Accurately describe how to do a proper deadlift with great form without using pictures

Accurately describe how to do a proper deadlift with great form without using pictures.

Attached: 7DC3DF2F-0293-41B1-A024-54EF5E3B4F32.jpg (288x294, 25K)

pick the bar up off the ground but don't hurt yourself doing it

What a shit thread
I would ban you for this if I was a mod

Some probably more interesting thread died because of this

>cut foot in half with bar.
>grab bar right outside shins
>bend knees until shins touch bar
>hinge at the hip while simultaneously pulling slack out of bar to straighten lower back into neutral position
>squeeze armpits to lock in upper back
>initiate movement with quads by pushing into the ground
>drag bar up legs, keeping as close to body/center of gravity as possible
>fully lockout but don't hyper extend
>control the weight down in eccentric portion, don't just drop the bar

Repeat as necessary

>place foot middle of bar
>stick your butt out (dont bend your back to stick it out, stick out your butt to bend the back), stop when hands reach knees
>bend knees until u can grab the bar
>take a deep breath
>chest up, butt goes down
>push like a leg press until the bar passes ur knees
>then thrust the air with ur ass and ur back
dont hyperextend

First of all, neutral spine.
Spinal erectors are not meant to pull the weight, but to keep the spine in line from your head to your ass. This means you have to look down on a 45° angle. If your head tilts upward during the exercise, you're going to fuck your upper back and neck up on the long run.
When taking position, find a set-up that allows you to pull the weight with contracted hamstrings and hip flexors. Posterior belt flexibility is the key.
Neutral spine, head in line, contracted hamstrings and you're ready to go.
When you start pulling you should try to flex your quads and your ass while keeping your spine straight and your upper back tight. If any of this fails, you're either not strong or flexible enough, so fix that.

I know you two don't even lift.

Push with your ass and legs, not your freaking back.

Do the opposite of the guy in your pic

feet normal standing width, bar over midfoot, bend knees so shins touch bar, hands on bar outside knees, back neutral, deep downward breath in, pull slack out of bar then drive hips forward and straighten legs until upright

It's hard to get the form right without there being enough weight on the bar first. By that I mean you think of your body as kind of a spring and you use the barbell to kind of wind yourself up. You want to dig your feet into the ground, take a deep breathe, flex your abs, straighten out your back and flex you lats by trying to "bend the barbell", keep your head neutral with your spine. You then push off the floor with your legs and push your hips forward and flex your glutes to achieve full lockout. And you MUST keep your entire torso as rigid as possible the entire time, meaning your upper body has no part in moving the barbell it's just there to facilitate movement from your legs.
so NO YANKING, you have to wind yourself up first and get TIGHT in your back and abs.

I saw some dyel deadlifting 145lbs with TERRRIBLE form and I almost wanted to go over and say something but he probably wouldve just gotten offended. Deadlifting is a great exercise but if you're doing it with a completely rounded over back the entire time don't even bother.

And a lot of the time beginners have trouble getting the form right because their hamstrings and glutes are just really tight from sitting down too much, STRETCH DAT SHIT OUT NIGGA.

This one is pretty good

First, load the body into the coffin. Any coffin will do. Personally I'd go with a cherry wood as George Washington was most definitely a Jow Forumsizen of the United States and used to cut down trees for them bicep gains. He knew that America would be made by men who could pick up barrels of tea and cannons and hoist the sails not some powder faced-tea chugging-inbred royal jewelry wearing Brits. No he sought to lead by example that a Jow Forums American is a Free American. Anyways after you load the corpse into the coffin bend straight down, keeping your back upright and knees pointed forward grab the handles with one hand tight grip and the other for direction and control. It's worth mentioning that powder could come in handy. Speaking of which, George Washington knew that there was so much demand for cosmetic powder in the castles of royalty that he once (without a spotter or extra hand) lifted 100 kg worth of grade a Chinese powder (in those days power was made of grounded up horse and goat bones) up a lighthouse and chucked it into the stern of the widely famous pleasure boat owned by King George, which he'd use to sail up and down the Indes raping the natives there. Anyways, the boat sank, and everyone including Brits died in the ocean. But, there was one sex slave Peruvian who was so grateful to buff George Washington that he gave him permission to set up a colony in that land, which now the is a small Georgetown south of its modern day border. Anyways, once the coffin is on your shoulder, congratulations you've officially lifted the dead

