Is Jow Forums pro-life or pro-choice?

is Jow Forums pro-life or pro-choice?

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Pro-life. r9k hates people who have sex, especially women, and take joy in the idea of a woman being punished with an unwanted child for having sex.

pro choice because it's better for the economy

pro-choice but more specifically pro-abortion

Is it? Isn't it better for there to be more people since they'll spend more money?

I'm the childish kind of person who chooses not to care, when his realistic ideals can't be met. In a perfect world, people wouldn't be fucking if they didn't want to make a baby, and since that's an impossible goal, people should do whatever.

Pro choice because capitalism

I'm pro-death

I'm pro death

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Abortion is murder for the sake of financial benefit. There way to ignore that

I'm pro death. Everyone deserves to be aborted.

Pro choice up to 1 month from conception.
If you didn't know you were pregnant at that point or are undecided about the baby you are a fucking retard and should just put the child up for adoption.

I just can't find the effort to care. It's such a non-issue to me.

>miss period
"oh maybe i should get a pregnancy test"
"i don't want this baby"
>It's already been 1 month

giving women control of their reproductive cycles allows them to stop being baby-slaves and allows them to work more, get higher education, and eventually start a family when they are in the proper position to, raising a child in a way that is more likely to impart financial success on to said child.

contraception should be chosen over abortion though, cause obvs it is actually killing a (potential) child

maybe you should learn some basic fucking biology before you make an opinion. many women don't even know they're pregnant at 1 month. often times, there's not even enough hormones to trigger a positive pregnancy test, you fucking idiot. ALSO, a doctor can't perform an abortion until there's a positive pregnancy test and evidence that the pregnancy is in the uterus. you can't see the pregnancy on ultrasound at 1 month. fucking idiot.

Pro-life but OP, your pic is a meme. I haven`t been to a rally in a couple decades but as I remember we didn't go the "baby killer" route. It was deemed ineffective.
We did have the other signs. I remember "adoption the loving option" and "choose life" being two more.

pro-choice. i'm okay with it being socially stigmatized but i think the option needs to be there.

rabidly pro-choice. i want to murder pro-lifers like they murdered Dr. Tiller

that's kike talk, giving them control over reproduction destroyed the west and family.

Contraception, premartial sex and abortions (except in the case of a married woman whose life is in danger) should all be illegal.

Pro choice because it keeps more wastes of oxygen and food like me from being born

I'm against the birth of more humans, especially in shitholes. Which is to say in most of the world today.

No matter how hard I try, I will never understand pro choice. The baby you are killing would have eventually been a person, so you are destroying a life.
Abortion reminds me of something some retarded black tribe in Africa would use so they can have sex without the consequences. Abortion is an aspect of society that is ass backwards.

>wait until last egg passes thru tubes
>get shot full of chad semen
>9 months later
>autistic manchild is born
you know having children later is the #1 reason for the autism epidemic right

I'm a lolbertarian so pro-choice but I still have a massive spiritual/ethical problem with it.

Pro-life because I cannot reconcile an arbitrary cut off point for when a fetus becomes a human life with rights with my moral structure.
Under most normies moral systems, post-birth abortion (that is killing the baby while it's still like 1 or 2 years old) is no different to pre-birth abortion.

>muh moral structur

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This couldn't be further from the truth. 99% of pro choicers would be against killing a baby out of the womb.

how they did it in greece is you'd just take the baby once it was born and leave it on a mountainside.

sometimes people will have babies it would've been better not to have, and their mothers will kill them.

As much as making roasties deal with their consequences apeals to me, I think it isn't fair for the baby to be born without a stable and capable family ready for them. Just because their irresponsible parents couldn't give a fuck doesn't mean that babies should subjected to a shitty upbringing. I wish people could stop fucking up so bad but sadly they cant, so I consider abortion a mercy to the child, as strange as that sounds.

