Why aren't you a Christian?

Why aren't you a Christian?

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I am :)

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high IQ


Because Christianity is just a step on the ladder towards gnosis

Because modern christianity is not true christianity, it was perverted into a religion of subservience and self-sacrifice by our Khazarian overlords who call themselves jews, but have nothing to do with biblical Israelites. They in turn still practice Satanic version of Judaism called Babylonian Talmudism which at its roots is essentially Baal Worship (see Moloch and Owl Symbolism) and still includes child sacrifice etc. at highest level as can been seen from dozens of eyewitness testimonies that get swiped under the rug on yearly basis (just a quick first result from a search engine to give an example: humansarefree.com/2014/04/eyewitnesses-testify-pope-francis-raped.html)

The bible comdemns homosexuals. I'm bi and I don't want to be a hypocrite.
(Let's see if get trips again)

> humansarefree.com

who iz da tru israeliz n schiit

I've read this before but never came across any good information detailing this idea. Do you have any info that could shed more light on the topic?

because I am not *that* autistic

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Catholics and orthodox are NOT Christian.

You mean, why don't I follow the obtuse metaphysical worldview outlined in the first millennium by a bunch of patronising autists in order to promote subservience to their ecclesiastic organisation?

Well, maybe it's because I like being in control of my own soul, thank you very much

daily reminder: if you need a book written by savages to tell you how to live, you are an actual brainlet

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what the fuck is going on here? this thread and all these replies are on /lit/ as well.

i'm not a christian because i am filth and i don't pretend to be better than i am, and i don't believe i will become better as a person by forsaking my sinful desires, but by channeling them into WICKED-AWESOME behavior.

Just because you don't like God's law, doesn't mean it isn't the absolute truth.

A mod moved it here for some reason. Don't know why Jow Forums out of all places.

also, i like staring at strange women with big asses and titties on the bus

>just because you don't like it doesnt mean it's not true
You are sure convincing with those strong arguments you have.

No true Christian believes you have to be perfect to go to Heaven, because then none of us would be going. Being a Christian is accepting the free gift of everlasting life, which is only available by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Once you have believed, you are sealed unto the day of redemption.

You're absolutely right. Now, do you have any arguments why it's the absolute truth?

Just search away the terms and concepts on a proper search engine (like duckduckgo), be critical of the source material and try to collect as many points of view as you can. The Jow Forums infographics on the topics usually have some misinformation and retarded garbage. Concrete information on some topics is hard to come by for obvious reasons but Babylonian mythology and religions make for extremely interesting reading, like for example the fact that the creation story of Adam & Eve (including the serpent) and the story of Noah are direct derivatives from older Babylonian myths.

And nice, apparently i didnt get banned this time and the thread got moved to r9k instead of trash.

give me liberty and give me death.

Its perfectly normal, it always happens when i post or something equivalent.

Wow, a free gift of everlasting life? For me? All free. Damn you sure are convincing to a 11th century peasant, who's never heard of critical thinking, like myself.

i used to be for a long time but that was because i was just a kid and didnt feel popular in school because everyone else was drinking and partying and i wanted to wait til i was legal. i made my closest friends at church and would go 3-4 times a week for various events/activities. i thought i was a devout christian but as i grew up i realized there was nothing really wrong with drinking and having fun and that my time at church was more about looking good and looking christian rather than feeling closeness with God. ive had the cliche moments at retreats and missions where i would swear my life to God and felt some rush of emotions but i kind of write it off to group mentality. i'm not sure where i am right now with christianity. my best friend is a pastor and my parents are still devout church-goers but i havent gone in years

If anyone wants eternal life, watch this video: youtube.com/watch?v=aVj2ZK3IlOE

>as i grew up i realized there was nothing really wrong with drinking and having fun
I guess you've never read the Bible.

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oh i meant that yes its a sin but i became okay with it personally

I guess you've never developed a balanced view of life that rejects both mindless hedonism and self-indulgent asceticism

I'm not a gen z contrarian hipster

i believe god is suicidal but needs help

he'll be okay, user

>thinking God is a male in 2018