What keeps you living ?

what keeps you living ?

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Food, water and air.

nothing, each day gets worse. just waiting for the right moment

are you waiting for something to go right ?
i can understand this. but it never is like that.
each day is another step into hell.

Uncertainty to some degree, but mainly the fact I'm too scared.
If I could wish from god to kill me in my sleep I would be grateful.

im just waiting for my roommate to leave once our lease is up. at that point ill be able to just disappear

i actually have value in my life and enjoy it, unlike you losers.

guilt and duty bro


The levels of absurdity one comes in attempts to fill the hollowness in this existential being compares to insanity coupled with schizophrenia, as if one is grabbing from imagination and stuffing it into "reasons to live". Ultimate nature of life is just life, our demand for reasoning leads us away from the moment and towards misery. It is best to keep going and see how long it will all last, and what it will show you, for all things become meaningless if you look close enough, both the pleasure and pain, so in the end there is nothing to do but literally enjoy the ride.

Nothing, I'll be dead soon

Little promises, little secrets, litte voices

and what makes your life have value, moreso than ours?

Not caring enough to actively kill myself
However, not to say that I'm not passively killing myself over time

My future goal of becoming a German citizen.

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the fear of what comes after death

>too scared to truly live
>too scared to truly die
just barely existing until the shell of my life collapses in on itself

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do you have any goals user?

Work. I like my work. I no longer identify myself as a male or female, I'm an employee. All I do, I do for work. I keep myself healthy so I can go to work. I sleep 8 hours a day to be in good shape at work. I take lots of over hours for the good of my company. The only people I talk with are my colleagues from work. The only clothes I have are the ones I go to work with.


lack of gun nearby

Why Germany?
Are you a sand person?

killing yourself may not be the best option, but if you do i wish you a peaceful departure.

Hard to say, I just have things I gravitate towards more than other.

I'm American but I have family who lives there and I plan to move there once I graduate.

do you love working?

the fear of making my bf as depressed as I am

Call it ignorance or stupidity but somehow ive always managed to hold on to the idea that this shit is all temporary, even if shittier things come eventually, something less shitty, or maybe even good will happen be it through myself or others around me

a passion will get you through a hard time or emptyness. just finding it is the issue.

Thanks. I think it is.

there's no such thing as a stupid mindset if it's getting you through what you gotta get through.

I'm neither on hard times no emptiness, user, but thank you for your concern. I'm at the best in my life at the moment, full of many wonderful feelings and heading in a vague direction.

i envy your love.

If it keeps you from snapping it's not a stupid mindset. All things are temporary, I wish you luck.

im sincerely glad to hear that, it is inspiring to hear from people at their pinnacle.

>All things are temporary
Even everything being temporary?

the prospect of getting high again

thank you, as to you.

Well yeah, temporarily anyways.

>33 replies in 20 minutes
why the fuck aren't my threads so successful?

Yes. Can't wait for the final singularity.

There's only ever the pinnacle, for every step is required on the never-ending climb. Perspective is key to life, and nothing else.

>why the fuck aren't my threads so successful?

People love talking about themselves, and OP asked a question which applies to most posters and lurkers here.

The issue many robots have with threads stems from the self-centered nature of the OP.


i wish for the best in you user

I was about to answer this kinda seriously but then I noticed that your pic is anime and it instantly ruined my mood u degenerate cunt

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The hope for a better future.

The promise I made go my 16 year old self, which was to reach physical peak.
That and I'm almost ready for a prostitute... I mean "escort".

The prospect of everything improving one day.

I guess my body, I purposely have eaten 5+ pounds of chocolate as a diabetic in about 3 days and never got sick or even tired.
I'm also not partial to pain so having to go through it to only maybe escape it seems risky.

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my best friend and the prospect of meeting up irl one day

i want to escape my own shame one day

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>"5/22/18 - I haven't worked on anything yet since I started this fucking thing. Memes aside, the thought of doing these is the only thing stopping me from killing myself right now. It's all very funny."

I'm a schizophrenic. I really want to die right now.

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I'm a coward piece of shit so I can't kill myself. Until I find the courage to do it, I'll just try to fill my time with things to do.

