How do I naturally gain testosterone, Jow Forums?

How do I naturally gain testosterone, Jow Forums?

Been lifting for over 2 years now. Started around 145 lbs now weigh 180 lbs. I still look like shit. 6'2", 18% BF. My face makes me look like a 16 year old faggot. I've come to the realization I have low testosterone, that seems like the only logical explanation. I have a physical job, with repetitive lifting around 80+ lbs for 8 hours, I ride my bicycle to work, I train hard at the gym, intermittent fast, I eat clean foods yet still eat a ton in the pm's, and I still manage to hold onto all this body fat. I can't get past the 180 lb mark either. No matter what diet I've tried and how much food I eat I'm stuck here, when I eat a lot I just shit a lot, as if I'm just shitting out all my gains and my body can't hold onto any more muscle. I barely fap (maybe once a month), don't get laid because I'm a skinny fat beta, I avoid soy and plastic containers/bottles.

So what can I do? Is there any hope? Do I just have pathetic genes?

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Lmao you look like shit. You have shit genes and probably don't even put in the work

A good suggestion that has worked for a lot of people on this board is kill yourself

>Bike to work
>Physical job for 8 hours
>Bike to gym
>Lift after work
>Bike home
>"Probably don't put in the work"


>fat DYEL telling others they look like shit

the irony.


If you're trying to gain weight specifically, you need to cut down on cardio.
Not because of some calorie bullshit but cardio and strength training literally make opposing hormones.
Look up research papers on "concurrent training". There's an awful lot of proof out there regarding weight training and cardio. Cardio significantly reduces strength and mass gains, but strength training actually oddly enough helps improve endurance in endurance athletes

pls dont feed (you)s to obvious dyels

Also you need to begin cut/bulk cycles if you really want less body fat

>Muh calories
I've tried all that shit. It's all broscience. I have low T simple as that. Only here to learn ways to increase testosterone without injecting myself with some.

go get actual bloodwork instead of self diagnosing and dismissing actual science as broscience. textbook hypocrisy

This is the correct answer.
If you're too much of a pussy to talk to a doctor you can order lab tests online without a prescription for just about any disease

You sound like someone who always looks and makes up excuses for their shortcomings.

Fuck kid you need to settle down you don't even look bad.

You're not physique competitor, but none of us on this board are. Take your time and relax, enjoy the process you look like with a tan, better lighting and a mild pump you'd rock a nice otter mode bod. Looks even better at your height too.
Long story short don't top yourself just yet. Two years is fuck all. 6 years is where you worry.

Try a powerlifting routine. You don't need to compete or follow the sport religiously but fuck just try a 12 week program because I found they're really good for identifying weaknesses in your lifts and correcting what's lacking.
When you correct what's lacking you lift better and stronger and you grow bigger as a result. I reckon everyone who's not a powerlifter should still do a routine every now and then. Maybe a small one once a year or some shit, just for the benefits of experience across the board.

As for your diet keep your calories high, keep your fats pretty high too, like 80grams a day high because lean eating all the time can really restrict that and low fat is a surefire way to fuck your hormones and feel like a weak little bitch all the time. Fats are underrated.
Also try spacing your meals evenly if fasting isn't doing great things. Just wake up and blast a high fat breakfast like eggs or salmon or something then eat every 3 hours.

People will tell you that timing isn't crucial, and it isn't really, not all the time, but for someone in your position I'd recommend it. I always feel better if I stick to a time routine. Good luck

Also man get some plastic in your life. Fuck. How do you meal prep without plastic containers?

you look good bro

I don't meal prep I live in my mother's basement and she cooks most of my meals

No, I really don't

Not making excuses, I'm looking for an answer to my problem

I don't need a doctor to tell me I have low T it's fairly obvious

your symptoms also mimic overtraining and judging by your bragging post here
it's fairly obvious you're not getting enough rest

go see a doctor you retard

post ass just to make sure

You aren't skinnyfat, fool. Do you get enough sleep, 8+ hours a night?

Pin test you pussy. Natural test enhancers are memes


changed my life

I get 7-8 hours sleep every night

My ass is fat I have a girl's ass it's fucking embarrassing

ok heres what you do

first tell me where you live and if you live with your parents

secondly tell me if you can open a bitcoin account

A lot of guys wish they had your genetics. I can put on a ton of weight muscle and fat quick. Fat quicker.

What is your routine? What are your lifts?

>4 days a week
>Chest and arms
>Shoulders and arms
>Legs and core

I'll do the corresponding compound movement for each day, I'll do 5x5 one week next week I'll aim for 10-12 rep range, then a few isolation exercises 3-4x10-12

Your routine is trash and that’s why you have flushed two years down the drain.


Not by this board's standards. But you look pretty decent for normies. You could probably take your shirt off in public with no shame. Also lifting isn't magic. If a skinnyfat dude with below average genetics lifts for 2 years, this is exactly what he'd look like. Fix your test obviously, but keep at it, you're going to make it.

is this some sort of elaborate meme or something? OP looks like fucking dog shit, like literally dyel, not even including the fact that he has been lifting for 2 years. 2 years of lifting should take you to 90% of your natural limit, like seriously dude? You look like a middle school track athlete

I know. I don't get why people are trying to be all nice and such. I'm fully aware I look like shit, I already made that clear. The purpose of this thread is to teach me how to naturally boost T, I still haven't received an answer

Yep low test is the only thing holding you back. It couldn't possibly be that your daily bike total is 1.5 miles. Or that "training hard" means quitting sets early cause you're tired. Or that your clean foods consist of burgers and French fries even if they're homemade. Or that the amount of food you eat still fluctuates between 2200 and 2600 cals. Your body is definitely just "shitting out your gains" cause that happens. And avoiding soy and fapping is totally conducive to your test boasting. You really hit the nail on the head. ONLY LOW TEST COULD CAUSE THIS THERE IS NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE. NOW HYPERFOCUS ON YOUR T-LEVELS AND SINK FURTHER AND FURTHER INTO THE HOLE OF YOUR OWN MAKING JFC M8

>Been lifting for over 2 years now.

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Dude, make sure you sleep enough, no less than 7, but no more than 9 hours. Looks like you have decent amount of physical stress in you life already with your physcial job. Maybe combined with cycling and fasting (which is a stress for our body, it is not natural) you are just overexerting yourself? All that advice about working out 4-5 days a week at least an hour, intermittent fasting, cardio every morning works great if you do fitness for living or if you have a 9-5 office job which does not tax your body too much. Us anons working physical jobs need different solutions, especially if we have other stress in life. Try working out only 3 times a week, works wonders for some busy anons, not just becouse it takes less time but becouse your body fucking rests. Focus on compund lifts (squats, deadlift, snatch, clean, bench, OHP), go big and heavy. If you relly lift a lot at work you are getting a lot of volume in already, what you need is inensity, so low reps, high weight. Try to keep your trainings under 45 mins (excluding warm up, coold down and stretching). Another thing: TRAIN, do not "work-out" or "hit the gym" but train, have a goal in place, devise a progression system, your body gets used to exercise stress suprisingly quickly so you need to progress, change weight, increase or cut reps, sets, etc. Do not avoid all fats, some are really bad, but most have marked function in your organism, especially in hormonal system

Fucking hell. I know we all do banter but the aim of this board is to help people improve. Come on dude, sort your attitude out. Not good for you if anything else.

this isn't your diary bud