarily translate. They mean become a better you, by that you should work on yourself to become someone that YOU like before engaging these thots.

>ask girl out
>she rejects you
>tells everyone you asked her out
>they all laugh and cringe

yay self esteem, freedom!!

because every girl ive asked out is a fucking queer or tranny

fuck you lgbt faggots youre a mistake

Dude the fear came from interacting with them. They're aliens to me.

Are you in high school? That's not gonna happen outside of small social circles/small circles in general.

>I'm normie because I have 10 months left to avoid wizardry and I'm still KHV
nah fuck u m8

people will cheer you on if you actually did it what the fuck are you talking about. just grow some balls and do it

Halt at once larper
I already took actions once and i was kicked all the way back here by dreadful normies and bitchy stacies who don't care if you try, you are already broken and they will do all they can to remind you that.

Nobody wants your advice

Nobody likes you

Get out of here failed normie

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you talking about a girl in high school? This is an 18+ website bud.
In the adult world women get approached all the time and they forget about everyone that approaches them almost instantly.

Because I enjoy bumping threads

cope all you want I know you can't get girls you fucking chodes lol work on your game it's all your fault for nor manning up and cold approuching

this is what you actually believe

Err what?
When did i say that?

>i was kicked all the way back here by dreadful normies and bitchy stacies

What exactly does this mean? Some people laughed at you and you felt sad?
Grow up you fucking child

anyone who comes to this shithole doesnt have a gf.

if you actually come here and have a gf you have no life


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No, for each instance i actually tried i was actively pushed back and laughed at, mocked and bullied withour remorse with enough swearings and shadowing to realize i wasn't wanted in their normie world and i had no right to be there.

Larpers like you really boil my nerves, deceiving other robots into the bee urself meme just to be squandered by the normies you admire and pretend to be.

Rot in hell normie wannabe, your words only do harm here

Because I'm a chubby balding manlet. I just can't compete with all the chads here in Florida

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>i was actively pushed back and laughed at, mocked and bullied withour remorse





Listen up you fucking faggot, some people are more affraid than you are because they aren't

I haven't "gotten" any but I have gotten numbers and close to something.

el em ef ay oh

lol is this really a thing? I thought these people only exist in the interwebs or maybe gay bars.

>killed me

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I'm fat and balding and live in a major east coast city.

I haven't succeeded yet but I've gotten closer and closer.

They would never accept any of my requests or even hold a simple conversation with me.



I'm scared of rejection. Not only when it comes to women, but everything.

Fat people shouldn't live let alone reproduce.
It's so fucking disgusting to see all this prime breeding material being wasted on fat fucks like yourself. I hope the day comes when us superior men finally enslave all the scum.

>approaching girls
But I do, at the brothel. Checkmate, atheists.

Who is this bald faggot?

>them satanic numbers

BRO. Chill. I'm going to the gym and shit and I haven't even succeeded. I'll probably succeed with women before getting totally in shape, but they're not women you would want anyways because I'm black.

I feel you. My advice is just stop taking yourself seriously. Your a monkey on a random rock in the middle of nowhere. Just say fuck it. Let that be your motivation.
A range of emotions makes life awesome. The emotions aren't all pleasant but they add context and meaning.
Just do it.

I do not care for women.

Five minutes of Googling can find for you extensive evidence that girls don't want you to approach them and if you do you're scum and an exploitative monster.

Here is a small and incomplete list of the places where women will actively campaign to destroy your life #metoo style if you approach them:

Concerts (just last night on this board we were educated regarding how concerts are no-approach zones)
Public streets
Volunteer groups
The internet

Women want Earth to be renamed BumblePlanet. Those are the new rules. Break them at your peril.

You have a choice. You can see the world as friendly and collaborative, or you can see it as hostile and competitive.
Life is a self fulfilling prophecy. So what you believe will manifest itself as reality in your life.

>Why aren't you out approaching girls?

Well if you really want to know it's because I feel like the attractive girls that I want to approach are so sick and tired of being approached by men that they just want to be left alone. And since I like being left alone I try and respect their privacy and leave them alone. I know it sounds like I'm being a white knight or something but its the truth. Also I have a fear of rejection but then again who doesn't?

