
>Know that I'm indifferent to other races
>Could kill an entire classroom of white children if it meant my life
>Wonder if it's smarter to follow my instincts or if I should try and go against them and build a better reality

What's your answer to this question?


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>mixed to the point of not having a race
>raised in majority white areas with christian values and conservative viewpoints
>parents would always try to stay away from majority black or spic areas and tell me not to stare if we ever went through those areas
>all my friends were white growing up
>all of this led to me being white-washed and preferring whites to any other race
>but it doesn't matter because white people hate me for being mixed

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All races hate mixed race people. Get over it loser.

OP here, same.
I don't like whites, blacks, or mestizos.

The only place I can go in the world that has my race is Puerto Rico. Brazil is too dangerous.

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Read this fags
>be half romanian
>be half hungarian
>live in Transilvania

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Just come to America the home of the mutt

And have to see niggers all the time and get shoot?
No thanks, i prefer to kill sandniggers with my fellow slavs.

You're not wrong about black people being rough on the eyes.

They're not all ugly though

Being mixed race is brilliant.
If its really giving you some sort of identity crisis then move to a fucking metropolitan city.

>born a mixed race Englishman
>won the lottery of life twice over

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Once you know some morfopsychology to see their monkey inferior faces its hard.

In America if you're half black you just identity as black and don't get the identity crisis. The identity crisis is more for people like hapas. Obama just identifies as black and calls it a day.

Not going to identify as a fucking monkey race, sorry.

I'd rather go through an identity crisis my whole life than identify as black


>build a better reality
Except you won't you'll just destroy everything and create nothing.

We don't hate you. We're scared of you.

We have to be perfectly honest - Hispanic and Black people are very violent, very unpleasant to be around. Everyone knows this. Even they know it, which is why they keep coming to white countries.

It's not hate (well, some people do hate, but it stems from fear).

How do you think it feels to never be able to relax, and always have to worry about hatred and violence FOR NO REASON. Black people and hispanics do so much crime and violence for no reason at all. Just because. Stealing, vandalizing, violence, everything. For no reason. When you live around them, especially quite a lot of them, your everyday life is just SHIT. It's depressing and unhappy. That's why whites always move away when lots of blacks move in.

So when you meet a mixed race person, you're always on edge wondering if you're safe. It's not personal. It's just like being around a dangerous dog breed. You just never know.

Only if you're surrounded by the same levels of admixtured people; thus you find solace in that fact

For countries like Australia I've noticed many times mixed race identity crisis occurs to half africans here too.

The only half admixtures peoples here who seem to not take issue in their identity is half cast aborigines. It's quite clear that this is due to there being so many of them.

If you're not ugly; you're still white so you would still get accepted in any white community.

>be half monkey
>I'm not part of that monkey race!
Your monkey brain is showing

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>he thinks I'm that poster


Because you're neither of what you're mixed with, your race IS MIXED. And you wonder why no one accepts you while crying "woe is me".

So you're trying to tell me that if you mix Yellow and Blue, the result is someone going to be solely one of what the mixtures of it is? It'll be Half-Blue so it can say it's Blue? It'll be Half-Yellow so it can say it's Yellow?
No you fag, the color is then Green. Green can try to act Blue or Yellow, but it'll get rejected mostly every-time. Why? Because Green can choose to identify as Yellow or Blue in it's heart, but to the world it'll always be Green.

You mixed fucks have the freedom to make your OWN culture but you choose to desperately grab on the coattails of the culture of others because you're such pussies.

I'm telling you, if we ever have a racewar, best believe whatever you identify with STILL will take aim on you.

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>Could kill an entire classroom of white children if it meant my life
white and I could kill entire classroom of black or mixed race children just for the sake of it

I think it's because America had the history of the one drop rule so you have a lot of people who are mixed identifying as Black like the Creoles. There wasn't that history for Asians so half Asian goes through the identity crisis here more than half Black.

In America that isn't the case. If you're half Black you're accepted as Black especially if you lived in Black neighborhoods all your life.

Thanks user you fixed me

I identify as mixed now

What race do you look like?

If it makes you feel any better, I don't have a problem with difrent races or mixed races. (I'm a slav btw) I mean they catch my eye, becouse there aren't many here, but the ones I know are chil.

A black/hispanic/gipsy form a first worold country is probably better than a white guy from Libanon or some shit

>moral: society is far more important than race

look closest to an indian

No they aren't and you're just pulling that "case" out of your ass. You are considered a pseudo-Black just as much as Whites would consider you pseudo-White. Blacks are even more so about calling out mixed people like how I just did more than anyone. Colorism itself is a plague in the Black community, but you're sitting here trying to comfort muts with fallacies like "Don't worry Black ppl will accept you"??
Top kek

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teehee i kill the classroom of white children haha i love to race bait haha i literally can't stop myself i have to race bait teehee i am so funny and clever watch me race bait haha you mad white boys haha brb going to post two 'nigger' threads and one about asians haha

Many Blacks voted for Obama and were excited for Obama being the first Black president and Obama is mixed. Do you not remember 2008?

I clearly remember it. Blacks are so desperate to claim any victory they can that they abide by the racist one-drop rule ONLY when it benefits them. If Obama was some criminal, best believe they'd be going "Das nut ourz he White".
Another example, when a mixed person ages well, they'll say "dats dem Black genes" or "Black don't crack", while if they age horribly it's "Dats dem White jeans"
It's a vicious double standard by it's still the exception.
You think Blacks LIKE being represented in media by only MIXED people?? There's an agenda to pass off Mixed people as Black so obvious that even most of those dumbasses have caught on and scream about how they're not represented enough.
I believe you know this, but your confirmation bias is deadset on believing otherwise.

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Fuck off Eliot

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It is most cruel what was done to you. I hope you hater your parents

I would hate mine, but they're Christians.
One is 30% black and female.

I would probably shoot them if they were both Atheists.

Cubans and Puerto Ricans created a pretty nice world to live in, so I don't know about that.

WHite people except hicks and /poltards usually don't actually care.

>Black people and Hispanic people are the same thing

That's not true.

Black people are 100x worse than Hispanic people.

You're not safe in a black neighborhood.
I've lived in a Hispanic neighborhood for 14 years, and I've never had my house broken into.

>They don't care

They do though.
Most white people only have white friends.

Racemixing and creating halfbreed children is one of the most selfish and cruelest things a person can do.
The mixed race offspring will be shunned from the two races they were birthed from, lacking a spiritual home or ancestral connection to anyone, thing or anywhere.
They walk through life as empty shells, ghosts of former men.

>Tom's Diner

Wow nice OP I forgot that song existed this is a great 90s song

>Won the lottery of life twice
Can't wait to see your picture in the next stabbing occurrence as the stabber or stabbee.
You're the product of imperial rape. Get used to the fact that your identity was not born out of love.