WHo hurt you anons?

WHo hurt you anons?

Attached: notfair.png (1024x530, 480K)

>tfw no NZT

Since when has it been okay to post this shit here

Situations like this is why I have no sympathy for men. They think women have it easy because they're selfish idiots and can't see that a woman's prime only lasts about 10 years, and if you give it to the wrong person you've pretty much wasted your life.

Women deserve to divorce rape men in court.

Get the fuck out cuck
Go back to facebook

SHE divorced HIM

this type of trash is 100% written by MGTOW and incels, they false flag then go make a thread on it in their own forums and circle jerk over it

she didn't believe in her man. if she gave him an ultimatum and had time apart, waited 1-2 years and then divorced if he still was a nobody her situation would be justified. as soon as he stopped performing she was negative and then wanted to upgrade. she never found an upgrade and now is jealous.

Fuck off you entitled cunt. She dumped him because she thought she could do better but fucked up. It is only your own greed that makes you struggle even during your easy mode life.

crazy stories existed before mgtow and some delete their accounts. shows some people are looking for an outlet online

that divorce was mutually beneficial
I don't blame either party in that case

That post seems fair enough desu. If I was dating someone and then left them for being an ass and they suddenly turned into an incredible person I'd be a little miffed at least. You obviously have the potential to be this great person, but never thought to act on it to be a better person for someone you loved?

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>and if you give it to the wrong person you've pretty much wasted your life.
Right... as if there aren't many men who are dumped by their wives / girlfriends...

>That roastie in OP's pic

But user a man getting divorce raped and his children taken away from him, losing his house and having to pay the person destroying his life every month is the pinnacle of ~equality~ and ~justice~ :^)

She was obviously a bad partner, and didn't believe in him.or love him. I mean, that last part is as clear as can be, so it's unreasonable to have expected him to have been so grateful and madly in love with her that he'd do anything to please her. Maybe he didn't see the value in life or trying because he was stuck with a bad, selfish person.

>She was obviously a bad partner, and didn't believe in him.or love him.
There's really no indication that this is the case from the post. Imagining that it was the case makes it easier to be mad at her though, if that was your goal.

That user is right, the last sentence makes it clear that she was the problem all along
>why couldn't he do thing for ME? It's not fair I wanted that!
instead of asking
>What about me meant he couldn't be better.
Rather than realize she could have been the problem, she puts the blame on him, deciding that he must have chose to not be successful for her. What she should be doing is direct her questions inwards and ask what about her made him unable to be successful.

You see all the time, men are more likely to look inwards for the problem than women are. It's why BPD women are so much more successful at what they do. It's why a breakup is so much more painful for men.

>You obviously have the potential to be this great person, but never thought to act on it to be a better person for someone you loved?
You're just asking why she's not blaming herself for him staying at home smoking weed, I dunno why that would be her fault.

Because there's a common element that is her. It isn't a coincidence that he just happened to improve himself after she left. She was likely extremely toxic as a partner. The fact she gets so upset at his success that she has to make a reddit post about it makes it obvious what sort of partner she was.

You're imagining a lot here to justify your thoughts on this.

The only reason he improved himself and changed everything at all is because she divorced him. He'd still be a loser fatty smoking weed and crying all day if he was still trapped in that marriage. Motivation to find someone new and make a better life for himself came directly from that lady. I'm not saying she's blameless (it's called marriage, IN SICKNESS AND HEALTH) but he was clearly spiralling

there is, when they met again he was polite but showed no signs of love. he had moved on. he wasn't improving himself to get her back

Pretty sure it is a common abuse pattern, where the abuser leaves their partner, they start doing better without the abuser in their life, then the abuser gets angry and attempts to get them back.

What in the post made said that she wanted him back?

Clearly she was a part of the problem, or maybe by her leaving he got motivated to get his shit together
>look at all the nice things he has now that I wanted when we were together
good for him you selfish cunt, less you get of his well earned shit from the divorce
>wahh he got all these good things after I divorce him not b4
>wahhh we didn't have any kids
1) having children means commitment, this is the only part where I won't blame her as it takes 2 to tango, I don't know if he or she didn't want kids or if there were fertility problems
2) good, now you can't suck him dry for 18 years
3) me, Me, ME the post
4) don't know if this story is true, sounds generic but possible

Not really, it's common in general for a person to change their life around when they break up after a significant relationship. Where did you hear that it was a "common abuse pattern"?

I don't necessarily blame her but it still gives me a certain satisfaction when a man turns his life around after getting dumped.
I'm a bad person.

