Cbt bread


>Post bw, lifts, height

>Bonus: name one good thing and one bad thing about the person above you

105/195/225/don't deadlift

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6’0, 150lbs.

As photo says, been almost a month of actual progress. Used to dick around with dumbbells, but bar work is what actually started feeling like real progression.

My chest/tricep/traps seem to fall a little short and have a tough time increasing my bench and OHP relative to everything else especially bicep/back work. Any advice?

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Pushups, chinups

good progress for a month, surprised you dont bench more desu, i used weighted dips to help break the bench plateue and 3 weeks of it helped me explode past my plateue

Alright, I'll play.
168, 5'9, 135/205/280/320
Above me gets more pussy because face, height, frame are superior to muscle on a manlet.

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Awesome. I’ve been making linear progression 6 days a week on PPL but my bench is starting to take 2-3 sessions to increase. Super frustrating as SymmetricStrength is saying I should be higher relatively. I’ll add weighted dips.

At what point might I want to move on from the coolcinada novice PPL program that gets posted?

whatve you been doing diet wise? lean bulk?

>wearing your gf's leggings edition

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Started learning how to eat. Went from 134 to 151+. Ideally I’ll put on another 10-15 pounds

Just a warning, weighted dips aren't for everyone, make sure your form is right and if your shoulder or sternum starts hurting DO NOT continue, you might hurt your rotator cuff or tear something,

Close grip bench might be a better alternative in that case

post a frontal pic fellow manlet, no homo


post more ass you slut
ignore this

fuck off i want to see his arms and pecs

Won't get a new pic until Thursday.

5'7 180

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Old but I don't look much different. 5'9 158

Solid build but light weight. You'd get shoved easily in a crowd

Gain 20lbs then worry about the little things

Basically the same lifts as me. You need to cut man

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Dumb question - how did you take this photo, or did you have someone take it for you

Timer on phone.

post more plz


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Is there anyway to stop getting hit on by guys at the gym?

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how are you only 120 lbs and still look big even at 5'4 its pretty impressive


Sit on my dick.

dunno, lemme see from the back and i can give you an answer

175lbs (79kg) 5'9" (1.75m)

Above me: Good definition and abs but some extra delt work might suit you.

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>Height, frame
>168, 5'9

Goddamn Exceptional. What stack are you running?

Please get an ass. I bet your legs are dinky, too. Disgrace.

you put 17 pounds of muscle on a month? what the fuck my man

>reading comprehension

I love when people say x amount of lifting and proceed to explain how they’ve really been lifting longer but before didn’t count

lmaoing at your IQ senpai

nice ass no homo though and had you try to say that you're not interested or already taken.

Hit 405 on bench last week, 20 yrs old and 6'4. Been doing bench since 5th grade, don't have any other impressive lifts because of injuries from football but starting to focus on getting my squat and deadlift up


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Boys how much should i be trying to put my lifts up per week?
19 & 205 24% body fat. Been gyming for about 4 weeks while meal preppin. Accidentally was eating like 1100 calories per day for 2 weeks because i was prepping the wrong way and lost like 5 kilos.
Bench 120
Squat 110
Dead Lift 105
Legs are weak as fuck and i'm more trying to get down to 85kg atm. (sorry for no pic i'm at work)

Wait, you look that good but you have the same lifts as (Not dissing your lifts or physique btw you look better than me too)
Is this in kilos or something? I'm training for hypertrophy and I'm still 135x2/245/295/405 and I look like shit compared to you guys. I'm at the end of my bulk right now but my arms still look like shit, despite me hitting them hard as fuark
156 5'8 btw

Lifts? In kg or lbs idc

S: 500
B: 405
D: 645

Down 35lbs from 280 on January 1st, going to continue cutting til 12-14% bf (I think I’m around 20% atm). Getting smaller by the day boys, feels mostly bad.

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Pretty damn solid

6'2 ~200 here. Trying to hammer my abs on this bulk. Hitting them almost everytime i'm in the gym

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I'm the same height and weight as you
I'm onto you
post those twig legs

>6’0, 150lbs.
in awe at the bones on this lad. absolute skeleton.

Pics? So "lifting during puberty closes growth plates" is a meme?

cant believe i never thought to hold the phone up like that.

fuck, i just saw this and spit all over my monitor

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not many shirtless ones cus im fat as fuck rn.
(recovering bodybuilder, used to do powerlifting and have had trouble getting the weight off)

def need to take some shirtless ones for progress pics tho

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just bony things™

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191cm, 93kg
Idk my 1RM, but I do 5x5 with
BP 110KG
DL 150KG

I also got a question. Are my legs very weak compared to the rest of my body? And how much bigger should they be for it to look proportional?

