would any of you ever consider dping this
Would any of you ever consider dping this
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fuck yes. she is a stacy. so yes.
>get bullied by everyone at school
>teach them a lesson they will never forget
it's just basic causality
>harass the girl for 4 months straight despite repeatedly saying no
>it wasn't until when he became aggressive with her that she finally stood up to him in public and told him to stop harassing her
Yeah. He sure got "bullied", alright.
the teachers and coaches were bullying him too user
He didn't get bullied though, it was him doing the bullying. Harassing a girl constantly because you're infatuated with her is not ok. She's not entitled to you just because she was born, she has her own life as well and her own choices.
nah I'd go home and fap instead
I wouldn't do it but I don't feel the least bit sorry for that Stacy whore.
wonder if he liked rommel
>harass the girl for 4 months
She wouldn't be saying this if it was chad hence not harassment.
He's lucky enough she even considered him, what a normie fag, he's not one of us
By the time I was that kid's age I had already completely given up on ever experiencing romance or physical intimacy. I'm 28 now and I no longer feel loneliness because it is simply my state of being.
Did he shoot those teachers and coaches as well?
>muh normies
>muh robots
lel shut up you faggot :)
He shot this old female teacher who apparently was one of the few people trying to help him.
Beat a caged dog and it goes mad. Then someday, it finds a way out of its chains.
Be kind to others. Stop sensationalizing things we don't want to continue. Violence will continue to happen to longer people continue to be cruel sociopaths.
>I dont want to date you
>ok I shoot entire school
absolute state of americans
Daily reminder that American Law allows you to kill as many people was you want with your favorite gun before your prison sentence. So go for the hi-score!
Yeah, definitely him "harassing" her. What likely ACTUALLY happened was that he asked her out and she refused him. BUT since people like to bully him, she probably thought it'd be funny or that she'd be well like by everybody if she continued to talk shit about and to this guy in his face. She was likely the harasser and the story is just twisted around because of pity for the dead and demonization of the mentally ill.
You are a fucking moron if you are actually going to believe that, the media want you to think the shooter is in the wrong, society is in the wrong.
Thats just sad. Damn. Thats actually kind of tragic.
Eh, I'm gonna have to say that likely the mentally unstable one, the one more capable of harassment, is likely the one who also shot up a school. Most of the time violent rampages and mentally instability are linked. I don't know, that's just me though.
>humiliate a guy in front of your entire class instead of letting him down in private
It sounds like she was the bully here desu
According to (((reddit))) this is one of the last pictures taken of her. She went to get gelatto from a local place on teacher appreciation day and got her picture taken.
Americans are based, id do the same but I won't get worldwide media coverage so it's pointless
This isn't the first time she has rejected him apparently. According to the 'official' story, she had rejected him and he stalked her/harassed her for several months before she denounced him publicly.
Seems like weak males will always defend roasties no matter how wrong they are. It's a lost cause.
Wait, do girls tell their parents about every advance they receive at school including name of person? Or was the girl "scared" because he was persistent so she told her parents?
Stop calling women roasties, you fucking moron.
What do we do about bullied, victimized boys who cannot possibly fit in with their peers?
How do we break the cycle of these tortured kids who live in a veritable hell turning into mass murderers?
How do we help young people become more compassionate and understanding?
Yet another monster created by modern dating culture.
This is going to keep happening, there will be more and more
In your cucked world, we have to call them princesses, sorry to interrupt.
Can Jow Forums for once not be retards and try to fetishize some retard who killed some people.
Why do you retards always do this?
This guy was a football player with multiple girlfriends in the past. He was an entitled little shitbag
These are the questions news organizations should be asking.
I'll call roasties whatever I want, normalfag filth
She looks like a sweet lady. This makes me sad.
Because they're bitter virgin incels with nothing going for them in life so they think praising a mass murderer will help them somehow
I'm pretty sure I read he had an ex-girlfriend. So not one of us.
I was a star athelete in highschool and I've been with three girls. Women are still trash and yes we are entitled.
Why would you lie on here?
>some people.
It's not like he killed a bunch of Buddhist monks
He took out some trash
I don't care about the burger shooter, I'm just disgusted by the idiots who are trying mental contorsions to justify public humiliation.
are you a fembot OP? Consider being my gf so you never have to find out the answer :^)
He was not a robot and he was never bullied, besides by his coaches for smelling bad which he brought upon himslef. His life was on the right path at one point in time. He was a football player, had a gf, was an honor roll student, a church goer. It wasn't until he started showing weird behaviors when he started wearing a trenchcoat to school
I'm not lying. I was going to be a star college athelete too but I fell apart due to tfw no gf depression.
>He was not a robot and he was never bullied,
He wore a trenchcoat, went on a mass shooting and as an American, he was definitely bullied. That automatically qualifies him as a robot. Girlfriends be damned.
I dont like you fuck off kill yourself i need a girlfriend not you never you fuck you
The final toast.
There there.
They'll expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.
just become like nikola tesla he disregarded girls for his goal
she would fuck around with 100 different guys, get 2 or 3 abortions, get unhappily married and divorce the guy later with 1 kid, taking all the stuff.
the guy then kills himself. the kid grows up as thot as well and the circle continues.
>basically the school shooter is a national hero that saved us from more thots
>get the chance of escaping your shithole country
>land in america
>get shot
It sucks being a low value male simply because you got a bad genetic roll incidents, like these are is just sick form of payback.
>based boy becomes obsessed with roastie bitch
>roastie bitch thinks she's superior because of the way she was born and publicly embarrasses him
>based boy realizes he will never have access to her hole
>because Stacy cares so much about her hole that she's not willing to share it based boy decides to put a bunch of more holes in her
Ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Too bad he didn't rape her first and he never felt pussy in his life and now he's gonna be raped on a regular basis in prison because he was too scared to shoot himself. 200% disappointing.
