What does your room look like Jow Forums

What does your room look like Jow Forums

I'll start

Attached: 20180521_190746[1].jpg (2560x1440, 1.07M)

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pretty ok i think will post in a minute
yours is nice, why is your door so slim?

>why is your door so slim?
they made it so his lardass can't leave the room to disturb their family life

Looks comfy I like the pans and weird guitar touch

It needs a little cleaning but right now for the thread it looks like this.

Attached: Room right now.jpg (1920x1441, 792K)

kriss vector is shit and you should feel bad

Heck you I like it

That's a cute cat 9.5/10 would cuddle.

this is nice too

here is mine

Attached: Room.png (950x713, 1003K)

>Cool gun
>2 pc or 1pc and 1 case
>a giant teddy bear
>black magic box
user are you a hit man? also what is that gun called

The gun is a Kriss Vector carbine, its real not airsoft or anything. Two PCs incase a friend comes over, only one monitor because 2nd one broke, and the chest below the desk is for storage.

Kriss vector, universally known as being retarded. Owning one is an excellent way of showing everyone you don't know anything about guns and shooting in general.

pretty nice, I would just get a new desk from IKEA or some shit

Do you stream on twitch or something

Where does your girlfriend sleep?

Are you twelve user?

in my bed with me behind the couch there

do you live with your parents?
do you own your own house fully paid off?
which one is it

low quality photo, rate on comfiness friends

Attached: 2398470198273.jpg (1292x1498, 412K)

Do you own a house?
Like do you legit own a house fully paid off?
or do you live in an apartment or with your parents.

sorry for the retarded question

It's just a small room, I live with my mom

sorry meant to say I live in a house with my mom, not an apartment

where to cop that box under your desk?

i'll cop your mom's pussy

This isn't exactly it, but its close enough and should lead you on the right path! Its been so long since we got that, I have no idea where its exactly from

I just cleaned my room yesterday, it's already gathering filth.

Attached: room_panorama.jpg (1334x287, 33K)

not much has changed lately

Attached: 26 - g0J1aA0.jpg (2160x1620, 889K)

Ayymes chairs are top comfy, is that one authentic? Aerons are great too, that's what I'm on right now.

Wtf are all these normie rooms? Why do you even browse r9k? Go back to /b/ already normies


also why dont you post your room so we know what a real robot room looks like

You didn't even state what makes them "normie" rooms, normalfag. What, do they need to have trash piled three feet high?

This. If you can see the floor, you're not a robot.

my very original room

super original

Attached: room.jpg (2448x3264, 1.19M)

Even if a robot has only been working minimum wage jobs since they were 16 they should be able to afford having a nice looking room by the time they are 25.

It's tiny as hell but comfy

Attached: Screenshot_20180521-214319.jpg (1440x801, 604K)