I think that poster is saying that SHE was the abuser, and that once she was out of HIS life, his life got a lot better and she's angry about that.

Right, and I'm asking him where he heard that this was a "common abuse pattern." There's nothing even in the post about her attempting to get him back either.

>You're just asking why she's not blaming herself for him staying at home smoking weed, I dunno why that would be her fault.

Possibly she was a shrew, and his natural emotional response to the exhaustion of dealing with a shrew was apathy?

Consider the classic meme about how women want you to guess where they want to go for dinner.

>Girl: Let's go out for dinner.
>Guy: Where do you want to go?
>Girl: I don't care, wherever.
>Guy: OK, let's go get Indian.
>Girl: (Makes disappointed shrew face) No, I don't feel like Indian.
>Guy: OK, let's go to that Mexican place.
>Girl: (Makes even more disappointed shrew face) No, I don't want Mexican either!

Two hours and 300 suggestions later:

>Guy: How about we go to (Restaurant girl secretly wanted to go to the entire time but wouldn't say, because the guy should be able to guess the right restaurant if they're really soulmates, and damn it if I said what restaurant I want to go to my boyfriend would just immediately AGREE instead of putting tons of THOUGHT into figuring out MUH NEEDS!)
>Girl: (Makes exasperated face) OK, fine. We can go there.

What happens is that over time, the guy figures this out and the conversation becomes:

>Girl: Let's go out for dinner.
>Guy: Where do you want to go?
>Girl: I don't care, wherever.
>Guy: (Walks away without saying anything else and goes to smoke some weed.)

Frustration always tends into apathy. If everyone around you seems apathetic all the time, it's possible that you're an impossible to deal with shrew bitch.

Too easy.


>You're imagining a lot here to justify your thoughts on this.

He's imagining that she made a Reddit post? That seems pretty real. And a pretty damn good data point to base a conclusion on.

That's a pretty big hypothetical situation to support your argument.

Nope, he's imagining that he knows more than what was given in the post. How can there be a "common element" when there's only one situation and one post? I mean, "she was likely..." is literally just him imagining a justification to support what he thinks about it.

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People who are abusive don't like it when their partner does something outside of their control. If an abuser leaves someone and they're still miserable, at least they know they left their mark. If they suddenly act on their newfound freedom and become happy, the abuser loses their control from beyond the grave and feels disempowered.

Anyway this lady at the very least could be happy for him for sorting out whatever it was that was setting him back. It's proof that she doesn't really love him either, even in a platonic sense, because when you love someone their happiness is yours. Doesn't necessarily mean she's abusive and that's probably a stretch, but she is having a self-centered reaction to it that both parties are better off without.

>Nope, he's imagining that he knows more than what was given in the post.

The post itself is an artifact of who she is.

We can deduce quite a bit from its existence, its medium, and the FORM of its content, quite apart from its content itself.


When people express themselves, you can deduce things about them from their expression. You don't think I can deduce things about Mattress Girl from watching her haul around a mattress? That I can't infer things about Reviewbrah that go above and beyond what he likes and dislikes about fast food?

50% chance he was putting on an act and placed himself in an area to "accidentally" bump into her. He's probably unemployed.

Lol what
That's silly

So, what in the post indicated to you that the woman was an abuser? Just that her boyfriend changed his life around afterwards? Is "wishing her all the best" also a common abuse pattern? There's really nothing I see here that adds up to abuse.

I dunno, not anymore silly than coming up with the almost-conspiratorial idea that she was an abuser based off a reddit post where she vents her frustrations about an ex being successful after a break-up.

We also only have her side. Of course she will portray him as the only one at fault and she was all so innocent and it was all his fault until she couldn't take it anymore and bla bla bla.

>we can't trust anything in her post except statements that can be read to support the opinion I already had

You have clearly never been in a relationship. That shit plays out like that in every relationship I've ever been in, and every relationship I've ever observed. It's not a hypothetical situation. It's empirical data.


I'm not the same guy, I'm just pointing out that her post is most likely very biased towards her.

Maybe the common element is you, dude.

top bait, honestly surprised nobody has noticed yet

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This isnt that crazy of a story bro. She divorced a guy who gave on life and didnt have kids

>and every relationship I've ever observed

Nice try mongoloid.

I'm not the user that said she was an abuser. I'm just 99% sure that she derived pleasure from having this narrative in her head that he would be a loser all his life in compensation for their shitty relationship. When that narrative disappears she has no source of comfort because she's incapable of being happy for someone who she thinks wronged her.

>Maybe the common element is you, dude.

Even in the relationships that aren't mine?

