Be me

>be me
>be 20 years old
>was skelly in highschool 5'9 145lbs
>everyone kept ripping on me in highschool
>move to different city for university
>made some nice gains
>currently 5'11 175lbs 14%ish body fat percentage
>transferred to local university this semester where a lot of people from my highschool ended up going
>haven't made any friends yet tho
>fast forward to now
>tomorrow is the eoy festival
>bit like a rave/music festival
>never been to such an event
>how to behave and have a good time/get pussy
been on nofap & noporn for 3 or 4 days if that matters

pls brehs... i... want to make it... but i need help...

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Good luck mate but how the fuck do j not make friends. It's literally impossible not to be able to make friends. Just don't contradict everything someone says and listen to them, reply appropriately. If you're really ugly then best of luck to you Idk what else to tell you.

self bump

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i should add that i really focused on school this semester as my gpa was too low to get back into my major as this school had higher standards. all the friends i made are in comp. sci and aren't going. I don't think i'm ugly... maybe like a 7/10 at least

>get on tinder, bumble, and grindr
Flirt a bit and then message every slut you can and tell them you'll be there and you'll see them there
>get cucked then take some twink home you fag

Go with your friends. Talk to some girl and drink with her.

Go dance. Make sure you're on the perfect level of intoxication, enough to not give a shit about dancing with people around and not too much so you won't be shitfaced and do some shit you'll regret later. Make some moves with the girl, dance with her. Don't get off with her until her ass is grinding against your dick.

I mean, depends on the kind of music. That's how we do it on carnaval where I live.

>that goblino in the background getting mogged

Just enjoy yourself man.

Just rock up, have a few drinks, enjoy the tunes and keep an eye out for people you recognise from highschool that you got along with. People change over time so merely going to the same highschool will be a way in to some of their groups. Hit on the girls then.

No pressure man no need for that shit.

>It's literally impossible not to be able to make friends.

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>It's literally impossible not to be able to make friends.

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