/fat loss/ thread

How is your cut going? What is your diet and routine?

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I’ve lost 25 lbs this year
Just eating less, mostly meat and vegetables. Some berries. Protein shakes

What was your starting weight?
Are you counting cals?

2 weeks of 18/6 intermittent fasting 170>164.
I can't recommend this method enough, for me it's the easiest way to make less calories more satisfying. I know I'm just starting but It's painless and I see no reason to stop

205. I counted calories at first but now that I know how much food is too much I stopped really counting and just judge by volume based on what I know the calorie content of certain foods is

Can you recommend a good webpage which clearly explains the method you use. I have "baby fat" which is exceedingly difficult to work off. I'm longer fat in most of my body but I still have a potbelly, boyish cheeks, and large hips and ass

>make less calories more satisfying
my friend keeps talking about fasting like its some magic voodoo shit. At least you have an understanding of what is really going on.

Really good source, I've used it myself

>How is your cut going?

It's going well. Losing about a pound a week. Currently 240 aiming for 230.

>What is your diet and routine?
4700calories, high protein, high fat, lowish carbs. Carbs are usually 80 to 120ish grams. Plenty of greens and ONIONS. I don't bother trying to be ultra precise. Low dose mk677 for sleep and beautiful skin.

As far as lifting goes my strength is still the same. Deadlifts, bench, squats, weighted chins, farmers walks and push press make up my routine.

Also high fat diets with plenty of coffee makes me feel energized but not jittery all day.

are you the mountain by any chance?