Anyone else still sexually confused into their 20s?

Anyone else still sexually confused into their 20s?

I'm not gay. But prolonged usage of Jow Forums throughout my entire developmental years has tricked me into thinking I could do a gay experience. I don't know. I feel like it would be horrific in real life, but I'm being tricked by drawings.

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Most kids who aren't socially awkward Jow Forums people experiment with their peers growing up.

Just enjoy being straight this board will literally try to subvert your sexuality and cause you long term damage for the enjoyment of a few mentally ill tranny faggots

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best thing to do is try to uninhibit yourself. if you think that you must do something about it, you could try hanging out with a dude as more than just friends. honestly the worst thing you can do is hook up and fuck another guy, you might come out of it feeling dirty and ashamed. get your feet wet if it really bothers you, if not, just stop looking at porn and see if your homosexuality dies off. otherwise, embrace your inner biscum.

I don't feel aroused by men at all though. Just futa and traps, usually drawings. It's embarrassing and confusing. I'm already a virgin loser, to have this thrown into the mix is distressing and I hate it.

>Just futa and traps
Which means remove the dick and you're still attracted to the female form. You're not gay, like you said you've exposed yourself to this material your entire development and you've lacked other sexual conquest. You're not gay, don't fall in to that hole

I'm not gay but I'm getting a boner from looking at a dick? Imagine if I had a gf and I tried to tell her that. I'd get my ass dumped.

>but I'm getting a boner from looking at a dick?
Did you not read what I just wrote? You're attracted to female forms but have drown yourself in a sea of female forms with dicks.
If you look at trap and futa porn, and you think "oh man yea look at that cock I'd love to suck that" then sure maybe your boner is from the dick but I don't think it's the dick giving you the boner seeing as you made a whole post to talk about your confusion.
Being gay is the trendy new thing, you've submersed yourself in a sea of traps and futa and now you don't know what open air is like.

who the fuck cares about these things. why are normie standards looked down upon but this isn't? Judaic religions made it such a big thing. if you care about neither why still torment yourself with questions like these?

you could try dating transwomen. we could use all the men we can get.

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Don't fall for this shit, Transwomen is newspeak for NotaWoman

I'm into my 20's and still very sexually confused, really moreso the older I've become. But I've also become much less worried about it because I've seen where my life is headed. Not only am I unattractive, but after several years I still have yet to even get my life anywhere close to being in order. So obviously, just like with any robot, I'm not going to get laid by the time I die or kill myself. And if that's the case, who really cares what I'm attracted to? It's not like someone's going to magically find out about what I like, I don't have anyone to talk to anyway! So unless you're some normie with a gf it really shouldn't make a difference if you fantasise about cock.

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I would if you didn't look disgusting.

then pay for my ffs
i-ill let you bully me more...

>pay for me to become cute instead of just getting a cute girl

If you looked and sounded like a woman I could maybe

But you don't and that's what makes me extremely hesitant

Literal mental illness on all levels

haha i-i was o-only pretending to be a t-tranner... haha...


be my gf or shut the fuck up and stop derailing this thread

I'd fuck you but not date you. Sorry. I'm black anyways you wouldn't want me.

You even type like a complete faggot

facial feminization surgery
plastic surgery to shape the face in a more feminine appearance

Why do cartoon dicks have to look so arousing?

Why do cartoon traps have to look so convincing?

Why does futa have to exist? What benevolent creator would allow the image of a tall thicc futa mommy to exist but not in reality?

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>I'm not gay
Yeah you are, faggot

I'm not gay. If I was gay, I wouldn't have an issue.

drawings aren't real life you dumbass. separate fiction from reality. you can draw a girl and call it a boy. it's still a fucking girl

just do something gay irl lmao. why not? it's like trying a new food.

if you like it? congrats, you've discovered something new.
if you don't like it? ok, move forward with the knowledge and no more doubt.

as long as you do it safely, there's no downside to try.

I'm curious, since it always seems to be guys talking about how they're sexually confused after getting into traps, have any girls gone down this rabbit hole too? Why is it usually MtF and not FtM?

sexuality is a spook
I'll crank it to whatever I feel that I should

Women don't struggle with loneliness and sexual deprivation, and women don't use the weird parts of the internet.

>if you don't like it? ok, move forward with the knowledge and no more doubt.

If you don't like it, it's gonna fuck you up for a long time.