I don't give a fuck, life is hard and mundande the only thing that keeps me going is drinking cola and feeling on the edge because it gives me insane brain power.
>Elon Musk drinks cola >Crongressman and Woman drink cola during Zuckerbergs interview >Trump drinks cola
If you were actually smart enough to do research, not only does the sugar make you fatter but the chemicals within cocacola can actually fuck up your sex drive , lol
Gavin Ortiz
Market your shitty product on Reddit you shill
Lucas Collins
>shitty jews pee water that makes you an amerifat >makes you live on the edge I really hope WW3 starts so we get rid of soyboys.
Matthew Parker
You have an addiction
Oliver Adams
>fat person drinks cola >presumably fat people drink cola >fat person drinks cola
>smart persons drink cola think you mean fat persons
Anthony Hall
Start drinking water, you're only drinking coke because it's the only liquid you drink.
Justin Anderson
>lift is shit
For you, maybe.
Ethan Murphy
if we needed cola to hydrate ourselves, our bodies would be made of it. don't drink anything else but water, coffee and tea if you need a caffeine boost. but unironically poisoning yourself with sugar water in 2018, is proof you're never going to make it
Oliver Flores
>wasting your daily calories on straight garbage
I'd much rather 160 kcals of sweet potato with a glass of water. Better carb source and actually filling.
Juan Jones
You know who else drinks Coca Cola? Almost the whole world.
I don't care what you do. Drink up, you weak willed faggot.
Gabriel Davis
My thing with colas and junk food is that I actually do love sweets. So when Ilet myself have something it's gonna be decadent, not some fucking brown water.
Joseph Martin
> Trump drink a cola The is OP, that kept me from grabbing a soda at lunch today
Julian Roberts
This. I still have a massive sweet tooth from being a kid. If I want to cheat and eat something sweet it's gonna be something that tastes immaculate.
Jonathan Collins
Trump is also a billionaire that increased his inheritance by a factor of 100, and banged porn stars and models of his chosing - all the way into his 70s, at which time he became the most powerful man in the world. Be careful, you don’t want to be like that idiot.
Daniel James
Die of aids faggot
Elijah Cox
>Trump >smart
Jesus, I hope fucking white people die
Tyler Torres
I like to squeeze fresh lemon juice in my water in the morning. Is this Jow Forums acceptable?
Adrian Roberts
But then who would provide you with gibsmedats?
Camden Hill
It's easy to ride on coattails and dodge taxes by filing for bankruptcy multiple times.