I wanna be a Anarchist, but not to keen on the feminism. What do?

I wanna be a Anarchist, but not to keen on the feminism. What do?

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Obviously just go for Anarcho-patriarchism

Don't be an anarchist, simple

Get a job and forget you ever had this shitty idea.

Kys because you clearly have no value as a human being

How are you defining value?

does it fucking matter

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keep in mind all of the early anarchists and most of the communists were super anti-semitic so you don't have to go with the social norms of modern-day "anarchists" who are usually larping bernie bros

Yes, obviously. If you're claiming someone has no value, you need to define value.
Are you saying it because he's an anarchist and you hate anarchism, or because he's not a feminist and you're a cuck?

If you aren't going to explain anything, then that's when it doesn't matter what you say. It's empty noise and the world is worse off if you hadn't said anything

How the fuck is anarchism related to feminism

If I try to """define""" value then you'd just disagree and I wouldn't give a shit and nothing changes. This is why online debate is completely pointless. Shitposting, on the otherhand, you accomplish nothing but have fun doing it.

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ignore idpol orgs and hang out with /leftpol/

Anarcho-syndicalism is predominately about the destruction of all forms of power, including both racial and gendered ones. Obviously they claim this and would fight anyone who says otherwise but the anarchist hates minorities and women as much as any other neo-nazi.

>Obviously they claim this and would fight anyone who says otherwise but the anarchist hates minorities and women as much as any other neo-nazi.
What the fuck are you smoking user

Become a mutualist instead. It's kind of like being an AnCap, except without all the autism and weird contradictions.

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this. Mutualism ftw

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If youre a mutualist why havent you started a coop

Anarchism is about the destruction of heirarchies. Saying you want to be an anarchist without being a feminist is like saying you want to be a communist without being a feminist. People don't take too kindly to it.

Feminisnt is not a synonym for equality or egalitarianism, feminists do not have ownership over gender egalitarian ideologies, and in fact they operate much more like a supremacist movement. Stop being foolish.

I could care less about of feminism or feminist. I just wanna liberate the working class

women and minority anarchist often feel excluded and ignored, often because taking down capitalism is the first priority with patriarchy and racism being a distant second. Often times anarchist groups are almost exclusively controlled by white men, with positions of powers forming around these men even though they shouldn't have any power realistically.

based mutualist posters

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So they're butthurt losers who "feel" bad that their struggle, which would be solved via removal of capitalism, isn't taking priority over the actual good strategy, and white men are better strategists and they're butthurt that they're inferior?
This is why all of this shit is trash. The hierarchies naturally form EVEN IN anarchist circles. You are all fucking stupid lmao

Take the Stirner pill

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I wanna be a nazbol but nobody in America even knows what it is and would just make fun of me.

This. Proudhon looks like a fucking Nazi by modern standards. Anarchism didn't really become about feminism and social justice until Emma Goldman and her ilk took over.

True left doesn't support identity politics, lurk /leftypol/ on cripplechan for more.

I actually just got his book. Its arriving tomorrow.

His argument agaisnt charging interest is flawed.
Interest is a measurement of risk.
If all loans were interest free then borrowers would have to be 100% trustworthy.

By that standard a lot of early anarchists weren't anarchists.

I'm not a mutualist or even a socialist, I'm actually an econ student and am more than familiar with the purpose of interest. I just think Proudhon was cool

This is the story of a Jow Forums leftist

>be me ~2008
>be socialist
>think gays are fine, they can do what they want I don't care
>think trans people are probably mentally ill but they can do what they like, not really my business
>this makes me tolerant
>understand that western women often have easier lives than men, but gender is far from the most important factor in your quality of life and there is still some degree of sexism against women in various forms
>also women are socially conditioned to see themselves as sex objects and this is detrimental to their mental wellbeing
>this makes me sympathetic with feminist causes
>acknowledge that certain minority groups are less adapted to western civilization, hence more violence, crime, poverty
>this is due to both social and genetic factors, white oppression as well as negative influences from within their own communities
>we must make conscious effort to ensure people of these races don't face prejudice if they want to better their situation, and consider ways to raise the standard of living in areas of lower socio-economic standing to maximize the opportunities and create a more balanced society
>this makes me racially sensitive and caring
>hope for a day when the world catches up and these social issues are dealt with more reasonably

>be me in 2018
>still believe everything exactly the same
>still consider myself a socialist
>now considered literally a nazi by almost everyone
>don't really give a fuck about race or gender or sexuality, just want all people to be treated with respect and 'a fair day's work for a fair day's pay'
>no one on the left cares about workers rights anymore because they don't work, they know nothing about actually contributing to society
>they have a vague hatred of capitalism but don't understand why, seems to be mostly because WHITE MEN are mostly in charge rather than the inherent unfairness of the system

My image of anarchists is Antifa.

I'm agreeing with you, I'm just explaining the reason.

>Not being a nihilist and only using anarchist/communist/nationalist philosophy when it's convenient for you

Oh, my bad.
apologizing originally.