Morbid curiosity at how the world will be in a decade or two.

Humanity can't seem to handle the internet very well, every year things get crazier as we lose more and more of the comforting illusions about reality that make life worth living for plebs.

I should be one of those checking out, but I'm too curious about exactly how everything will go down.

But user you're walking right into it.

Honestly this is the least scary part for me, after you die you just cease to exist, quite the point of killing yourself. I'd be horrified to find out there's life after killing myself.

The fear of killing myself

Nothing comes close to the shame of being a man.


If the world is the reason I'm fucked up, why do it a favor by ridding it of my presence?

The hopes that I will witness a race war and the 4th Reich

>lore, lore, lore, looooore!

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How about a man who tries to turn himself into a woman and looks like a goblin in 10 years.
Some woman hormones womb't change your biological makeup user.
I'm sorry to say that but good luck at least.

The hope that one day I will push forward and be able to help people like myself in the future.
Life is unbearable. I don't want to see others suffer anymore or feel alone. I don't care if I make a neet podcast and talk to those who have no one or I write books or produce things for them, I want to do something. All of you deserve to keep moving forward and enjoy this existence.

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Yourerer mother


Basically everything I do or am interested in involves losing myself in another, better reality than this one in some way. In order to do that, it's unfortunately necessary for me to exist in this reality.

In the hopes that five years from now, I figured my life out and have it under control. I have an overbearing mind and it's fucking annoying, I wish I could turn it off every once in awhile.

From years upon years of browsing this shithole, it's affected me mentally. I only hope future me doesn't become some huge faggot.

The will to live keeps you living.

the goodest of kush

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I decided to wait until I finish uni to see if it gets better.
If it doesn't I'll an hero.

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Too lazy to kill myself. I live in an apartment with two brothers, a sister and our mother. There's no place to cut myself, hang myself or poison myself. I'm just passively killing myself by have a shit diet and sedentary lifestyle.

Do you got the sauce to this gif?

A-Type personality.
My lust to beat my friends overrides any other feeling.
When I feel like I can't beat them, I feel terrible.
What's wrong with me?

false hope, dreams that never come true, video games, but the urge to kill myself gets bigger everyday.

mom and no access to/money for a gun

See I told myself this before I started going to uni

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a sense of obligation, i guess. there are still a few people in this world who care for me and i would hate to harm them by offing myself. there's also my dog, can't imagine leaving her.
will likely an hero in a few years though, can't live for the sake of others forever.

>just waiting for the right moment

prepare man, at least figure something out and have a reliable way of killing yourself that you are comfortable with . I thought i could easily kill myself easily by jumping off a bridge or hanging myself. Not gonna happen, some force prevents you from doing it. you have to plan it all out and cultivate the will, otherwise you keep delaying and making up excuses. i could have killed myself easily in the past, there are peaceful methods to ctb, but even then i have to figure out a way to get away from the people who will come in and try to revive you. The more you wait the less options you have and the more gruesome it gets. thats my experience at least.

character is Pacifica Northwest from Gravity Falls

The love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It's never too late robots, Christ will heal you.

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I sincerely love just tossing the Socratic method around so much that I'm going to stay alive just to piss of those who think they know more than they do.

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I thought of some great life fuel last night, went to write it down, and forgot what it was. Just.

The grass isn't greener... take it from someone who's in germany but WISHED he would live in america.

the waifus m8

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I have no idea

pls kill me now.

I don't know
Fear from fucking up suicide I guess
I'm pretty sure that if I could but a gun in local analogue of Walmart I would be long dead.

The fact that if i kill myself my little sis and bipolar mom would literally go crazy if i died. I think im going to move away to make it so they arent so close to me anymore.

This is the worst bait ive ever seen
You have been muted for 2 seconds because your comment was not original

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Not knowing where to buy or how to do a gas bag myself- which I think is the best way to end oneself.

my mom
also hopefully full dive vr within this century so I can spend even one moment with my waifu

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What do you hate about germany?

i dont even know at this point

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I cant work up the courage to do it

My mom and sister. Offing myself would be selfish. I care about them.