Bench press technique -- shoulder pain

Never had any issues with bench until I recently started a new routine. I'm now doing fewer reps and heavier weight. It seems to be improving my strength, but now that I'm going heavier, it seems to be showing the cracks in my form.

My left shoulder hurts a lot at the bottom of my rep, in the front, where my arm meets my chest. It doesn't hurt after my workout.

My upper back hurts after my workout. Feels very tight.

I'm gripping the bar with hands a little closer together (about 1-2inches) than they should be, such that my upper arms are going about 10 degrees past parallel to the ground when the bar touches my chest.

How can I improve my form?

Attached: ctpa2t.jpg (1080x1350, 240K)

Idk maybe widening your grip

Are you arching your back?

Do NOT do this.

I had to widen my grip very slightly (like a cm on each side) and it did wonders for my form and ROM.

OP, don't over-widen your grip, but a tiny adjustment might help.

Yes, I try to arch my back and pull my shoulder blades back so that I have a base to push off of.

Why should I not widen my grip?

Just curious what your reasons are. My own reason is that for some reason I can lift more with a narrower grip. I already widened my grip by 1-2cm from a few weeks ago, because it used to be even more narrow. I can't go much wider because of a wrist injury a couple years ago, it seems to put more strain on my wrist when I widen it.

she's very cute her butt probably smells good i'd like to sniff it

everyone's bodies are different faggot.

Your forms gotta be off. Add in a 3x3-4sets with a 2210 tempo on your accessory bench day. it should be like 5-10kg less than your 5x5 weight (dont do it on your bench day)

Really think about keeping tight as you lower it, and dont rest it on your chest, maybe keep the bar 1cm off your chest to stop you doing this. Have at least 2 min rest between sets.

Is there somewhere where I could post a video of my reps and get feedback?

this thread.....? or do you not have a vid atm. otherwise any qtddws

maybe youtube retard

second this actuallyStop being a brainlet and learn what the correct form is. It will do you better in the long run

Retract your fucking scapula op.

>My upper back hurts after my workout. Feels very tight.

never came to mind. But I agree this kid probably doesnt know what retracting your scapula really is. he is just shrugging when he benches

Sounds like your grip is too narrow and/or the bar is touching your chest too low down. Don't let your shoulders round forward.

from what you are saying, it seems like you just have biceps tendonitis. had that shit last year and I'd recommend you to go see a doctor and step back from doing heavy lifts. otherwise, it will fuck you up even more


i had shoulder pain and i was just gripping the bar to close and not isolating my chest enough. make sure your wrists are wide enough so that when you come down to touch your chest with the bar your arms are still perpendicular to the floor like this L. If your grip is too close your arms will look like this /_ and that weight causes your shoulder to internally rotate and can cause rear delt pain.

Tldr, but you need to start benching like a powerlifter

I had the same issue as you and then I found out that I was doing a T-pose 90 degrees with my elbows.

Once I had some rest and got to around 70 degrees I've never had pains in my left shoulder anymore

Attached: lessthan90.jpg (507x269, 18K)

Have somebody give you a lift off, my shoulders started killing me around 250 having someone do a lift off fixed the problem

do it with a slightly closer grip and it will sort itself out, also lower the weight until you adjust to the new position/form.

now i'm not saying you should do close grip bench, just have a slightly narrower grip than usual. also bring the bar to your nipples

very astute my man