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I empathize with this. Two good ideas for you:

1. It doesn't fucking matter, you're both going to die and forget all this shit anyway.
2. Be a cool fun person and bring her into that fun.

Also sometimes people are just having a bad day. Don't let that be your first assumption.
I do understand your perspective and it does still give me a lot of trouble.

Serious question; how often do white guys approach girls?

Black and latino hood guys approach constantly because that's the culture. Never seen a white guy approach a woman aside from one dude that was "daygaming" with a poo as his wingman. I mean cold approach btw.

>You have a choice. You can see the world as friendly and collaborative, or you can see it as hostile and competitive.

If by that you're trying to say that my original statement is both true and not true, well -

Since I can't know the outcome in advance, being true-and-not-true is the same as being true, in each marginal case.

But thank you, at least, for not disputing that my observation is correct and that there are, in fact, large numbers of women standing by to be "friendly and collaborate" - WITH EACH OTHER - as they engage in socially destroying you for approaching a girl when they think you shouldn't have. Usually intellectually dishonest people try to deny that this is the case, even given the truly vast evidence that it's true.

You are to be congratulated for being that honest.

Of course, now you're saying that even though it's true I should just pretend it's not and hope for the best, and that's really kind of pernicious advice. So that's a knock against you.

All the time in non-cucked countries, sorry you live in a Jew colony.

Because I don't know how to and everytime I ask the only advice I get is "just bee yourself :^)"

Most don't. Which is a good thing because low competition.
Problem is the few times that they do.
These guys are usually fuckin dumb creeps. And they hurt you because women assume you are like them.
A sober guy who knows how to socialize can easily get layed. Just gotta get over the initial shit a girl will give to filter out the idiots.
Just hang out without doing anything weird. Then when the end of the night comes take her hand and take her to where you will fuck.

Lol dude your ego is fucking atrocious. Try actually watching some pick up content. Here, refuting your exact point: youtube.com/watch?v=lujbCIFCpxY&t=1s

Don't go in trying to get something. Just a basic way to start: Go up and do the eminem open. "Hi, my name is __"
Then just talk to the girl. Don't say anything weird. Just talk platonically. Do it 10 times. Woah now you can socialize.

Likewise, have never seen a white man approach a girl but I have seen plenty of poos and arabs do it. Never been close enough to hear how the approach started though, only got within earshot about midway through. They seem to talk a minute or two before trading names. Don't know what happens after either.

>just bee yourself :^)
. B
.. I
... N
.. I
. B
. B
.. E
... E

I'm black so it doesn't matter to me. Was just wondering. Seems like whites always meet through parties and friends of friends. But most people from urban lower class I know meet through cold approach/catcalling.

I just realized I'd never seen white guys cold approaching outside of youtube.

When did I ever say be yourself. Point it out exactly please.

>Try actually watching some pick up content. Here, refuting your exact point

It doesn't refute my point at all.

"I'm magical, and so damn good that none of that will ever happen to me because I know what I'm doing!"

Yeah, OK, dude. And *I'm* the one with an outsized ego?

Here's what you don't get: If you approach the wrong girl, the outcome is not up to you.

If you approach the wrong girl, even if it looks like things went OK, you have no way to impact or control any and all future re-evaluations she may make of the event.

It's not up to you because other people, even crazy people, have agency, and your "skillz" make no difference.

Too sick or drunk and wanting to die from way being drunk or other ttpe.of being intoxicated.
May go out and mingle.with distant family.soon who are also drunk at 1 year olds party.
Should be LIT or zo.ething trash would do... whatever, won't matter In the grand scheme.

BTW, there are guys out there who are banned from sci-fi conventions because they "harassed" women *they didn't even approach* but simply looked at and stood or sat near.

There are women in the US today who will happily seek to destroy you if you enter their vicinity and they think you're even CONSIDERING approaching them.

And because the US has become a tyrannical shithole governed by Red Brigade style mobs, it doesn't matter if it seems like that's unfair or irrational. You can complain to your heart's content about how irrational it is from your perch on a steam grate on Skid Row after you are destroyed socially, reputationally, and economically and fall out of the middle class. Have fun.


>Tyler and Jeff have been doing pickup for 15 years
>Never a problem
>VS your retarded whining.

Just watch this for 2 minutes from where I started it.
