Is this seriously what wagies believe?

Is this seriously what wagies believe?
Holy fucking shit

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omg fuck his satisfied face
wagecucks it's time to turn the way and kill our masters

The list seems pretty good except the part about there being no bad jobs. There are plenty of shitty jobs, owners try to take advantage of works all the time. But the list is right in that you shouldn't take them if you're going to do a shitty job at them. Eventually the company will go under or the pay will increase until its a job someone wants to do.

do you realise the whole "work ethic" is a trap to get us cucks do hard work while the rich are trying their best to avoid working all day ?

I love when commies say shit like, "We've gotta kill out masters." It's like, "Oh wow, this dude is the CEO of a company, there's no way he invested time and money and took huge risks to get there. There's no way that for everyone successful CEO there are hundreds of people who failed. There's no way that he deserves his money for taking such a huge risk. It's not like his work has produced any value."

You clearly are very well informed and have some very nuanced views of the world.

rofl you deserve to die too just for trying to defend such a stupid standpoint as "cEOs TaKE RisKs WhEN TheY INvEst ThEYR MoNEY ..."

They put time and money up with no guarantee of return. In what world is that not a risk?

Point 1 is alright, in spirit at least, same for points 4, 7, 9, and 10. I'd be alright with point 11, but it appears to contradict the earlier points.

What the fuck was he on about in #2? Is there any meaningful difference between happiness and the pursuit of happiness? Is he just making the pedantic distinction of "you are entitled to try to be happy, but not to be happy".

Point 3 is objectively wrong, and point 5 is financially clueless. Point 6 is pointless, and point 8 contradicts point 3. Point 12 is also just plain wrong.

No, work ethic is a duty to make the world a not shit place. Have you ever traveled abroad?

The service you get at a place like McDonald's in Japan is amazing. Food prepared quickly and correctly.

The difference is that the workers don't feel entitled to the same pay as the owner since they are on the bottom rung. They took the job and its their duty to do it well.

But also the franchise provides opportunity to actually move up. Corporate jobs in McDonald's in Japan usually require that the person actually have experience in a restaurant and anyone that puts years in at a McDonald's has the opportunity to move. Theres plenty of college kids and middle aged women working there, but simply having the opportunity to move up if desired is a big motivator.

in a world without capitalism, the notion of exploitation and legacy ?
I mean, his money isn't his own, it was probably given to him by his father. And every peep in his family just exploited people who had no chance to getting rich and spent their life getting exploited for hand work.

a world not a shit place ... rofl
Are you really trying to imply that the exploitation of poor people by rich corporated magnates is not a shitty world ? and that there is no alternative ?

>I understand the world is not fair
>I believe that I have won the greatest lottery of all time
>I am a product of my choices
>all people make choices

Says a guy who spent his life being born into wealth, singing songs and then telling other people to stop complaining about jobs being shit

I bet you're underaged, but I'll address your arguments because I'm procrastinating. Do you understand what it fucking takes to get to the top of a company? I don't think that you do. Heck, you've even implied that you don't understand the distinction between a CEO and a shareholder. Regardless, do you think that CEOs don't do any fucking work?

Actually, fuck this. You don't understand the difference between a CEO and a shareholder. Fuck off.

>What the fuck was he on about in #2? Is there any meaningful difference between happiness and the pursuit of happiness? Is he just making the pedantic distinction of "you are entitled to try to be happy, but not to be happy".

The point is directly addressing the losers on here that feel they should be entitled to pussy. Even though nobody likes them and women don't want to date them because they are shitty people. Its how they justify school shootings and other violence. They feel entitled to the pussy without the effort, instead of improving themselves to become a person people actually want to be around and dating like a normal person.

Extend that a little further to anything that makes a person happy.

Are you actually going to address the argument or are you going to continue to pick and choose small parts and set up strawmen

I could get actually get a job in the first place lmao kms

Your argument would've worked 200 years ago. At the moment you just sound like you've spent more time reading anachronistic communist dribble than you have working real jobs.

Fair enough, I see the point.

You aren't explaining shit ... you just can't think outside the box. And you can't even fathom the idea of someone knowing things but not thinking the way you do. That's a poor way to dismiss the debate you used there desu. And yea I know the difference thanks.

>And yea I know the difference thanks.
Do tell, because I don't think that you actually do.

Actually, do me one better. Tell me what the job of a CEO is.

its not even a strawman, you actually just described exploitation of young and of isolated aged woman ... Don't you dare tell me Japan is the incarnation of a less shitty place when it's the place with the most stress at work and the most suicide per individual

Again, that's a way of shifting the debate to some place else in order to win the debate. Typical of someone who wants to defend his shaky standpoint rather than imagining an alternative.

Suits you best. I don't have time to continue with your shit, I came here to meme.
Now you can go out and take a deep breath while you rub your nipples thinking you won a Jow Forums argument.

here's a goodpoint boi

Good goy: the pledge
I'll never understand people who take pride in being slaves.

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>hurrp durp i need to slave away all day to mr shekelstein
>otherwise im useless to society!

when this thinking stops we can finally overthrow the jews

>work ethic is the duty to make the world a not shit place
Jesus Christ you are brain-dead beyond repair

thank you fellow comrades
let's kill, grill and eat every slavery apologist

The trick is that he's not actually a wagie, he's never worked a second in his entire life. All he does is ROLEPLAY as a wagie.
God have mercy on the poor souls that fall for his demented lies, though, for man will have none.

fuck no are you retarded?

he dont look satisfied

Its actually funny you bring up Japan, because its probably the most extreme example of an overwork culture; they have a separate word for the phenomena of suddenly dying from being overworked

I can tell you arent very intelligent, but to help you out I suggest watching Japan - A Story of Love and Hate to get a unique view of what Japan is actually like instead of talking out of your ass with tourist tier anecdotes

>you shouldn't take them if you're going to do a shitty job at them
t. never been out of options

>argument wouldve worked 200 years ago


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I will always love that shit eating grin.