>you can do nothing but blindly agree with everything and profess hatred for yourself and everyone like you or you are shunned
>as a white male who has had nothing in life, grown up poor with emotional abuse from family, faced racial prejudice and been assaulted and harassed because of my race, been fucked over and fucked myself over with women because of falling into the trap of male provider and protector, none of my experiences are worth anything
>in fact I am racist sexist blind to my own privilege crybaby literal nazi for even bringing it up
>give up on the left completely

>now I spend my days on Jow Forums, milliondollarextreme and cringeanarchy on leddit, reading about holocaust revisionism, race realism etc etc
>basically the same as a neo nazi would do
>feels like a fuck you to a purple haired cunt every time I find something I agree with there
>but this was our capitalist overlords' master plan
>billionaires own the media companies who have forced this anti-white, anti-male SJW madness
>are you starting to see?
>BILLIONAIRES own the 'leftist media'
>do you see the contradiction here?
>socialism is about workers rights, Washington Post who are surely the worst offenders with this shit is owned by Jeff Benzos who is the most notorious abuser of workers rights in recent history
>are you starting to understand now?
>we can not let them win
>I am still a socialist
>I still believe in equality
>I have little hope for the future of humanity, but all we can do is stay strong and live our own lives with dignity and self respect.

Just be a football hooligan. Anarchism doesn't solve anything anyway

>feminists do not have ownership over gender egalitarian ideologies

Except they literally do. They were the first, and are largely the only gender egalitarian ideology. You're just talking out of your ass and probably get your information on feminism from the MRM or some shit. Protip: they don't typically know Jack shit about the other side.

Just become nazbol you'll be fine

Rape, it's literally that simple for you anarchofags

This post is nazbol gang certified

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but I'm not nationalistic at all. IMO nationalism is the main thing that ruined so called 'communist' countries

>acknowledge that certain minority groups are less adapted to western civilization, hence more violence, crime, poverty
>this is due to both social and genetic factors, white oppression as well as negative influences from within their own communities
>genetic factors
>now considered literally a nazi by almost everyone
>genetic factors
Well you're not exactly helping your case against being a racist when you admit that you think those brown people are "less adapted to Western Civilization" because of genetics.

Sub-saharan africans, Polynesians, Aboriginies and various other ethnic groups lived in extremely primitive societies where more primitive adaptations were more beneficial to survival. That is to say they had to be big and strong and not necessarily very smart. This is why the highest income group of black americans has roughly the same IQ as the lowest income group of white people, which would surely not be the case if it was purely enviromental. It's just a generalization, but just as some individuals are genetically stupider than others, there is variation between races as well. If you are a (genetically) dumb as fuck black dude from the hood and you try your best to educate yourself then I'm sure you could be smarter than the average white person.

It's the same with sports or whatever but the other way around. A white guy can be athletically gifted, but if he spends his entire life training to be a sprinter he is still never going to make it to the olympics over a black guy who is also genetically gifted and trains the same. Life is not an even playing field, it's what you do with the advantages and disadvantages you are given that counts.

I'm aware that it's a contentious issue hence I don't really talk about it much, but it's clear as day if you are willing to actually look at the world we live in rather than be in some 'everyone is exactly the same in every way' delusional fantasy world.

>This is why the highest income group of black americans has roughly the same IQ as the lowest income group of white people

I'd have thought it would be because the richest blacks are generally athletes for whom there is no requirement to be intelligent.

first of all anarchy is for cuck
that why anarchists support feminism
second of ALL read sonme basis economic

I would recommend post-left anarchism, but if all you dislike about anarchism is feminism, then you might possibly not like it. It criticizes classical anarchism and socialism for being outdated along with many typical leftist ideas such as labor unions (for fetishizing work and relying on capitalism to exist and to further their own ends), mass organization (which they consider to be predictable, safe, and ineffectual), and left-right thinking (which is too simple to capture the nuances of one's opinions).

Besides that, I really don't know of any modern anarchist tendencies that are classically anarchist except for being anti-feminist. I guess don't listen to what other anarchists have to say and stand with your principles.

Well, Aleksandr Dugin appeared on Infowars, and, while I think this itself isn't true, relatively mainstream (i.e. left-leaning websites with a decently sized readership) are linking Trump to National Bolshevism in general and Dugin in particular. Which is pretty damn ridiculous (to my knowledge, the only extent that Dugin is involved with Trump is saying that he likes him), but the term is becoming more known at least.

But I don't want the whole world to be Balkanized only so it can be dominated by Slavs.

I can't find the IQ one but here is SAT scores. There were 42 million black americans in 2010 according to google, I don't think a few thousand professional athletes would be enough to significantly skew the data.

Attached: SAT-by-Income.png (324x333, 23K)

you know you can adjust the political concepts you align yourself with to fit what you think is appropriate. You can literally use your anarchist position to argue against the parts of feminism you find stupid just as long as you arent retarded and regressive saying all women are staceys and shit

>have to explain why he has no value
>under anarchy the only thing that matters is the "I/my/me/mine"
>hurr u have 2 care about someone that isnt urself xd

nigger you're dumb. no one, especially under anarchy has to provide any reason at all for anything they do or say if they're strong enough or have the means. might makes right and their isn't shit you can do aside from whine like a bitch that he needs to care.

You're not an anarchist, you're just a dick

guess it's time to become an ancap, OP

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Which is why the only good anarchist is an anarcho-capitalist

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Pro tip/unpopular belief: "...anarchism is only achievable in one's own mind." Charles Marks: 'Ownership of the Mid-mind as Resistance to and for Simulacra', c.1992

>if you dislike capitalism you're a leftist cuck who thinks that women are '''''''oppressed''''''' even if they live easier lives than men do and think blacks aren't at fault for their violent nature/culture
>if you are a right winger you're basically a boot licker for your boss and probably wageslaving your life away so he can buy another yacht
Why even bother with politics at all ? If you're a white male robot there's no outcome that's favorable for you. The left wants you to feel bad for existing, the right wants you to ''get a job, loser'' even if you have no motivation to do so because your life is garbage to begin with.

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The only politics worth discussing is a gf state where everyone gets a gf