What martial art is best to learn for self defense against the local niggers on my block?
What martial art is best to learn for self defense against the local niggers on my block?
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making yourself seem like a retard so they pity you and leave you alone
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Using weapons is nigger tier
Judo, they never expect to get tossed
TKD. A nice round house will not only keep distance but will also keep your hands from getting dirty.
Nigger? Boxing or wrestling. BJJ is a meme
Niggers? Gun
Cuck Fu...
>Just submit to the superior BBC master race, soyim!
If its 1v1 jujitsu is prob best bust essentially any martial art that isn't a meme.
If they have weapons or its anything more than a 1v1 running/a gun would be the best martial art.
Muay thai or Krav mago
All you need to know user
>if you kill your enemies they win
If you are really in an area that is dangerous and has problems with niggers randomly attacking people, they travel in packs and the only thing to stop it is a gun
Krav Maga faggot.
Aikido. If you get really proficient you can catch and redirect any bullets you may get shot at you.
Sage for racism. Fuck off
Boxing, but your dumbass will still lose
Master the Crane Kick. If do right, no fail.
>see link
>curiosity beats me
>click into it on normal browser, don't think to open in incognito
>Jow Forums ads are now all porn related
>lmao just kill anyone who steps on your shoe
Fucking Americans
>BJJ is a meme
Explain please
Muay Thai.
BJJ requires you start from one of a few set starting positions. You're not going to get to start in those positions on the street.
having a huWhite cop friend on speed dial
a gun or boxing, anything else and you will get stomped while trying your pajamas hugging tricks
BJJ is great for MMA but is shit in a street fight where there won't be a mat under you. 1 punch to your head against the ground and you're a vegetable
OP, best thing to do is boxing+wrestling, none of that Chinese shit. 6/8 UFC champions are pretty much wrestlers who can box. Wrestling means you can defend against ground guys and beat them standing up but you can also take the fight to the ground if you feel like you'll lose a grappling match. The only Chinese shit I would recommend would be Judo because it conditions you to throw people on their back against concrete floor. BJJ conditions you to be on the ground and comfortable on your back which can be disastrous in a street fight.
Krav maga, judo
lmao don't do (((krav maga))) unless you're a woman or some 130lb twink
area awareness trumps all of these
Are... are you retarded? It's positions you normally get to in a fight. Have you ever grappled anyone ever? All BJJ positions are used in UFC very often as an example.
You're a fucking retard bro. Do you know the difference between a fight on the mat and a fight on the street? Wrestling is way more useful in a street fight than getting into missionary. Wrestling conditions you to be on top and smash while BJJ conditions you to spread your legs with your back on the ground
Gun Kata
Shut up you fucking autist. I took Krav maga for 23 years you loser. I weight 198 lbs and guarantee is punch a hole in your dense head.
Don't comment on things you know nothing about you fat useless weebo
Yeah okay nig
Nothing because a nigger will always have other niggers around and at least one of them will have a gun, knife, or sharp item that will land you in the hospital
Yeah, but most BJJ fighters are used to mats and attempt to do stupid shit that'll just cause head injuries in the street. It's pretty much useless and genuinely fucking stupid to take any street fight to the ground because of all the risk involved. If it's your only choice, then you gotta do what you gotta do, but it's fucking dangerous for both you and whoever you're going against.
Yeah I do. Do you know that BJJ was literally invented for street fighting? Just because there are moves that work best in a competition does not mean you have to use those moves.
And I never said shit about wrestling so I don't know why you brought it up.
Concealed Carry Jitsu.
It's like Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, but actually works outside competition.
It's more dangerous to take blows to the head from a strike or from a fall.
Also it comes down to the fighter individually. Just because there are a lot of competition oriented BJJ practitioners does not mean the self defense aspect goes out the window.
Racism is against the rules and a bannable offense
Lifting will make you look intimidating. That's about it, but that helps. Niggers tend to go after soft targets.
Carrying a big ass gun that visibly prints can help (ffs make sure your holster has actual retention, that it can't just be pulled out without pressing a button or undoing a strap). Actually know how to use a gun in a gunfight, not just put holes on paper. Apply using a gun to what it would be like in a fight, someone standing right in front of you, behind you, creating distance, breaking for cover, understanding cover vs concealment, shooting and moving, moving and shooting, etc. A target is not always stationary at an ideal distance, and sometimes they're attacking you or shooting back at you. Also understand your state's laws as to when you can present/use a gun.
Which martial art you choose depends on what works for you. The Western styles are most practical: boxing, kickboxing, and wrestling. They don't require any crazy moves that you have to practice all the time to remember and only work if the person makes the exact motion to counter.
