Job interview soon. Wish me luck frens
Job interview soon. Wish me luck frens
Remember to not stare at their crotch.
Me too bud i hope i get it. I hope yours goes well too!
Yeeee we gonna do it!!!!!
>Job interview soon
Ive got one wednesday afternoon. Good luck anons
Positive energy right here.
What jobs anons. I'm currently browsing some sites atm but I kinda only want part time. I feel some pressure to act because teenagers are going to start applying full force for summer.
Haven't had a job since 2012. Only went to one interview and got turned down. I wish getting a job would mean being able to cut out that crap.
I've been out of work for about 7 months. Its a nightfill job. I just really need something to go right.
me too familam
Kill yourself dont become a wagie you retard
It's for an advanced helpdesk. I really hope i get it because it pays so well.
>Kill yourself dont become a wagie you retard
Not everyone can live off their parents or the government.
x3 Luck
sending you the comfy energy vibes to you fren, you can do it, we believe in you!
>says to kill yourself
>so you respond about living
Good luck. Make sure you give the boss a firm handshake.
Gluck OP
checcking em
Good luck user
What industry?
I did it!!! OP did it boyyssssss
Good luck user.
Remember to white lie your way to the top.
Are job interviews bullshit?
Every job I've had was obtained through pre arranged connections and the interview was formal BS.
sending positive vibes your way my bro.
>maintain eye contact
>firm handshake
>speak with all the confidence you can
Congrats my dude
good job bro. make that money
>remember to save your money
Good luck fren, I had a phone interview last week. Hopefully I hear back
Saving is for poorfags, real intellectually superior beings invest
>too scared to apply for jobs
can I get some positive energy too?
Hmm, it probably would be good to gain confidence by applying for a Position you would be overqualified for, you probably won't be let down, ergo no negative brain activity. From there just build connections or something
I've got one coming up soon as well. Godspeed anons
Congrats op. Maybe we all really will make it