Why don't perfect boys like this exist in real life?

Why don't perfect boys like this exist in real life?

Attached: who.jpg (1782x2126, 432K)

Your attainablility complex is showing, femanon

He's so beautiful....

I'm a guy.

>I'm a guy
Faggots have no standards, they'll fuck anything with a pulse.

there are 3 billion men on this planet but I only want to marry this one.

Is it just me or does that guy have unusually large hips for a guy?

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who cares, more to hold on to.

oh yeah he certainly is a cutie, I was just wondering if I was the only one who thought it or whether he actually did have larger than average hips.

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owo he pretty cute

Twinks are a diamond dozen.

>Hasn't even heard the man's voice
>Already wants to spend the rest of his life with him
Way to prove my point

He just looks like a generic teenage boy.

>He just looks like a generic teenage boy.

and the problem is?

He's jealous ofc

have any more of him? asking for a friend

No ;___; I want more too, but this is the only picture I have of him. I would owe anyone who found more my life...

I want to see pics of his ass

I want to be the first person to offer to eat his ass

"b-but user I don't know, that's so dirty an-" and then I just push his legs up and go to town, as he gasps in pleasure,

I went to school with a guy who looks like him, I was a seemingly straight athletic guy and we used to hangout, I took a shower in his house one time he lives right down the street from me in a big house on the lake

Go fuck him right now. Eat his ass. Tell me what it's like.

Trim the pubes and I would, pretty cute boy.