The life of a cuck worth it for love?

>23 khv
>depressed af and ready to give up
>meet random girl of tinder
>way too open about her history
>completely turned off
>go with it anyway because, why not?
>fall in love with each other
>happiest times of my life
>start getting real serious
>talk about marriage and kids
>like the idea, but marrying used goods seems laughable and not fair
>tell her this
>pretty much break up

I honestly don't know how to feel, she was a great girl and being with her was awesome, but a life of a cuck isn't worth it, right? I miss her a lot but the only way I'll get her back, according to her is 'accept her completely'. Like I'm cool to accept that shit happened, it sucks but I'd rather just forget it and move on, she wants to talk about it and be open about it, not hide the shame.

What the fuck should I do? I love her but a life of lying to myself seems wrong but a life without her sucks. The weekend drug bender I just did, did nothing for me, she was always on my mind the entire time.

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Apologize. Accept her.
Understand you're not the only man alive and that other people are allowed to pursue joy in a relationship before you.
If you love her you'll accept her user.
Now good luck

You already know what you gotta do user, why are you asking here? You made up your mind before you even finished writing your post.

Good luck my dude.

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What do you value more? Your pride or your love for her?

This would be a lot easier if you told us what she did that was so bad.

>Understand you're not the only man alive and that other people are allowed to pursue joy in a relationship before you
Literally cuck, opinion disregarded

I haven't though, both options end with a bunch of regret, lose the love of my life or spend an eternity of mind fucks

Tough choice, I love her alot but spending a lifetime pretending to be okay with her past seems the fucking worst, but then again so is being alone, thinking about 'the one that got away'

Slept with 5 different guys in the year before we meet (one including why she she stuck me in the friend zone). Was a virgin before that (21), so she would have be fucking perfect, but nope today's slut positive society claims another happy relationship.

I would say go for it. 5 guys is probably less than what most of her peers have taken at that age.

>Slept with 5 different guys in the year before we meet

Do you want to roll the dice?

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If I were you I wouldn't. If she wanted to put it behind her then maybe it would be ok but because she's proud of her animalistic behavior then you'll always be 6th banana

Are you still a virgin OP?

You were a 23 year old KHV and a girl loved and accepted you. That's enough to make most robots here totally jealous and you love her but you're not going to do the same? Look at where you're posting, you were a khv at 23, you're not exactly looking like Mr. Right and she probably accepts you more than you accept her. Also her being "way too open" about things with you is great, why keep secrets? And she gave you the happiest times of your life, right?

You should totally dump her and try your best to move on. You'll be miserable no matter what you do but you'll probably never get over it and always have a chip on your shoulder and grow to resent her for it. She can find someone else to be happy with and you can be unhappy by yourself, at least one of you wins that way. From all of your other replies it seems that you're already set on sabotaging your relationship and destined to end up alone forever.

Lamo so this is what happens when browse too much Jow Forums, stick to anime retard, clearly your too far gone for a real relationship.

Keep going and don't look back. Running back to her with your tail between your legs will make you an uber-cuck.

No, but please don't be that 'well then it shouldn't matter ;^)' like I understand it but fuck you.

Look man I get your idea and I would really love to give it my all but just imagine constantly be reminded that the love of your life, that you've given everything was a dirty ho with no respect, try accepting that for the rest of your life.

Never watched anime brah

These are the reasons why I'm considering it might be a blessing that we're over

Yeah, I'm thinking that but I might regret not rerolling for smaller numbers, I mean if I get a virgin cutie, that'll be worth the potential dying alone, right?

I genuinely don't understand this. People are just people. If someone loves you then you need to get over their past and just accept that they want to be a better person for you.
I feel like half the reason everyone here is so fucking lonely is that they have the most unrealistic standards.
So be miserable faggot. or accept that people make mistakes and move on.

>a dirty ho
>has only fucked 5 guys

>Not wanting strange dick in ya girl in a unrealistic standard

I mean, in today's society you're correct but that does make it okay

>I like licking up other guys cum, the post.

>robot somehow gets a female to fall in love with him
>loves her too
>won't marry her because "muhh used goods, you're not pure"
Is it possible to be this stupid?

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>I'll take anyone, I have no standards for my partners or myself.

Are you actively trying to piss me off, user? Go ahead and be unhappy like the rest of us.

>>completely turned off
>>go with it anyway because, why not?
Yeah, that is what you should have thought about.

If you actually expect you're gonna get a virgin gf in the western world in the 21st century you're gonna die alone.

Accept it. this isn't the 1950's
You're going to spend the rest of your life alone if you leave her and expect a pure virgin at that age

You must be looking in all the wrong areas. I've met three (3) women with morals such as no sex before marriage.

And you believed them?
My fookin sides

I examined their hymens firsthand. Ran DNA tests on their vaginal walls for traces of semen. 100% clean, what now nerd?

>Slept with 5 different guys in the year before we meet
Don't think with your Dick, user. Women like that are only good for fucking and nothing more

Op here with an update, I've started talking to her, so not all's lost. That said, she's pretty much stuck on the 'parnter counts don't matter, so accept it' logic so I'm going to have to leave her...or maybe just stay with her while I look for better options? I didn't want to do that before but if she's this much of an unforgiving whore,then I might as well cheat on her (plus it wouldn't matter because it'd be in the past when she finds out, thus not a problem according to her logic)

If you havent fucked it up already, fuck her a few more times and dump her

>reeee stop liking what i dont like
Original post

5 guys is nothing. Regular girls are hitting the 30s by the time they turn 25.