If I could somehow know that I was about to be born because of an accident, by a single mother who won't even give a shit about me, I would want to be aborted.

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fuck. im just going to shed a tear for my murdered kids. i could of had a reason instead of just being a menace

>My body, my choice!

yh but what about the other body inside you?

pro choice i dont care about people and dont want society full of retarded nigger babies

I never stated anything about them being FOR post-birth abortion, rather the logic that gets them to the conclusion of when to cut off abortion leads them down that path, of course they'd always reject post birth abortion under some feelies argument.
Usually it's based ilon the development of the fetus, will it feel something or can it sufficiently survive on its own but the abortion cut off age is different from country to county. There's no consensus, it's based on different factors everywhere. There isn't even a medical consensus. For me it just comes down to not being able to say when abortion should not happen, and neither can anyone with any real validity.
Even ignoring the spook, give me the cut off point with an argument and you may convince me otherwise.

Children are property. In addition to that, they are a product of your biology, so there is no real argument against them being property.

is masturbation mass murder then?

>give me a cut off point
Conception is when unique DNA is formed, so that is when I regard a new life entering the world. I wouldn't cut off anything, I respect anyone's choice to kill their offspring.

Pro Life

If we were born to Suffer, why should others be spared from this Fate?

state mandated commitment of many years to that kid, a life-changing amount of years

it's kill or be killed

I don't know what either of those mean and don't really care.

So you're acknowledging the baby to be an independent life worthy being deemed as such yet you're ok with killing it? I guess that'd be totally ok if you're up for legalising literal murder then? What stops someone from just offing you or someone kicking your (theoretical) wife's stomach in and killing your kid?

"Pro-life" means you are pro government intervention in the choices of individuals and the banning of abortion.

"Pro-choice" means you are pro government intervention in the choices of individuals and want taxes taken at gunpoint to pay for your abortion.

with certain exceptions ofc.

It's more like fuck or don't fuck considering sex's function isn't to be a frivolous act of pleasure.

What? Pro choice just means you're in support of a woman's choice to abort her pregnancy, it has nothing to do with tax dollars going to said choice.

>legalising liter murder
"Murder" is a moralist word that doesn't mean anything outside of subjective frames. "Murder" is a "just" killing, I put forward that killing is just killing, there is no just outside of the arbitrary preferences inside individual minds.
>What stops someone from just offing you or someone kicking your (theoretical) wife's stomach in and killing your kid?
I stop them with violence, or I don't and my family and I fall victim to violence.

So you're against taxpayers funding abortions against their will? That's good. What about the choice of the father that gave his seed to fertilize the egg that lead to that pregnancy?

Pro choice. No excuses anymore. Affordable birth control. Adoption. Just not being stupid. I had sex ed in middle school.

I am a child of the foster care system and me and my foster siblings all graduated college (all of 4 of us) with master degrees.

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>>What stops someone
Or I live in a tribe, like a state, and that society has certain protections and laws that help prevent violence to some degree.

>pro-choice means you want taxpayers to pay for abortions
Read the Hyde Amendment, dumbass. taxpayers aren't paying for abortions.

I'm anti child sacrifice.

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That would be nice, but it is never the case these days. Abortion being legal and "a medical prodcedure" means that people have to cover it via taxes that support places which do abortions. And if Democrats win an election, via direct funding of abortions as a part of socialized health care. Fuck this gay earth

I'm pro choice and I acknowledge that abortion is a controversial topic so taxpayer money shouldn't be going towards them. However, I'm not against taxpayer money going towards cheaper methods of contraception such as condoms. I think a father should be able to legally give up ownership of a child if he doesn't want it but the mother does, relieving him of having to pay child support(some rules may need to be put in place regarding this if the mother doesn't have enough money to raise the child on her own, though).

idc what the normalfags do. So i am for neither.

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>except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape
I do not approve of products of incest or rape being aborted with my money. I do not approve of a woman selfishly choosing her own life over that of her child and funding that despicable act with my money.

