Can a robot ever be non-binary?

Not to be cringe but I just don't fully feel like a male but at the same time I don't think I want to go full tranny. It's not like I expect people to call me some retarded shit but it'd be nice to dress more androgynous and just know that I'm not quite either. Not like I interact with enough humans for it to matyer anyway.
What do you think?

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sounds like youre trans but just dont want to be

You just have a sexual fetish.

>non binary


Why does it matter, once again?
No cultute here, bud.

It sounds like you're male and just dislike the cultural standards of gender imposed on you. A lot of men feel this way but if you speak up about it you will get so much backlash so guys just learn to suppress these feelings.

Well yeah, but I kind of want breasts or a smaller penis. But I don't want to be a girl either. I can't ever see myself as a woman. And even if it is just disliking standards, isn't transitioning to be more andro just a way to avoid them?

Is there a better word I should use?

Its quasi-normal for a weirdo to want to be andro.

Just accept it. But post pics.

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I don't think so. It doesn't turn me on when I imagine it.

Maybe, but I don't know. If I was trans wouldn't I feel like a woman?

You are a male. That's biology. If you want to treat the mind like an imaginary playground and see yourself as something else because it's convenient for your flimsy sense of self and the way you interact with the world then go right ahead. The decadent society loves eating this dumpster fire shit right up, you'll fit right in with the painted goblins and the soulless troglodyte clowns. If you're good looking and passing enough that your twisted delusions can even be accepted AND lusted after? YOU GO BIATCH, SLAYYYY GURLLLLL!!!!! YASSSSS!!! WAT YO GRINDER HOMIEEE??? UNCLE AIDS WANNA SLIDE HIS POOPY SNEK RIGHT UP IN THAT LAWNMOWER, U SEXY THANGGG!!! ROME TWO: ANIME CLOWN WORLD

However, you are a male. MALE.

This says more about modern society that you don't really feel like a person in the first place.

no one can ever be non-binary, especially a robot

Post cock? orengoala

I guess it kind of does. (original post)

I mean, what about the non-binary people?

mentally ill would be the most accurate description.

That's stupid as shit. Just be a man who likes to wear dresses sometimes.

Isn't that a little harsh?

I'm the stalinistest commie you'll ever meet and I say fuck this gay shit

there are no non-binary people, non-binary doesn't exist

if I was cute I would wear cute things and occasionally girl clothes if I could pull it off
Im not so I work with what I have

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Oh, so if I'm not what robots are I'm mentally ill? Hm.

I guess I could be.

no, but if you think you're non-binary (which doesn't exist) you might be mentally ill

Hey, I'm an ancap. Why should I give a fuck what stalinists think?

It has nothing to do with whether you're a robot or not, either way you're clearly mentally ill.

Huh. Guess they all disappeared.

how the hell does a male even dress androgynous? that really only applies to females since you cant tell their gender because they dress like males sometimes. clothes are pretty much male/female oriented

no, what you mean by "non-binary" doesn't exist. the closest thing would be someone who's intersex. you aren't intersex, all the people claiming to be non-binary aren't either.
you guys are just mentally ill.

There is no nonbinary. There is only normal and faggot.

From my point of view it seems like non-binary and genderfluid stuff is people responding to the paradigm shift that you don't objectively have to fit into our current societies standards of gender roles. you see what people think how males should be and realize that it doesn't describe you, so you jump to the conclusion that you must not be male. you ARE male, you just don't fit into societies ideals and that's ok. what society believes is masculine and feminine or how males and females should behave is in constant flux. However, for the vast majority of people their are only TWO sexes, male and female and unless you are born with an extremely rare genetic disorder and are intersex you can only be one or the other and you cannot choose which one you want to be. but the way you want to act and present yourself has no objective basis and you can behave however you like. you can dress how society thinks a girl should dress, though you are male. it's ok, do that. but you are still male.

why the fuck do you care about your gender. you are male, that's it. you can be as girly as you want or as manly as you want but youll always be male. labels are retarded and for retards want attention and community

I hope I'm cute enough.

No, only humans can be robots.

Well my face is soft and I can actually pass as a girl (5'5 feels) so it's not hard for me.

If you feel dysphoria about your body, you're probably a tranny in denial. If you don't feel any dysphoria, you're most likely just some feminine boy who prefers to feel small and cute instead of big and manly.

I'm very sceptical about the existence of enbees in general though.

But I want to be intersex. How am I different from MTF or FTM?

this is what all "feminine" looking guys say but its pretty obvious they arent female

Well, guess I'm faggot.

Huh. I'll consider that.

What's wrong with wanting community though?

Yikes. orginiaerler

Virtually all social rituals are predicated on gender roles, therefore not passing for either sex is a surefire way to become a robot. Hard yes.

Ayyy! There we go.

I get mistaken for female in public already, though.