You're strong.
You are a long haired powerlifter.

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You are literally the size of a woman. Pathetic.

Shit looks like a tumour man

You look good. Lanklet, but good. Mirin.

This dude has a propel attached to his head.

You're goal tier for when I'm 24. I wish I wasn't a manlet.

5' 10" 190
S 405
B 250
D 415

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>shirt doesnt say ouch
you fucking faggot

>180lbs (82kg)
last time ill post this one, going to continue bulking up probably to 190 maybe 200 then cut down

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Got a good delt pump going. Camera is facing upwards right now

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Not lifting, just going for short walks.

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obviously not current if you still have your wedding band on

Post body faggot

6’5” 206

>40lbs lost
>recent lifts:
>140kgx6 squat
>190kgx5 deadlift
>110kgx5 bench
>75kgx6 OHP

gotta keep cutting

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Been lifting for 3 1/2 months, dyel af but gotta start somewhere ae

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You’ve got a good frame man, good trap and arm genetics too. Keep going and make sure to do lots of flyes

Dates for before/after?

I'm about 20 lbs down with 1 month in, and when I started I looked like your before.

178cm (5'10)
76 Kg

cutting from 80kg to 70kg

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3 months gained 3 kg (currently 70kg), 1,77m manlet

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Yes, I weigh 158 for fuck’s sake

I hear this all the time. It’s genetics— I’m built to be “aesthetic”, not big & strong. My lifts are pathetic but I look alright because of hypertrophy training and my insertions

They are September 10ish to today, however I took 6 weeks off between thanksgiving and christmas

Nice work man. Hopefully I'll be there soon.

Progress from 2013, 2015, 2017, and now. Not sure where to go from here, plan on just getting tan af and enjoying the summer then maybe doing a lean mass phase in the fall.

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>1 kg a month
what are you doing? are you lifting?

Would absolutely smash, no homo.

178cm 74kg, 3 months on a split after 6-8 months of oly
what should I work on brehs?

mirin hard, stats?

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the jump between 2015 and 2017 is very impressive. what did you do during those two years?

What the hell is your routine? I need to get my twink on this.

Really nice progress user congrats, stats?


The Archimedes of our time

Thanks brehs, you'll make it
I'm doing Legs/Push/Pull/Shoulders split

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Yep, are those shit numbers?

>bubble butt

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What exercises for the ass though?

6-7 months from fatmode

55kg(120) OHP
95kg(210) Bench
125kg(275) Squat
150kg(330) Deadlift
How do I look and are my lifts good?

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Why are so many of us 5’7 manlets 130lbs?

My dips are elite on that website :)

you're more or less the same weight/height as me () and we have very similar lifts, my bench and squat are a little higher than yours but my diddly is a bit lower. am I right in thinking you cut down from being fat? because I bulked up from being a skeleton. how long have you been lifting?

165 lbs

Haven’t maxed on weights in a while so I’m not sure about lifts

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5'10 165 lbs

do I continue bulking>

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if you want to get bigger then yes, otherwise no

>168cm (certified manlet)
>Bench 95kg
>Squat 155kg
>Deadlift 205kg
>Ohp 60kg
God tier push strength

Time to fuck up summer

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try lifting

I used to lift a lot about 3 years ago (my squat and DL where 140 and 180 back then) and was fairly lean. Then I got a demanding job, girlfriend and started drinking a lot more and got fat (100kg)
Got dumped 7 months ago and started going to school, started gymming and now I'm here

Mirin. Legs?

looks like you're making progress man, keep at it

Aesthetic as shit.

167 lb

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Cutting. I made some mistakes but I am proud, not satisfied by any means, just proud of myself so far. I used to be 280lbs of just fat, in a year lost 110lbs and got down to skelly mode at 170lbs. Then I began lifting at 19, 22 now. My lifting was inconsistent and I primarily did Powerlifting, bench-290lbs squat 315lbs deadlift 475lbs


I never trained arms or abs. I realize my physique will look odd, but I want to cut down to 190lbs as fast as possible so I can bulk the correct way and even out my disproportions like my chest.

So any advice? How fast, no matter how unhealthy it is, do you think I can cut all this fat away?

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