>be Mormon
>what is government
>just disagree with the abortion practice
It has nothing to do with government at all you lolbert faggot. It's just a debate about the practice itself, solutions come as a separate debate. Now I'm pro life, I'd never expect the government to ban abortion, it's just not feasible economically, or in terms of liberty but I'd rather tackle the causes of abortion like shit sex education, poverty, contraceptives ect. Rather than outright banning the practice, such as my solution for the war on drugs.
Ok well our foundational beliefs are so far removed from eachother that it'd take a thesis to tell you why you are wrong. Enjoy your post african warlord state fantasy bud.

Do the crime and carry that weight roastie whore. No living being should have to suffer for the mistakes you made.

>I'm against taxpayers being forced to pay for things they don't want to
>except in this case!
>I'm against men being fucked by family courts and sold into slavery
>except in this case!

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okay, so you're bitching about a teeny tiny absolutely miniscule percentage of taxpayer money going towards abortion? you need to find better things to bitch about.

>taxpayer money provides abortion for well under 1% of abortions

Liberals are okay with murdering innocent human life in the name of feminism and "women's rights"

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Pro-life. Child murder is a sin.

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And they are very very very proud of the fact that they can just murder people. It's crazy. They act like it's a pinnacle of their existence.

>it'd take a thesis to tell you why you are wrong
And I'd disagree with whatever arbitrary moral axioms you base that thesis on.
I'm sorry if my principles upset you, but I value them over your feelings. A robbery is still a robbery, even if the gunman takes $1.

who cares about sins? keep your religious delusions to yourself and stop trying to force it on the entire nation.

This is basically my stance as of now. They're going to happen once you ban them, but they'll be more dangerous. I'm still ethically against them, but the outcome of banning it isn't any better.

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i'm not upset. you being an imbecile doesn't upset me.

i don't want my taxpayer funds going towards wars and military, but i don't get something as nice as the Hyde Amendment to prevent that. you're bitching about something that the government literally already prevented 20 fucking years ago.

>They're going to happen once you ban them, but they'll be more dangerous
I'm against government intervention in the choices of individuals, but would that be a bad thing? You hear about a million whores dying from coat hanger abortions, but isn't trash like that dying a good thing? I think so.

lol nigga just use a plan b pill

>you're bitching about something that the government literally already prevented
Except when it isn't prevented. I'm not bitching, I don't really care about reality.

>all women who get abortions are trash
people who think like this are trash. there's hundreds of reasons for a woman to get an abortion. it's not all teen pregnancies and one-night-stands. being this close minded makes you come off as incredibly stupid.

Why wouldn't I try to stop child murder everywhere I see it?

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Well sure, when you reject everything for being arbitrary and subjective there's no possible way to respond without being shot down with subjectivity.

i hope you get raped, since you want women to have to go through pregnancies after they're raped.

>defending women
where the fuck am I right now?

murder is illegal and abortion isn't.

Taxpayers don't want to pay for a shit ton of things. Contraceptives are nowhere near as controversial as abortion and there are no valid arguments against them. Taxpayer funded contraception actually lowers the amount of abortions people have and is a positive investment.

I wouldn't like to be raped by child support either but kids need to be taken care of properly(this requires money) for a healthy society.

>>all women who get abortions are trash
Yes, I think it's safe to make that generalization. Only a low IQ retard would get pregnant without being prepared to raise the offspring.
Well yes, I do reject subjective things as being subjective. Can you prove your moral axioms are universally objective? I doubt it, but if you did I'd be BTFOd.
"go through pregnancies"? You act like it's some horrible thing for a woman to experience. You realize women exist to birth children, right? I don't want or care what any woman does. I respect choices made by individuals, even if I don't respect the individual as a person.

So if murder was legal then I should just shut-up and not oppose it then? That doesn't sound very moral to me.

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Pro-dont give a shit.