Actually niggers are the ones too dumb to use weapons. Humans depend on weapons because we're a mind-based species. Our bodies aren't cut out to fight back against real predators, we don't have class or fangs and aren't that fast. Our methods of hunting always depended on outsmarting the prey (chasing them into a fenced off area/ambush area, using our numbers, using weapons/traps).
However, being dependent totally on weapons is soy tier. You should know how and be able to fight, but also realize you can't fight your way out of everything with just fists. If you want to leave your safety and the safety of loved ones around you up to the chance that you'll never be attacked in number, or be attacked by weapons, that's foolish and your genes deserve their death.
*claws or fangs
>BJJ requires you start from one of a few set starting positions
Every beginner bjj class starts you off standing you brainlet
>getting into missionary
LMAO I remember you from the other thread. What's your address so I can show you how ineffective those missionary positions are?
i got bjj confused with judo for a second, my bad. Judo is even worse on the streets than BJJ though, Judo is a meme.
What? Why?
Trying to fight pack-hunting animals with your bare hands for "muh honor" is retard-tier.
Paying to learn the Jewish martial art of nut-kicks.. never gonna make it.
this + boxing
You're very likely to slam your head against the floor doing some stupid shit if you try to use Judo in the streets.
Like throwing?
Judo stances are usually very upright as opposed to wrestling, and generally safer. Shooting a double or single on the straight is way more dangerous than a hip toss or trip
there are no rules or weight classes in a street fight, either learn to run or buy a gun
Yeah bro I'm sure your practice of grabbing balls for 23 years is gonna take me out.
What is a hip throw
lmao do you have a gi in a street fight? Is there a mat in the street fight that can help you go into missionary? Chinese shit doesn't work. Anything other than boxing and wrestling is useless
LOL that wasn't me but bring it on buddyboy. I did BJJ and you won't be able to escape from my missionary once I wrap my legs around you. Doesn't mean I'll do that shit in a street fight like a fucking retard
How exactly are you at risk of slamming your head into the floor if you dump someone else head first onto the ground while standing up?
The whole point of Judo for self defence is to put them on the ground so hard they stay down while staying upright yourself. This gives you time to get the hell out.
Being wilfully unprepared for situations where you cannot run and cannot/should not use a gun is idiotic.
I love TKD but don't say this shit. Iv been doing it for 11 years and you are not going to win a street fight using TKD unless you have a shit master who isn't teaching you TKD or you've been practicing for a very long time.
When I was 6 years into my training and thought I was quick as fuck I started challenging friends to fight. We set it up in a basement. They were all untrained "pretending to know how to box" types. Every time I would try to make space for a kick, or attempt one, they would rush too close and it wouldn't connect.
In a street fight you are always dealing with these "thinking I can box" types of people, they won't let you get distance because it looks retarded. They're gonna be in your face or on top of you.
TKD is a traditional martial art that will help you with mind and body control far before it helps you with knocking someone out. Main thing you learn from a traditional martial art is how to avoid a fight, controlling the mental situation.
>The fight is won and lost in the eye contact my son
Judo also starts standing and the ideal is to stay standing while you put your opponent in a vulnerable position.
Are you actually retarded?
Exactly this. First 7 years of TKD I was at a very traditional McDojang, but the next 2 years I spent training under another student of the first who also included BJJ and boxing as well as sharing a space with the local mma guys. TKD can be a fantastic base but is useless if you know nothing else.
lmao, thats why you're going to lose, because theyre niggers you dumb fuck.
>The fight is won and lost in the eye contact my son
This is bullshit. Making eye contact is a challenge in the animal kingdom. Niggers love a challenge, only when they have friends around. You aren't going to get away with challenging them when their friends are around.
After being a cop for a few years there's shit you pick up on. Body language and the like. I'll give you the best way to avoid a fight with an anecdote.
>Be at a random Arco in Vegas (fuck Arco)
>Machine doesn't work like every other gas machine ever, you have to go inside to pay like a pleb, still doesn't work, I'm not pissed
>Go back into store, get back in line for refund, visibly pissed but trying to keep cool
>4-5 nogs ahead of me in line buying swishers with their gibs, actual thugs worse than the ones I deal with in my area
>Clearly trying to cause a scene with everyone in the store, mainly the cashier
>I walk with a purpose, get in back of line, stand up straight with arms crossed, looking pissed, staring out the window, casually glancing around the store, not really paying them much attention (definitely not making eye contact unless I'm addressed, as it's a challenge and I'll end up being the one they choose to target)
>I can see the smallest nog looking at me out of the corner of my eye, sizes me up, looks like that one gif of a fat black kid holding a Coke looking all scared
>He sees a strong white man that looks like he can fight, that's confident he can actually fight, and probably has an ace in the hole (like a gun), that is aware of his surroundings and what's going on, but is choosing to ignore it up to a point
>He's going to quickly choose not to fuck with that and end up another dead nigger statistic
>The situation calmed down real quick and they left the store
It's not how you present yourself, there's no formula, no games. You either are hard enough to kill the whole mob of them or you aren't, and they can smell it from a mile away.
