Fasting to lose 18 pounds

I'm going to be fasting tomorrow to lose 18 pounds. It's going to last a week or two.

Am I gonna die? I've gone 2 days no food. I don't know if I can make it past that.

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May I ask why you’re going to fast?

your gonna die at 3 weeks in no food fast. Don't do it. instead of fasting just replace all your daily foods with salad and water.

Keep your electrolytes replenished (potassium/sodium chloride) and you'll be fine.

im on week 4 make sure to take your salts

18 pounds of fat probably took you 6 months to acquire. Do you honestly believe you may cancel months of glutony in one week or 2? Think again

Yes. I've lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks fasting. I can do more than that not eating between fasts.

Is fasting really the fastest way to lose weight?

Or is a little bit of food with exercise fastest?

Retard lol

It's the only way to lose weight

Fasting is literally the fastest way to lose weight.

Fasting + Cardio would lose you the most weight the fastest

By that logic, 75 pounds took 2 years to acquire, and I already lose them in 5 months.

Literally and I mean literally never going to make it.
>muh 50lbs of weight in 10 days
Enjoy being skinnyfat and low test for the rest of your life.
>being a man and not eating for days
Fasting aka starving yourself is literally what teenage girls do. You're a disgrace for even thinking about starving yourself.

Take your fat ass to the gym, lift hard and just eat slightly less. Do this for a year and you'll look better than 99.9% of fasting soyboy redditors.

I lost 18 pounds in my first week on the snake diet
Youll be fine if you stick to it

>hurr don't use stored energy for its intended purpose.
Go be stupid somewhere else.

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Who is claiming to lose 50 lbs in 10 days?

Can you please provide a logical reason as to why fasting is a disgrace? It's one of the oldest traditions in civilization. Why are you angry at it?

Because he needs his six meals a day. Otherwise his tummy hurts.

Fuck me just go on runs you lazy fat wastrel

It's more enjoyable and efficient than starving yourself

Loosing weight isn't something you unlock, living a healthier lifestyle makes you lose weight, you fast yourself to lose weight then what?

You are just going to stay skinny without exercising? Fasting is stupid, just eat healthier and don't snack as much, do cardio at least 5 days a week for 10 minutes

t. believes MAD bullshit

only six? I prefer to carry around an IV drip that constantly pumps carbohydrates into my bloodstream