Men's underwear no homo

I need some new drawers so I was thinking of buying some nice ones this time. I currently wear just hanes boxer briefs from wal-mart and that's all I really have experience with. I wear skinny jeans sometimes and the leg cuff is visible through my pants, kind of like a panty line but at the bottom of my drawers down on my legs if that makes sense. Is American eagle trunks any good? Is the 3inch a good standard length? They have 5 for $50 is that a good deal?

/fa/ is slow as fuck and they're probably going to recommend some $300 Tom Ford or something so i'm reposting here.
Also underwear thread

Attached: m_20180125_trunk_2in.jpg (1183x950, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s-Pro-Mesh-Boxer-Brief-3-pack.product.100383149.html

I'm trying to wear through these Costco brand (Champion) but I absolutely hate them
have some Tommy Hilfiger's which are also trash, fucking seam on both sides, I hate that shit
have some BVD which are nicest I have and I wear those on dates
wouldn't recommend any of them though

Hanes boxer briefs. I have a couple different variants and all are comfortable.

Someone recommend airism uniqlo mesh to me on Jow Forums and it was well worth it

Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all

Calvin klein modal boxer briefs.
Nice synthetic material that keeps your ass and balls dry.

Duluth Trading Co buck naked boxer briefs. By far the best ive ever owned and I've had uniqlo airism, ex officio, etc.

White Hanes tidey widey master race reporting 4 duty

It's underwear, it doesn't matter. If someone is actually going to see it go with briefs that fit well, personally I have some Polo ones that fit really well and hold their form all day.

Attached: download.png (946x1068, 470K)


Calvin Klein Pro Mesh

3 for $19.99's-Pro-Mesh-Boxer-Brief-3-pack.product.100383149.html

Attached: imageService (1).jpg (1200x1200, 87K)