Well Jow Forums ??
Well Jow Forums ??
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nothing wrong with a lil cheap protein baby boy
i don't read anything written by a subhuman fatties sorry not interested
You can eat McDonald's every day and still lose weight if you eat less than your TDEE.
Fat cow.
she's fucking dumb. with five bucks you can get a carton of eggs and loaf of bread.
>t. poor
Well... what?
Eating out IS more expensive, even that mcdonalds
U can also get a shitload of rice and beans for that much
>I was so poor I couldnt even afford to cook food
And yet, you had to overeat repeatedly until obesity. On Mcdonalds cheeseburgers. When you claim to be a chef, aware of nutrition and sensitive to flavour and texture.
Fucking this, holy shit. What the hell is she (male) even getting at with the "well..."? It IS more expensive.
>$1 at McDonald's is one burger, 400 cals
>69¢ at the store buys a dozen eggs. 840 calories
Are people actually retarded? Or do they just lie to themselves to avoid eating the same food everyday?
Daily reminder that happiness is not an inalienable right, the PURSUIT of happiness is. As in work for it you fat slug