>Be american
>Pay for an education
>Get shot anyway
Life is unfair
I'd like to see the man this bitch chose over him.
>asking a girl
>trying again after being rejected
>attracting attention to the fact I got rejected
I couldn't do any of those things. During my whole life I haven't even cared enough about a female beyond her looks to consider being in a relationship with her.
Wouldn't it be a lot smarter to say they're both in the wrong? I mean, he killed people... he's more in the wrong than them by far. Just because you get bullied doesn't mean you should kill them. Bullies deserve punishment of course, but not death...
>be american
>dick mutilated, foreskin harvested for women's beauty creams
>become school shooter
>be Yuropoor
>see Achmed and his squad coming behind you
>''Allah, baby want to sex with me ?''
>''No, please !''
>get raped, murdered and thrown in a river
Girls have standards, fatty should have lost weight and got a haircut at least
Neither side is right but it's fucked all the same. In Highschool I had a public speaking class. A sperg freshman who clearly had omegaspergers would constantly try and give a presentation only to get total, damning silence from the class, if not abrasive laughter. I was absolutely furious because he was in the class to learn how to overcome these fears and instead was getting them permanently hammered into his skull.
At one point the fat hag TEACHER scolded him (Said something along the lines of "You're fucking garbage if you do not improve this instant sit the fuck down") and immediately gave him another negative mark on her paper in front of him, which he saw.
It was at that point I totally understood why these kids snapped the way they do. If that kid walked into the school the day after and shot it up I wouldn't have even been surprised. I'm fucking positive 99% of the time the shooters are victims of shit just like this. What is essentially state-enforced sociopathic events like this, since they don't give enough of a fuck to stop these children from cannibalizing the autistic spergs lower on the ladder.
I guarantee these interviews after these shootings are total bullshit and these children are pulling "oh yeah no one ever really talked with him or messed with him/everyone liked him" straight out of their asses to avoid any sense of guilt, and their parents just nod along with it because god forbid they admit their children could be little monsters and a part of the bigger problem.
I wonder what she last felt as she saw him on his rampage.
I wonder if some primal part of her female brain actually thought it was kinda hot how he was being murderously violent.
was kimberley vaughan an immortal?
i dont think it would be that bad to fetishize them if these shooters would actually only target the bullies but the fact that they just kill random people every time like makes their glorification unjustifiable
apt assessment
particularly "state-sponsored sociopathy"
let me go on with this i mean like omg he's such a chad
Presumably someone who wouldn't shoot up a school over being rejected by some chick.
The only thing human females are good for is using as objects anyways. Therefore, that is irrelevant.
i'm off to celebrate the death of this stacy bitch
Shut up pussy
Everybody dies
yup, that's definitely going in my cringe collection
Imagining her without make up she's a 6, this faggot got butthurt and killed people over missing out on a 6.
This tubby loser is a fucking retard. Fatso should've at least lost some weight before asking stacies out.
>fat trench coat fedora autist hits on druggie stacy and gets rejected
I bet you somebody was telling him to "never give up" and feeding him bs about how girls like confidence and smarts and so on
>my cringe collection
thats pretty cringey, roastbeef
Forced gender segregation in public schools when
This guy is a national hero, he needs a medal of honor, not to be put in jail. He killed a literal fucking Stacy, and it's going to be a lesson to all the thots.
listening to that guy talk was painful
She was hot, anyone has more pics of her?
>be yuropoo
>talk about america daily
>irrational fear of inanimate objects
>goat fucker
Good riddance.
bully them more maybe they will stop being weird
she looks like the phrase MAY I SPEAK WITH YOUR MANAGER personified
You might as well *le snap xD* your cringe collection and add that to your collection as well, faggot
>Find where she lives.
>Kill parents/siblings
Less innocent casualties, more fun
This is typically how white bois reacted when getting rejected.
They sperg out over a sense of entitlement to sex and go shoot up innocent people.
Our NSA needs to start targeting White Male terrorists with sexual frustration and angst.
This is the only way to maintain a safe community.
>What do we do about bullied, victimized boys who cannot possibly fit in with their peers?
Tell them to stop being little bitches. They're losers who put no effort into themselves, their body, their social skills, and then they don't succeed and throw a bitch fit.
>just rewrite ur genetic code to become taller, smarter and improve ur facial aesthetics bro
Every time I swear
This but unironically
>one of the few people trying to help him.
Let me guess, she was telling him to man up and be responsible, right?
But its funny though.
>>just rewrite ur genetic code to become taller, smarter and improve ur facial aesthetics bro
This is self-defeating little bitch mindset. It's why you're all such failures. There's short, ugly, dumb, men who are happier and more successful than you guys are. You guys treat any kind of minor challenge as a death sentence, and typically blow these problems out of proportion.
A little bitch gives up at the first inconvenience. A man plows through, focuses on what they can control, accepts that they cannot. Just getting fit adds like 3 points to your attractiveness alone. Socializing and dating are skills, that you need to practice. If you're socially inept, it means you haven't done enough of it. Never leave the house you're gonna be an awkward dork. It creates a feedback loop of social isolation.
And typically you guys are afraid of rejection and failure. Happiness is placed on externals, which are not under your control. "I will be happy if I get a girlfriend". Instead say "I will be happy. I will try to get a girlfriend. The girl I will ask out my accept or decline, and I will accept both answers." Your happiness should be placed within yourself. Nothing can hurt you unless you allow it to hurt you. Insults, rejection, these are mere sounds. They mean nothing.
Probably not
I'd have to have the balls to actually ask a girl out to get rejected.