To further on this, the gym is a great place to observe this type of behavior.
You have the kiddos who've never been in a critical situation in their short lives, walking around slowly in little circles after each set with their chests puffed out. Walking slowly to the next piece of equipment in such a way to imply that if anyone gets in their way they're going to get hit. This type of behavior is due to insecurity. He's acting tough but if it actually came down to do tough guy shit the act would be off.
Then you have the calm, collected guy minding his own business. He's been in shit and doesn't want to be in any more than is necessary. He walks quickly and with purpose, not trying to put on a show but just trying to go about his day. If it came down to doing tough guy shit, he'd know what to do, he doesn't feel the need to act like it.
Niggers communicate through body language like animals, and they can understand it. If you're walking around like a fake tough guy that's a bigger challenge than staring down each one of them in the eye like an autist.
You took this the wrong way man. I wasn't saying to go around making eye contact with niggers to scare them away. I completely agree with everything you said about body language in the store situation.
The eye contact statement was assuming a fight has already begun. For example if in that store if the nigger pushed you back and you just looked away and stepped back, you would be easy pray. For example in my typical TKD sparing match I drop my head, tuck my chin, and move my eyes upward. Looks pretty scary. One of my seniors has a very intimidating fight face, he's also a cop. Hes asain so his eyes are fucking razers. You can really drop your opponents confidence during a fight by using a hard stare and good posture.
To be fair ancient Europeans wrestled their prey, similar to bullfighting. However they did ambush from trees and height so not completely braindead
and come on africans have been using spears for too long to say they dont use weapons.
>africans have been using spears
That's literally it though. They can't grasp the complexity of a simple handgun.
They absolutely do (try to) use weapons though which is more reason to carry your own and know how to use it.
a gun but failing that, mma. if you can't avoid the fight or shoot the nigger, you want to stay standing up and striking. definitely want to avoid going to the ground in case he has a co-nigger that will kick you in the head while you wrestle.
>implying there is anything wrong with that
Literal brainlet. Every bjj school offers no-gi classes and incorporates wresliting/judo at the start of every lesson. Come to the Renzo school in Albany and I'll fuck you up in any position you want lmfao
but he stepped on your shoe
spotted the nigger
>g-get in my guard
Gun fu
>getting in guard on concrete
Let me know how that works out for you.
That would really depend on the gym and the teacher. I train in a place where he takes great pains to show us a wider picture, including starting standing up and in the context of getting punched in the face
>niggers read body language
Yeah, nonautists tend to do that billy. Like when ur sister was giving u the elbow when u tried to lean into her while u were watching pirates in the carribean 3. Like that.
This guy lives in Baltimore study how he analyses violence.
>using modern weapons on spear chuckers is nigger tier
Boondocks was a great show, desu
Weld an iron cube inch by inch by inch on a telescope bat.
Hit one in the head and as it pops nobody will come close.
Its probably worse then getting shot if you hit full strength, but dont do so in the head, it will kill.
Kick boxing or boxing is the deal if you go one on one with an aperican american.
100 meter sprint
>BJJ requires you start from one of a few set starting positions.
You have 0 knowledge of BJJ
This won't work. It's been in the news where gangs of black lads beat up a mentally disabled person. Also, videos on liveleak.
>I read about krav maga
>I weigh 100lbs
Lel rekt
Only way to outrun one is you're one yourself or if he's fat. Not even memeing
getting a job and moving is your best option if they're that close
>an adult male weighs over 200lbs
>Krav Maga
The martial art for sociopathic autists who think poking windpipes and shooting people point blank is worth sinking 23 years into
Oh yeah, it's more sport than anything. I just like kicking shit.
Where I train we do no gi half the time. Also you can do a croas collar choke on anyone with a jacket or nice shirt or whatever else. And pants and shirt can act like gi grips. So yes you do have a gi on basically. Also I've never heard of missionary. I prefer to use a double leg then go to side control or straight to mount where I can either break arm or rain hell. Yeah sounds useless to me.
Where I train we do no gi half the time. Also you can do a croas collar choke on anyone with a jacket or nice shirt or whatever else. And pants and shirt can act like gi grips. So yes you do have a gi on basically. Also I've never heard of missionary. I prefer to use a double leg then go to side control or straight to mount where I can either break arm or rain hell. Yeah sounds useless to me.