Why do people ostracize vulnerable young males?
Why do people ostracize vulnerable young males?
Stop being a fag and KYS plz.
Because weak cunts get beat. Watch the animal channel.
If I'm going to kill myself, I'll make sure to take some of you to hell with me.
Because you are vulnerable, so you are an easy target.
They get off at humiliating others, it is just human nature.
It's gonna be funny as fuck hearing about this constantly lead into more shootings and people not understanding why.
I really wish these guys could let this shit just roll off their backs, but I get it. they're young, hormones are dumb and crazy, etc. I just hate how I gotta get some flack for it from some people after every happening.
Western human nature.
Because that way they increase their own value, by comparing it to someone, who possess traits, seen us bad.
Its kill or be killed
Simply as that OP
This happens everywhere user.
Tell me one country in which kids in school don't bully other weak kids.
This user gets it.
Exploit or be exploited.
There is nothing more in life.
Group psychology. The bullying itself is secondary. Primarily it serves as a bonding experience for the bullies. In some parts of the world commanders encourage their soldiers to rape women together because it enhances the bond between them. Same principle applies.
its actually gender roles that does this PSA
Humans are generally evil on a group level.
Kindness is a virtue that is not universal.
A few kids being bullies does not make it human nature.
Society believes that vulnerability means weakness and weak men are hated by society. Humans still think like we're in the caves, hunting and picking berries.
You'll post about how trannies, SJWs, minorities etc. don't deserve special treatment or hugboxes or gibs, then turn around and complain about how people are treating you bad and how women should respect you more. You all are nigger-tier garbage
There is at least one bully in every class in every school in the world.
Narcissism and lack of empathy is often prevalent in the socially ostracized.
>Nigger culture and behavior is the same as robots complaining.
Shitposting doesn't produce future gang members, you dumb coon-lover
>ow trannies, SJWs, minorities etc
nobody deserves to be bullied not even brown people and fags, this doesn't mean that they have to be given gibs though
>You'll post about how trannies, SJWs, minorities etc. don't deserve special treatment
Lots of projecting there user.
At least one bully in every class in every school in the world does not make it human nature.
If it's not women, it's pretty much any SJW shield you can think of. Jow Forums is hilariously hypocritical.
The dumb cunts wonder why there are so many shootings but don't look at the reason why it happens
Then why is slavery bad? Why give rights to non whites especially niggers (who are the only race to not have a culture or civilization)?
>taking any board seriously
you've either been here for too long or not long enough
Thanks for the (You) user
(You) don't really believe that blacks don't have a culture or civilization, or didn't at the time of the slave trade.
>dduuuuuh we always did it so its natural so its oke
Guess what, living a barely civilized life, having no decency whatsoever, smearing eachother with shit and eating people is also "human nature" by that definition, but most decent people don't consider that a good thing, eh
Let's say they did. Either way they submitted to white rule because they are dumb weak cunts even today. Yet that is "bad" and "racist".
is this trumpet Anime even good? Seems like one of those niche Animes that are only good if music is your hobby. I couldn't get into Your Lie In April because of all the music references.
I amAnd sorry if my english is bad (not my native)
Im not talking about you shouls be a beast like the average normie
Im just answering OP's question
Its not a beautiful truth but its the truth
Also im saying that you should behave like the normies
For example:
When i was a kid i used to be bullied for being ugly
I didnt started to bully the kids that were weaker than me
I started to bully the fucking normies and chad's, learning to fight and stuff
Guess what, i was never bullied again and i finished school in peace
Alone but in peace
Men are known for only caring about themselves (I.E. fathers that pump and dump) The ones that would care aren't selected anymore.
Woman care for no one but themselves and chads who can help them act out a fairy tale, there you go OP.
I'm a vulnerable young male and I try to help other ones I'm just a recluse from bad experiences.
It isn't just this. Girls in western cultures have become a protected class due to feminist incursion in to school system. Girls who are bullied have administrative support. Boys do not. If a girl bullies a boy, she usually gets off free meanwhile the boy may somehow wind up getting additionally punished despite being the victim in this scenario. If a boy bullies a girl he gets ostracized, suspended, etc. Boys in western schools are expected to suck it up and deal with it. Some do just that. Others kill themselves. Still others kill as many people in the school as they can first before they then kill themselves.
to cause shootings and in turn give gun control faggots more leverage.
Because of the Columbine faggots and all of the copycats since.