Why is lowering the amount of abortions a positive and why should I accept this positive as a "just" reason for my money to be stolen to help accomplish it?
>I wouldn't like to be raped by child support either but kids need to be taken care of properly(this requires money) for a healthy society.
Is that why black society, which is full of child support and abortions, such a healthy society?

apparently not in the echo chamber you thought you were

it is this reason i'm reluctantly pro-choice, Id rather they not create more autistic robots tyvm

He isn't defending women, he is defending whores. Big difference.

Sin has the meaning that it's wrong because it's wrong with respect to a particular god, so while there may be moral reasons for you to oppose a certain kind of killing, all using the word sin tells us is that you think it's wrong because God says so, not because of an independent reason why it's wrong in of itself.

As for calling it child murder, you're essentially just stating your conclusion. Murder is killing that is immoral. I.e. you've provided no arguments today other than "I don't support it because God."

>can you prove your moral axioms are universally objective.
Fuck that's the million dollar answer, I'd have to be some god if I could. I wholly accept that the objective material universe is all that is, and when everything boils down to its fundamentals nothing matters ect wub a lubba dub dub MORTY but that just isn't important to me. I'm a consequentialist who consciously chooses to ignore that and just work within the realm of human existence and derive meaning and subjectivity from nihilism.
Of course if an alien species finds us and wants to kill us I have to accept might makes right and become extinct.

pro choice. Pro life is not as "pro life" as the name would suggest. People make assumptions that the life being spared with be a great one, raised by caring parents and born into a great situation who will grow up to be a model citizen while not at all ruining the lives of the people who have to raise it. Pro choice is a the actual pro life.

but murder is legal. it's called war. it's called assisted suicide. it's called euthanasia. obviously, the law allows for some forms of "murder" when it's found to be ethical

>but that just isn't important to me.
And your arbitrary values are not important to me, just like you disagree with my arbitrary values. See? We're even.
>Of course if an alien species finds us and wants to kill us I have to accept might makes right and become extinct.
You don't have to accept anything, the strong will do what they want regardless of your feelings.

I don't get why people think an undeveloped baby is considered a sin to "kill".
It has no memories, no "experience with life" and probably close to no consciousness.
People always make a big deal out of it.
>"2 years old baby died! How horrible!"
I think it's more sad when i.e. a 40 year old guy dies.

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Murder is an unjust killing. If a killing is deemed just, it is not murder, by definition.

A case of home defense is considered a just killing by civilized society, so the killer won't be in trouble with his peers.

Shooting some guy you are jealous of for talking to a female you like is considered unjust, so the killer will be branded a murderer by his peers.

you're stupid. i'm obviously a woman. i guess i was just being a whore when me and my husband decided to have a baby and it ended up with Trisomy 13 and i needed to have an abortion to prevent the poor monstrosity from being born to live a short life full of pain and suffering. yup, i was just being a slut.

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No, in this case you're just genetic trash that shouldn't breed or you're a retard that waited too long to breed.

Hard to tell after a couple posts, but you're probably a LARPer anyway. Post tits with timestamp.

Depends, if you have the ability to effectively socialize and parent a child to be successful, then r9k will be ok with it. If your a shit, and your parenting creates more robots, you should probably abort.

>it's called war. it's called assisted suicide. it's called euthanasia
And I oppose those as well. I oppose murder in all its forms.

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>Arguing with a stirner edgelord
First mistake rookie.
Stirnerfags are nothing but spooks preventing you from being actually moral

Objectively define "actually moral."

Following Kant's exact system of deontological ethics.

I'll ask Kant when I get to hell, how about you try speaking for yourself for once in your life?

Pro life, people should have to face responsibility.
Also babies did nothing wrong.
We need more babies because there economy will collapse under the weight of the old.

>trying to force it on the entire nation.
burgers aren't even christian though despite all they meme about DOG BLESS AMERIGA, so who's being forced to do anything?