Like, I'm the common element because I'm the friend of a friend? Or because I read some other guy's post on the internet.

Wow, dude, that's deep. That's, like, Sting reading Jung while a Shatner spoken word album plays kinda deep.

Probably because she treated him like trash, the entitled cunt
>but I helped him!
She was most likely a passive aggressive nagging cunt
the fact shes all the more mad is a plus

Oops meant to quote Stop muting me plos

Or maybe the guy was complacent and the divorce was a wake up call lol, you fucking sexless faggot

100% roastie post. Can't leave a sista hanging, right? Women can never fuck up or be responsible for anything bad, right?

>be girl me in alt timeline
>me: let's go out for dinner
>guy: where do you want to go
>me: i don't care, wherever
>guy: ok, let's go get indian (chinese, mexican, w/e the first suggestion is)
>me: sure
>back to this timeline
>ywn be the ideal gf

>I have no response....I know, I'll attack his possible virginity!
here's your (You) you baiting cunt

I said in that post that I don't think she was abusive.

Id post my dick and balls for you to see but max file size is 2MB

Attached: 1525625935266.gif (460x405, 113K)

The dick from the 12th guy you are fucking this week doesn't count though.

>attack his virginity

Just pointing out that its extremely obvious that guy is a virgin based on his retarded thinking. A guy improved himself after his wife left him? "Must be abuse lol", thinks the virgin who has never been in that situation

Reminds me of this story.
There is a part 2. I would appreciate if someone could post.

Attached: will_part1.jpg (911x901, 332K)

Because women never ever abuse as we all know. They are precious little angels!

He's right though, that happens pretty often with guys. It happened to me.

learn to google things you retard, fuck you and your dubs

No, because a guy improving himself after a break-up is extremely common to the point of practically being stereotypical. It has nothing to do with abuse.

>roastie tears because she left as soon as her marriage was in a rough spot and now her ex has gotten back on track without her

Attached: pepeandmoonman.png (1010x901, 169K)

when you don't have a search entry, it's more convenient this way you moron

This actually happened to my brother. He used to be a normalfag with a gf, then they broke up and he became a cyborg for some time. Now he's a Chad.

yeah it's not one of those shitty longass stories where some buttblasted roastie laments her cheating or judgmental or previous whorish ways and the male gets sweet revenge in the end, but it's still got too many elements that can be exploited for schadenfreude which leads me to believe that it's fake

good example of an obvious fake one:
There are dozens of these and they get posted in the women-hate threads all the time. I only know of them because I wasted enough fucking time reading them. Just stick to screencaps of roasties roasting on social media

>roastie grasping at straws

I can imagine her help and support. It is also easy to tell why he got successful after the divorce: She was not worth the trouble and he knew, he wanted to "stay a teenager" because she was a bad wive and he tried to keep his options open.

She made him sell his car to pay the bills. I've had women treat me that way before. I couldn't find work without a vehicle. Something tells me he's just being passive aggressive telling her he found a good job within walking distance.

she wasted those years being a bitch to him, just because she stuck around doesn't mean she was supportive. She sounds really bitter that she didn't realize he had potential and just treated him like a worthless piece of shit.

>proof I'm not a fucking gold-digger

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>incel coping with fairy tales

Ha ha ha worthless human female BTFO

>How much you commit to this really tells a lot about you
Quite sad honestly

Your supposed to have FAITH in your spouse and help them in their time of need, not divorce them the second they falter. Had she stood by him she too would be sharing in his success.

Loyalty, faithfulness, patience, things that roasties will never understand.

>I just want to know why he couldn't have been better to me, why I was never worth the effort.

Ha. Answered your own question.

>Things got rough for him and I tried for a while, but then it got too hard, so I left him high and dry.
>I specifically vowed that I would love him for better or for worse, but my oath meant nothing.
>I'm not worth a shit on my own.
>He's better off in every way without me in his life, even though he had everything going against him, me leaving was enough to boost him back up to the top.

Jesus, it's sweet. Revenge is SWEET!!!!!! I've had sex and I've had revenge, and I think revenge is a lot better. A LOT.

>WHo hurt you anons?
no one...but everyone I know makes a deal out of it.

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>can't see that a woman's prime only lasts about 10 years, and if you give it to the wrong person you've pretty much wasted your life

You just admitted that women live parasitically and can't stand on their own.

Uhhh no, he's saying that women only have a small window of time to find a husband and have a family before the kids start coming out like you

That's that chick's fault for not properly vetting her fiance
Or at least not fully committing to her

>Father dies
>He becomes a mess
>"Why aren't u being SUCCESSFUL?"

What a fucking roastie