I feel bad about a lot of horrible shit I've said on here against you user, I understand being lonely is terrible and my bf, the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful man ever was a virgin before me, so just being a virgin is no reason for me to dislike someone and I don't think it should be held against you.
Then you praise mass murderers and spew horrible shit against women and refuse to recognize women have the right to say no to you too and I lose whatever sympathy I had for you.
Action = Reaction horrible shit you say = School shooters and mass murders
Is not hard to understand.
Matthew Moore
I say horrible shit AFTER you people praise people who commit mass murder, so you got your action and reaction mixed there, pal. That said my bf never expressed any of the horrible shit you people post on here.
Dominic Lee
People say all sorts of edgy shit on here, Jow Forums isn't one person, and if you lose respect for a board because of ironic shitposting then you're just retarded. No one cares that you have a bf or how he's such a nice guy and better than me and how you'd never consider me and I'm a subhuman, your only purpose here is to remind me that I'm alone and don't know how to talk to women. Go away if the board bothers you that much, we sure would appreciate it.
Mason Parker
>ironic I wish.
John Wood
(i don't need your sympathy, cunt.
some killing sprees are well done - in that case, the mass murderer deserves praise. some are poorly done - in that case the mass murderer deserves mockery.
Go away. Please? All you do is make me sad, and you get angry by being here. It works out for both of us.
Leo Hernandez
I only regret that he didn't get you you whore.
Roasties are under the delusion that they're worth anything more than their holes. They therefore equivocate the value of putting something in (dicks) with things coming out (words).
Dylan Morris
You try being a loser whom no one wants your entire life and see if you don't become a little fucked in the head. It comes with the territory, you never felt bad for us, you just felt bad that you had to see us. Your coping to justify your continued existence in lala land
Matthew Barnes
>You try being a loser whom no one wants your entire life and see if you don't become a little fucked in the head I didn't, neither did my bf. We are both each other's firsts. Being virgins didn't make us become a little fucked in the head like you.
Hunter Jackson
well people say horrible shit to shooters before. and when they snap. you are all wondering how could this be prevented.
Human mind is fragile and any shit you do with people has a domino effect.
>people say horrible shit to shooters before Rejecting you is not saying horrible shit to you, you are not entitled to other people. I had horrible shit said to me too but I didn't snap.
>any shit you do with people has a domino effect Same for you. All this shit you say and do just makes people hate you and reject you more.
Michael Morris
>she thinks being a reject is all about whether or not you've lost your virginity You really have no idea
Logan Wood
I was rejected by my peers well before I met my bf, user. And you're the people who make it all about not having sex.
Jeremiah Hughes
Listen, you fucking idiot. You are a normie, you were a normie while you were a virgin as well. Same goes for your bf. You have no comprehension of what it's like to be a robot, it's a hell of a lot more than just not having sex. You don't belong here, so fuck off.
But you are not other people Others will do under certain pressure.
And the shooter is thinking "well you are not entitled to live" and they kill
>Same for you. All this shit you say and do just makes people hate you and reject you more. Which is fine. Is not like i was given good things before but don't cry when one of us snap You are basically playing with explosives when you tease people.
Ryan Adams
You cannot fathom the amount of self hatred real robots have. We could never get a gf even if we were good looking because its about having an inferiority complex due to years of rejection and bullying. As a female you have no idea what it's like to be expendable because you have inherent value. Men have no inherent value as people
Adrian Young
You have no right to murder peopel, period. That's what you don't get. If you believe thinking like that is acceptable, you're wrong. People aren't going to submit to you out of fear, you wanting that is only going to create hatred and resentment against you. All that's going to happen is people like you are going to get ostracized more, and any pre-emptive assault on you will be justified.
Jeremiah Cooper
no right, but the privilege. >pre-emptive assault will be justified not likely.
Bentley Evans
Why don't you go to a gunman and see how powerful your argument is against a bullet? You dumb roastie whore, people like you are the reason these things happen.
Luke Ross
You talk like we're all murderers. Are you retarded?
Connor Stewart
>not likely Yes likely. Guns will be taken away from you, and when a guy beats you to near death with his fists, or a girl pepper sprays/tasers you, they'll point out you're a murderous incel and their actions will be completely justified.
Ryder Thomas
Keep threatening to shoot kids and watch those guns get taken away from you, bud.
Camden Carter
ITT: No True Scotsman fallacy in full effect. Jow Forums has no right to call itself enlightened.
Evan Long
school shooters already don't have legal access to guns, are you retarded? if those people assault someone they deem to be an incel without the person having done anything, they're going to jail. or do you live in a 3rd world country without the rule of law?
Gabriel Sanders
Tell me, would that fallacy apply to a Muslim immigrant claiming to be a Scotsman?
>school shooters already don't have legal access to guns Sure, that's why every shooting happens in America where you have legal access to guns and never anywhere else where you don't have easy access to guns. Retard.
>if those people assault someone they deem to be an incel without the person having done anything If it's an incel he's already stalked and harassed a girl against her will, so no, he did do something.
Joseph Richardson
Okay, you're trolling. I refuse to believe you're actually this dense. Subtle, made me reply.
Thomas Taylor
A girl can claim he was stalking/harassing her and the guy acted in her defense, which is legal, and it being an incel you're talking about it would be true. So is the girl acting in self-defense against creepy you.