Does coffee make you a normie with damaged brain?

Why do people drink the black poison?

>makes you a drug addict
>makes you feel like shit without at least one cup a day and can't function properly
>makes your senses dull: taste, feel, smell going to shit, sex feels like shit
>makes you anxious, jittery
>makes your memory retention shit
>makes you can't sleep at night
>makes your breath smell like shit
>makes your hearth palipate
>makes your brain a fried swelling brainlet

all of this for a temporary high of 4 hours, feeling good, getting a bit of energy, that you normally would with a good diet.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stop evangelizing, you don't know shit.

>makes you a drug addict
I've literally stopped for like a week before
>makes you feel like shit without at least one cup a day and can't function properly
Only if I'm working and need to focus
>makes your senses dull: taste, feel, smell going to shit, sex feels like shit
??? Source
>makes you anxious, jittery
Only if you drink too much
>makes your memory retention shit
??? Source
>makes you can't sleep at night
Sleep just fine
>makes your breath smell like shit
Literally any food or drink will do that
>makes your hearth palipate
how many coffees are you drinking, jesus
>makes your brain a fried swelling brainlet
does it though

>Protects your liver from damage
>Shown to reduce chances of Alzheimer's and cancer
>Keeps you awake in the mornings
>Feels like the breath of god

Literally none of these apply to me and I drink a cup a day and on occassion go without.

moderation you fools

last i recall coffee isn't a faggot unlike OP

>memory retention
No it doesn't. There are studies out there saying it helps with focus and helps you learn. The only reason it can impair memory is if you drink it too late in the day and it makes falling asleep hard. If you sleep less than 8 hours a day your memory retention decreases significantly.

How do we redpill the jew caffeine defenders itt?

I genuinely wonder this, Since coffee is acidic like soda, does it thin your bones?

>not drinking coffee while you work out

Not gonna make it.

moderate coffee consumption has been linked to longevity and good health markers including cognitive health in the elderly.

it is not just the caffeine, it has a good antioxidant profile as well as sirt1/2 inhibition linked to slowing aging

>asks for sources
>doesn't provide his own


now now boys, try to be quiet while i finish my coffee..

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dont listen to these medical cucks. the jew wants you to think coffee is good for you because it increases productivity.

it is a drug like any other. you dont get a high without a low. if you drink it often you will 100% become dependent, and your sober baseline will be lower. quit the coffee jew

>makes you a drug addict
>makes you feel like shit without at least one cup a day and can't function properly
>makes your senses dull: taste, feel, smell going to shit, sex feels like shit
>makes you anxious, jittery
>makes your memory retention shit
>makes you can't sleep at night
"this thing that wakes you up will keep you woke if you drink it when you don't want to be woke"
>makes your breath smell like shit
>makes your hearth palipate
>makes your brain a fried swelling brainlet

Drink it with L-Theanine, completely cancels out the anxiety/jitteriness.

it tastes good
if you don’t drink it black you’re probably a woman though, careful lads

>t. drinking coffee right now

Ok bitchboi, if I can’t drink coffee what am I supposed to use for preworkout? Sips? That shit will kill your heart before thirty.

*lip smack*

AHHhh i love that first sip of the mornin'. now please roastie get out of my bed while i finish this coffee and make me some breakfast.

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Russell's Teapot, faggot

The burden of proof lies on the accuser.

>Not getting your caffeine from Ilex paraguriensis
>Drink yerba mate, healthier antioxidant, doesn't give energy crash, doesn't give you the shits

Attached: MAGLIETTI.jpg (640x635, 68K)

>hates coffee because normies drink it
where are all of these faggots coming from? seriously

is brain entropy good or bad?

>Caffeine Caused a Widespread Increase of Resting Brain Entropy

Attached: pill_Poppin_Madman.jpg (1300x1048, 134K)

>Trusting anything from the UK

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? I was asking a question

>X did Y and that's a Z thing

The absolute lowest form of "journalism".

Oh look, the little guy had his first cup of coffee. You have to be 18 to post on this board little bby.

wtf did u say u cunt? go back to cousinfuckistan

only after u go back to pakistan cunt

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>hunger supressant
>not an addict so I can resist having 387 cups per day
>grinding your owns beans can be relaxing
>something warm in my freezing cold work room
>warms up my stroopwaffel
>can actually taste pretty good if you make it right
>don't drink 7+ cups a day and won't get heart palpitations

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>>grinding your owns beans can be relaxing


>he doesn't drink light roast single origin freshly ground coffee every morning because it makes him "shaky and anxious"
Fucking children

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You sound retarded.
You probably are

If coffee makes you feel that way, there's probably something wrong with you. I've been drinking 2-3 cups of coffee everyday for the last 10 years and I've never had any problems sleepong or with anxiety whatsoever.