How are you holding up? Share your feels, rant if you will, let it out.
Here is mine >no matter how much I lift, I will never be able to live out my teenage years I was a complete shut in. I thought I made up for that in the first years of my twenties. I was fit, partied, fucked chicks, made 'friends'. I am 24 now, lifting for 5 years, and sometimes it just hits me. It is as if my stomach swallows itself, creating a big void inside me. I missed out on the most valuable and strongest experiences life has to offer. As I age, everything becomes duller. I can fuck all the chicks I want now, I will never know the feeling of popping the cherry of your primary school crush who you can't stop thinking about, which gives you this incredible body high. I will never have a second family in my childhood friends. They all stuck together. Still best friends. I can never be a part of them. I broke that bond. I feel as if I am broken. I achieved so much so quickly after highschool because I felt that I need to catch up on life. But now everything starts to appear pointless because I will never be able to catch up on my lost late childhood.
I was popular in high school and took girls virginities and lived the life you wanted op and it's all just bittersweet memories at this point stop beating yourself up over the past and take advantage of what you have now
Isaiah Jones
I have everything I thought I wanted and yet I am not satisfied. I don't know what to do.
Joseph Sullivan
I have good feels friendo:
I have been working out and eating healthier for four months now. Dropped almost 50 pounds. Can finally see biceps, stretch Mark's are fading. Skin isnt loose, learning I have great genetics and God-like muscle insertions. I have been studying spanish for a year and can understand movies. I have been studying German for 4 months and can have a conversation. I have much more confidence.
Also have bad feels:
Only want one girl, she doesnt want me. Been chasing her for 2 years now. Don't really have many friends due to working nights and a career in Law Enforcement. Love the state I live in but there isnt a lot to do at nights (Kansas. Rural Kansas). Can't do anything other than work out and watch movies due to night shift.
Oliver Torres
Nice yo hear some things are going well in your life. Keep up the good work. Stop chasing the girl. Be disciplined and move on. Start casually dating girls for a while. No feelings.
Jace Harris
Am pretty anxious about things I cannot control right now and it's fucking a bit with my sleep and that again kills my progress at the gym. I don't worry much throughout the day but when my head hits the pillow my mind starts racing to the "what if's".
I have 13 more days of work at my white collar job I've been at for over 5 years, I have applied for (military) officer school but won't even know if I will be invited to try outs before after I'm done at my job. I have a backup plan of going to civilian university if they don't accept me, but that's second prize..
I also got took an STD test on monday (checking everything, blood, piss and so on) and won't get the results for another 9 days or so. I'm worried I might have contracted something, not because of symptoms but because I've done the unprotected pokey with several girls lately and it's been a long time since I got checked last. Never had anything before and I don't really feel or see any symptoms, but I'm anxious I might have to call up all my regular girls and tell them bad news. Afraid they'll never want to have anything to do with me again, and there's one of the regulars I've kind of taken a liking to. She joked and said "If you have HIV I will be kind of irritated" and now I'm even worried I have aids because I fucked an american sloot last summer. How to stop worrying?
There's also a new girl I'd like to ask out but I'll probably lose her due to stalling to wait for STD results..
I need to just focus on myself. Have been for the most part. Slowly making it. We are all gonna make it. Thanks brother.
Landon Baker
Just wear a condom. Don't tell anyone.
Landon Collins
I had an ex girlfriend that didn't tell me she had Hepatitis C. My friend told me because she let it slip in passing. Everything turned out fine. I'm a firm believer in the power of a positive mindset. Everything will work out bro. Just keep doing what you're doing.