Day 10 here. Experience some flat lining through day 6 -8, the last few days have been nothing but pure sex drive. Its been a true challenge this is the longest I have ever gone. Getting anxiety because I dont want to lose my streak.
After two days of false starts, I’ve convinced myself today is the day. I only get the urge to masturbate at night before bed, so if I can stop myself then I’m good for the rest of the day. My real issue is masturbating prone, it’s affected the sensitivity of my dick to the point that I don’t cum from being in a vag. I’ve had bareback sex many times and never cum once.
Any tips?
Carson Miller
no fap and no porn and let ADOLF HITLER into your heart
Grayson Cox
Death grip syndrome. I had it too although not from being prone just hard was grip and no lube. Took me two months of nofap and SERIOUS concentration to finally bust a nut in my gf. Now that I've managed my fapping habit I can cum in vaginas all the time. Protip: cumming in a vagina is way better than your hand.
John Ortiz
I'm on day four. I can always seem to get a week pretty easily but I ruin it on the weekend. Idk if it's because I don't have anything to do on the weekends (no friends/gf) or what. But I don't think fapping once a week is bad it's just the porn that's fuckin me up
Jose Kelly
I don’t fap with my hand, I lie prone and rub my penis against the mattress or floor. But the consequences are similar.
Luckily I’m uncut so my head has been protected by my foreskin. I don’t want to imagine what 15 years of prime masturbation would have done to my bare head lol.
Anyways, wish me luck anons. Tonight is the night I finally make it!
Andrew Smith
*prone not prime
Samuel Collins
>did nofap 2 weeks last month >was extremely hard, was horny and energetic all the time >doing nofap april, day 11 now obviously >all my horniness disappeared after 3 days and I can't get hard anymore unless I watch porn which I refuse to do I mean the benefits are still kinda there, I'm a bit more energetic, slightly more confident but I have no urge to talk to girls at all. The no boner thing is actually not a problem cause I have no gf and not feeling a need to nut is pretty relieving. I don't really know how to feel about this
Eli Allen
My nuts hurt a bit. Give me strength guys. I think I'm heading into territory where the cons outweigh the pros.
Jace Ward
Yeah I get you I've heard masturbaiting like that can cause serious sensitivity issues so it will probably take you awhile to regain it enough to cum in a pussy. Just remember why your refraining from it and you shouldn't have any problems with relapsing.
Liam Peterson
checked I have not experienced this. Can you describe the feeling?
Oliver Williams
Just a soreness in the nuts. Probably doesn't help that I'm doing the cumstack too.
Day 16 here. Having vivid sexual dreams about my ex and waking up with wood for once. Feeling happier and generally more confident. Excited for what’s to come.
>day 30ish of no fap >confident feeling good but still no gf >on bus this morning >nurse gets on and sits next to me >slowly move closer together >by the end of the bus trip our arms and legs are touching together >she feels good, warm, and smells nice >we get off and go out separate ways
It was a strangely comforting experience. Being alone makes you really miss human interaction
Colton Moore
I recently broke up with my ex and I've completely forgotten how to meet girls. How do I? (I'm in uni)
Jackson Sullivan
Tinder or talk to them in social settings/class/bars/thru friends.
Sebastian Flores
>be me hot nurse >my bf Tyrone took my car to raid welfare office So have to take bus >no seats open except next to this ugly smelly guy >sit down at the very edge of the seat >as the ride goes on he is inching closer to me >now he is close enough that his leg and arms are perfectly touching mine with optimal surface area coverage >finally my stop arrives >run off
Parker Carter
What an ugly useless waste if shit that nigger is holy fuck.
One can only hope some rival nigger pops him soon.
Adam Hernandez
god I wish that were me
Brayden Long
21 savage is cool. Get off pol and stop being so angry at everyone. It’s just a reflection of your own unhappiness
Michael Hughes
t. ape
Jack Ramirez
day 2, relapsing a few times after a pretty good 1month-ish streak
getting morning wood again seems like a good sign
Henry Allen
>nofap 16 days >I'm into raves but have no friends so go alone just to dance but haven't gone to one in a year or so >go to an underground indoor rave >take LSD and MDMA >so lost in trance when I'm dancing 0 social anxiety >grind against tons of bitches >sensual overload >hit on some chicks cause I'm so horny but they are creeped out by my huge pupils >can't take it anymore >go into the bathroom and fap >cum all over the toilet. biggest load of my life >run home in shame this is the proper way to lose nofap
Hunter Morris
I have no friends or money
Nicholas Jenkins
Can't even blame you.
Ryan Powell
I miss morning woods
Hudson Davis
So.. Does sex count? Will it ruin my gains?
Parker Davis
>tfw gonna get a happy ending next week hope she comments on the massive load I bestow upon her, been 4 days so far and will be about 2 weeks worth of cum she's gonna milk out of me when I meet her again
Jaxson Foster
Juan Russell
Ov vey you are right go... guy, his music is so cool and edgy lets more of our young fellow whites can losten to this cool gangster yo
We should all aspire to be like this literal chimp
>needing to rape anyone when beautiful women would payobey to fuck them >still do it anyway bc stupid nigger >NFL Monkey ball players no different >Take drugs, beat my ehite girlfriend rape and murder >Mfw i was just about to go to college
I keep putting off talking to this girl because I don't have that nofap energy. Give me strength, it's 8 days in and I'm getting the need so bad but if I hold out until this weekend then I'll have the guts to make a move.