>5 deep breaths, focusing on truly pushing the exhale out. Gets excess CO2 out and gets more O2 in.
>Approach bar, bar needs to be in line with midpoint of both feet. Feet are shoulder-width apart.
>Clench your core, focusing on keeping your back straight, pull your shoulders back. You don't want to be forcing them all the way back but there should be slight tension
>Bend knees until you can grip bar. Grip with about 3-5 inches of clearance between shins and hands (hands on outside of shins)
>Grip bar. Keep focusing on core, back and shoulders. Look ahead (horizontally, parallel to the ground -- not at the bar). This will help you keep your core tight and your back straight
>Focus on driving heels into the ground, and ever so slightly pulling the bar backwards (backwards horizontally -- think of almost "sitting", but not completing the sit). Keep focus on keeping your back straight and your core tight.

Repeat as necessary.

>Approach the bar with your feet the same distance apart as if you were taking a standing vertical
>Your feet should be cut in half by the barbell
>Drop your hands to your sides, reach down and grip the bar in your fingers
>Imagine your hamstrings are springs and you are loading them up.
>Pretend Eddie hall is trying to tickle your arm pits and you don't want him to
>Pull the bar up and towards you and push the ground away from you until you are standing upright
>Keep a steady output, do not hitch
>Look forward during the lift, not down or up
>Keep your hands on the bar until it hits the floor

Whoops forgot
>Take a deep breath into your belly and push your abs out as hard as you can

Yeah, it was so interesting that it was at the end of the last page

Pleb Guide
>narrow stance
>focus mind on midfoot, quads, and glutes
>grab bar as if you were going to touch your toes
>get solid grip, squat until you can feel the weight in your asscheeks
>inhale (inflate core), brace abs
>push down through midfoot, back through heels, squeeze asscheeks (let glutes do the work)
>lift you swole god you
>resist urge to exhale at the top
>execute controlled descent
If 5plates+ with good form, no belt, no wraps, feel free to bask in your well deserved mires. And when you get a moment please swing by the front desk. We have a qt gf application card for you to fill out.

Find the appropriate chapter in your Goetia.
Cast a circle of salt around the summoning area.
Dig up the body for bicep and back gains.
Prepare your M&M for offering.
Recite the incantation.
There! Summoning your first dead body can be fun and easy!

With feet flat beneath the bar, squat down and grasp bar with shoulder width or slightly wider overhand or mixed grip.

Lift bar by extending hips and knees to full extension. Pull shoulders back at top of lift if rounded. Return weights to floor by bending hips back while allowing knees to bend forward, keeping back straight and knees pointed same direction as feet. Repeat.

Throughout lift, keep hips low, shoulders high, arms and back straight. Knees should point same direction as feet throughout movement. Keep bar close to body to improve mechanical leverage. Grip strength and strength endurance often limit ability to perform multiple reps at heavy resistances. Gym chalk, wrist straps, grip work, and mixed grip can be used to enhance grip.

This is great as long as the person in question knows how to do a hip hinge. Kettlebell swings are IMO the single best exercise for teaching the hip hinge. All my clients pull conventional, and their deadlifts are disproportionately strong. Been spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to cue a low bar squat.

Arms straight, chest up , back straight , but back . Look up, first start driving with your arms and then your legs . Is it really this fucking hard to get ?

Just be yourself bro

It was probably a thread just as shitty as this one
>tfw no gf

Yeah, I typically have to teach my clients how to hip hinge properly before letting them near the bar.

Clients who have experience horseback riding are the best. Hinging and deadlifting come natural to them.

>approach bar stand over bar with toes forward and legs in your natural standing position, if wearing weightlifting shoes align the straps to right under the bar, this is midfoot
>now point toes out slightly, this allows you to get your body down in the correct position with your legs out of your bellys way
>bend down and grab bar with grip right outside your legs
>now move your shins in until contact with bar is established, do not move the bar, the hip position is now established
>chest up as high as you can, you should be tighter than a virgins asshole in that there is alot of tension on the bar
>squeeze your hips forward and you'll rise, basically just a hip hinge