How to let guys know you're interested at the gym if you're a guy too

How to let guys know you're interested at the gym if you're a guy too
Not like I harass anyone but sometimes I notice a cute guy looking at me and I have no idea what to do :(
There's this cute guy at my gym who goes every time I go and I always catch him looking at me from the side but he never talks to me

Attached: hamtaro-hamtaro-5.54.jpg (210x240, 16K)


Not everyone's gay

Most people aren't, in fact.

walk in front of him, drop your pants, bend over and spread your asshole open

Try to maintain eye contact. If it lasts longer than 3 seconds, you should at least talk to him.

spot him on the bench press and wear those skimpy little booty shorts I know you like to wear and let your bulge progressively get bigger after each of his rep, cheer him on the whole way as he struggles to get that lest rep up, when he finally finishes congratulate him with a firm grab on his ass as you feel his pecs "man, I'm really mirin',you bro"

at this point he should be saying "y-you too" or you didn't do the first few steps right, then you should offer to share your brotein shake with him

you should be working on beating your PR on bench too, and as you do make sure to stare directly into his junk like it's a starring contest, if he cheers you on like he did you you know you're in, now all you gotta do is go to the cable pull down machine, tie each other up in it, and fuck each other in front of everyone

just no

thats why im asking how to send signs without making him uncomfortable

the thing is, sometimes he stares at me for so long that i just get uncomfortable, he just looks at me with a blank face and then i walk away
it seems like hes into me but then he would talk to me? :/

really funny guys :( ok it actually made me laugh but im serious

Maybe its cause you dress like a little faggot and he's judging you in his head?