You're fucking retarded, you only become a cuck if she cheats on you while you are dating her. I understand the used goods meme but don't use a word that literally has a different definition.

choose one

>I'm cool to accept that shit happened, it sucks but I'd rather just forget it and move on
forget it?
>she wants to talk about it and be open about it, not hide the shame.
she wants to talk about fucking guys before you with you, on the regular? I'm confused, please provide more info user

>first ever woman
>Mug purity

You mug, stay with her, reap the benefits of a relationship but look for a new, better girl. Women see men who are in relationship as more attractive, and take pleasure in winning them from other women

shhhhhh don't help him lol

You should break up with her. I can tell from your posts that you are legitimately not mature enough to be in a serious relationship.

>Ran DNA tests on their vaginal walls for traces of semen.
Okay you got me

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Yeah forget, my bad

Not really, I think she's learnt not to talk about it but thay said, she has herpes and wants to be able to discuss it and shit, I'd rather she suffer in silence, like I do when I get an outbreak (from her)

Literally my thoughts now, I'm going to take a dive and agree with her, get some sex while looking for a better option. After the shit I've had to deal with, I want her to the wall without any options, roasties need to be toasted for their ways

Btw anyone know how to grab hookers in Oz? I think it'll be funny if she sucks my dick after I pound a literal hoes ass

You clearly don't love her. She will fuck your life over especially if you take her back now.

Find a virgin or girl with one prior partner

>Btw anyone know how to grab hookers in Oz? I think it'll be funny if she sucks my dick after I pound a literal hoes ass
Jeez op you're an asshole lmao. How long did you date her? Definitely sounds like you hate her or you're mentally ill

2 years m8

I love her but she's been brainwashed by society. I pity her but everything must have a consequence

Also very likely I've got a mental issue, or did you fucking forget the OP

I wish void juice was real.

Exact same situation here bro, its hard but forget her, you were just the next guy on the list and theres gonna be a guy after you

Girls like that pretend a lot too, for you its first love and all these new feelings but she has been through that 5 times before so it isnt special to her but she pretends it is

C'mon bro, virginity is only a meme.

Call her immediately , and be happy with her. This could be not for forever, but it will still be much better than having regrets for all of your life

>virginity is only a meme.
It's really not.
If a women had previous sexual partners and they broke up with her, you will always be second choice (at best but probably more like 10th choice).

If a women had previous partners and she broke up with him, you're just another guy she claims to "love".

You can not ask for something that actually you don't have. It's just unfair.

Sounds like you dodged a bullet friend. Sucks in the short run but you're better off not falling into her trap.

>to her is 'accept her completely'.
This is the real red flag.
If she was even a remotely good women she would have agreed and regretted the fact that you weren't her first.

Saying you have to accept her is basically saying she doens't care about you and that she doesn't regret her failed "relationships" and even worse that she thinks that those failed "relationships" are worth more than the one she has now.

>5 different guys
Never forget to multiply by 3.

holy shit OP your life almost turn in to a meme.

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You sound like my ex. He got with me knowing my history, but broke up with me for it later on (and was super mean about it for no reason like it was my fault he dated me?). Why are you whining about or feeling torn at all when you did all of this to yourself from the very beginning? It's pants on head retarded to date someone you're disgusted with, you can't have a practice gf irl and expect to just BE happy, IT WAS A MEME OP you weren't supposed to actually do it, fucking madman

not OP but i didnt ask my exgirl abt past bfs till 3 months in
she damn near sang me a song with nothing but names

she is lying and you have to multiply that by 3. very common for women to lie about their sexual history.

don't worry I don't even give your type the time of day.

> If she was even a remotely good women she would have agreed and regretted the fact that you weren't her first.

yeah something felt off to me too and that's it. She doesnt regret it and therefore she wont regret leaving you either. She sees no mistake in having slept with 5 dudes in a year.

>for no reason
>is a whore
>for no reason
Yeah yeah keep deflecting all responsibility for your actions like you always do. You never had to face consequences for your whoring around so why start now. better hop back on the cock carousel.

So what about OP now?
Every girl he sleeps with will be his 2nd choice. He is now in the same boat as used goods.
He cannot demand a virgin gf unless he is a virgin himself

Men and women have different standards.
Women don't want an inexperienced man and don't mind being second choice as long as they can get part of a male's attention.
They actually like it when men already have a women because it proves he has status.

have fun being sad and lonely living with massive sense of regret :)

>dating someone who's not a virgin = being a cuck

I think you're a fucking idiot.

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You're such a cuck that you ought to cut off what's left of your shriveled balls.

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Dude, he knew what he signed up for. What kind of person gets mad at a girl for shit she told him on the very first date? It's like he thought he could be ok with it and then he just threw a little temper tantrum and wanted to break up.

Yes user cuck out for her now that she is done riding the cock carousel and is ready to "settle down" :^) be a good boy and don't forget to eat her stretched out cunt out that swallowed gallons of other guy's cum and probably still does since she has shown that relationships mean nothing to her, she'll fuck around like always.

robot here.
real question. can you find any better? if you don't you'll be stuck here forever - with us.

>Being okay with your girlfriend fucking other men.
>Not being a cuck.

That is why you'll die a khv

A cuck is who lets their girlfriend fuck other men while they're dating, not before they even knew each other.

>if I use an overused insult that has little meaning on Jow Forums I surely can get them to accept my whoring around and settle for one of my fellow used up roasties as a beta provider while we continue to fuck around hahaha

Always pride, no matter how iniquitous it is.

>That's enough to make most robots here totally jealous
I'll never be jealous of used goods.

So fucking be it

>That is why you'll die a khv
As if I give a shit at this point

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Ok, better than to cuck out to some used up whore that is ready to settle down once she hits the wall.