I'm only on day two and I feel like fucking anything. The best thing to do is do physical activities or labor.
Carter Peterson
I’ve been doing on a streak for like two weeks. In that time I got a super hot chick and then got dumped by that chick. Feel less motivated to hit the gym, and have rarely gotten boners/been horny. What is wrong with me? It had the opposite affect
Write a promise to yourself on paper. I had a ton of false start but after that it was easy as fuck. You don't even have to look at the paper, just the fact that it exists can be enough to shame you out of doing it.
Do it in the form of something like: "Hereby I record solemnly that I will not masturbate until [date]" ~signature
Start with something like a week.
Isaiah Wright
This is a flatline (a classic trick your brain plays on you to try and get its dopamine fix back). You just have to hold on and get through it.
>renewed energy are gone There was no renewed energy. How the fuck can not masturbating give you energy. Do your balls absorb calories from the air which is lost when you cum?
Alexander Phillips
Relax. You learnt a lesson and won't fall for the same triggers next time. You will just hit 90 days in 90 days now; 12 days later than planned, but not the end of the world.
Aiden Smith
>There was no renewed energy. How the fuck can not masturbating give you energy You seem to misunderstand. Abstinence doesn't "give" you anything. Masturbation and pornography use ROBS you of all these things (energy, sensitivity, semen, self-respect, a place in Jesus's good book, etc). We are just returning to the natural state.
Chase Miller
may as well just keep going tee bee aich
Zachary Nguyen
What have you been doing instead of masturbating? Just spending more time on Jow Forums?
Nathaniel Hughes
>finish work when school ends >pass by a middle school on the way home via bus >mfw half the girls are wearing hotpants >mfw saw one girl who already had something like G cup milkers >mfw they all mirin >mfw I have to ignore them for the good of the world >mfw I have to deal with this everyday
the thing that helps the most is discipline which i unfortunately lack.
Aaron Sanders
Fucken proud of ya, user.
Matthew Collins
Day 6 here too (matter of fact its middle of the night, so might as well say day 7)
Had some big urges earlier today, but somehow managed to overcome.
I push on, been a while since I managed to pass 5 days. I'm taking it slowly since I've been trying this nofap shit and always falling on these periods between 5-7-10 days, i feel like if i can push through this period i can make it a month easily.
Day 2 and gf just starter her period. Give me strength.
Noah Foster
get her to suck you off or do anal?
Adam Hall
i relapsed after 23 days, now again about to go on day 3. Around week 2 I was getting noticed (I'm way too autistic, and a dyel to accept that as mire), but I was getting looked at. After my relapse it was gone. That shit works anons
Yeah, but my head is still sensitive. My shaft on the other hand is as numb as bark.
Grayson Bell
its the flatline brah. body tricking you. stay strong and your libido will come back
Jayden Gutierrez
Busting quick is a misconception. In fact it has allowed me to bust less quickly. I believe it has to do with my mind not being aroused for a long period, letting me be at a state of 0% arousal (if you were to think of it like a bar being filled up, and 100% being an orgasm).This gives me more room before I bust. While if I watch some porn throughout the day (and don't cum), I'll instead be hovering around 20% or more.
Ian Cook
It’s the time of day when I usually break down and fap. I’m staying strong tonight.
Wish me luck boys, I’m gonna need it.
Oliver Sanchez
Day 11. Spent all day at MEPS. We're all gonna make it anons. Im shooting to hit triple digits.
Day 11 about to be 12. Streak is going good until my buddy showed nudes from a former coworker we used to work with, but that isn't going to stop me boys
Going on day 10 tomorrow, can one of you lads convince me to stay strong? My weak mind desperately wants me to cave in.
Wyatt Collins
I've fapped 2/day for at least a week now. It's gotten to the point that I'm doing it out of habit now, not even sexual urge. I have to stop.. I need sex so bad
Day 18. I am far more aggressive when it comes to interacting with women. I’m holding eye contact like never before. Taking a lot more risks and am noticing more attention from both women and men. Looking forward to the days to come.
Luis Cook
2 months in. Don't even get phased by it anymore. Its pretty great. I get all the benefits and none of the annoyance except for some boners at night but other than that, my social life feels pretty good.
David Morales
You are right, girls will be drawn to your nofap aura. I don't know why, neither do they, but it works.
Who else feels like dogshit after fapping? When I wake up the day after, my body feels squeezed and I feel far less enthusiastic for life and everything in general. It's such a big hit in return for a few seconds of fun
it takes me a full week of nofap to feel human again, waking up after 6 hours of sleep completely refreshed, zero brain fog, full concentration in my work, feeling a zest for life and less autistic in general. What the fuck bros