Scared by the consequence of your actions while perpetuating them... Interesting.
When did I say I was scared? I'm more likely to get hit by lightning than to get killed by some losertard whose butthurt went all the way up to his brain.
Scared was wrong, probably unempathetic and angry?
>I'm more likely to get hit by lightning
The fact is you die anyway, It doesn't matter if someone shoots you because you treated them like shit, so your anger comes from something user.
>losertard whose butthurt went all the way up to his brain.
That's the most normalfag thing I've read all day.
>That's the most normalfag thing I've read all day.
That's because I'm a Norman. I've got a girlfriend and friends and everything.
being feared is better. people don't talk to me, don't look at me, get out of my way when i walk, go out of their way to avoid sitting next to me on the bus or anywhere in public, people lock their doors when i walk by, roll up their windows.
this guy came up to me while i was listening to music and he kept saying sorry to me because he initiated a convo with me even though i was being perfectly friendly with him.
Oooh, that's why you have no deep thoughts, too busy with those worthwhile kids that will suffer because of you and wife that was with men before you.
*sigh* Totally predictable. We've been together since I was 12 and she was 11, but nice try. Why don't you try telling me about how she's going to file false rape charges and take half my stuff while she's fucking Tyrone behind me back. No wonder you guys are called 'robots'; you just say the same inane shit over and over with 100% predictability (while patting yourself on the back for your 'muh deep thoughts').
because men are utterly disposable, especially the young ones without any money
To make them tougher.
Of course your fine with the children suffering though, just defensive of your wife because she's the only thing that makes you feel worthy.
The fact is your a minority and got lucky, and I don't claim my post are 100% true or logical like an egomaniac.
The average human will never side with reproductive undesirables, not even to understand them.
Humans, no matter how much they claim they're civilized, are controlled by baser instincts on average.
If someone has undesirable traits (whatever those are), the mechanism that mammals evolved to make sure those traits dont propogate is to distance oneself from said traits.
Nobody will ever really want to say anything or do anything with loser men who can get girls, unless theyre good at hiding it or it is unapparent.
Its 2018, and the way to attack a man with words will STILL always be to imply sexual inadequacy
Just like for women its to call them sexually promiscuous. Although now that's changing and its ok to be sexually promiscuous as a woman
Still not socially acceptable for girls to be unattractive to you though.
If you're unattractive women wont want to associate with you, and consequently neither will men. Not just physically, mind you. If physicality was all that mattered I would have had at least a few 6/10 gfs by now, instead of 1
>Of course your fine with the children suffering though
No, I just didn't address that because I don't have any kids.
> she's the only thing that makes you feel worthy.
No; my friends and the success of my business are also contributing factors.
>The fact is your a minority
No, I'm white.
> I don't claim my post are 100% true
That's good, because you've thus far gotten zero correct.
You didn't have administrative support as a girl if you acted male or had mental disorders or disabilities. The normal preppy kids wearing Abercrombie were the kids the administration sided with. The more normal, popular, and clean cut you were, the more they were in the right.
posters like this better not care when a shooting happens
because there are too many of them and so they must suffer
>No, I'm white.
That's funny but you misunderstood, Your experience of faithfulness is so rare that it does not apply to most individuals so you could never understand their issues.
>thus far gotten zero correct.
That's because you give no information because you're either boring or hide your faults.
>or hide your faults.
I smoke, I'm a picky eater, and I get so terrified every time I have to appear in court that I usually dope myself up on heavy decongestants beforehand.
You want a real answer?
It happens to everyone. HOWEVER, generally, gender equality movements of various kinds have failed to recognize men and males as a whole, while uplifting others.
Women have progressed (rather impressively too), but men have been where they always have been (or worse). It's just how it is and has been and will be. You will always be on your own, and nobody will care about you. If you suffer, you suffer alone. If you struggle, you struggle alone. If sacrifices must be made, it will be you. If we need ditch diggers, you will dig. If we need soldiers, you will serve. If we need to punish people, we will punish you.
Amazing, right? Nobody cares. Nobody has ever cared. Nobody ever will.
>I'm a picky eater
Same here man.
I'm chubby, have never been loved by even my own mother, Think about suicide hourly, take weekly showers, and get pissed at unempathetic people on the internet.
Generally I like people just not if they're breeders, It's the shallow hatred of people who lash out without seeking the reason why I dislike, not you.