>be me >go to chemist after gym to get some medication for my allergies >in line at the collection desk >notice lady behind me on Instagram >want to talk to her to practice my social skills >tell her "Hey, you should follow me on instagram" >"no my boyfriend will kill me lol" >"erm i didnt ask about your bf" >she walks away >mutter fuck under my breath. she was a 5/10 anyway >leaving pharmacy >walk to revolving doors with a qt behind me >feel a sharp pain in my right hip join >lift my leg like im marching on the next step >qt laughs >ask her "are you laughing at me?" >"yeah that was so random" >try to talk to her "hey come on you can't do that i just came from gym and my legs killing me" >"yeah im sure it is, good luck with the pain" >try to get her number but she just ignores me and walks to her car
what the FUCK this is not what i signed up for. i though once I started gym women would be begging me for cock.
Sounds like you're doing good m8, keep at it, if you're American, take note women are bigger bitches here and don't respond as well as they would other countries
Juan Baker
Well it’s good you have courage but you need to practice well known techniques.
Youtube picking up girls/ redditredpill or pickup sites. Practice what they preach then eventually you will be experienced and able to pickup easier.
Jack Bennett
what about sex i dont want to underperform
Charles Watson
that come later user what you need right now is some technique
Blake Johnson
>Pickup artistry on jewtube
Legit great advice
Hunter Campbell
Damn bro just be yourself this story was cringeworthy just reading. She thought you were autistic. Stop the pick up artist shit it will give you a mental illness.