You guys do know that all sex women have is rape, right? All man on female action is always, ideally...

You guys do know that all sex women have is rape, right? All man on female action is always, ideally, forceful and brutal. If you hd any experience with women you would know this

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it's not rape if it's consenting adults, no matter how forceful and brutal (which is also not true, if you had any experience with women you would know this).
shit bait, shit argument, fuck off nigger

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Its not forceful and brutal, there's just no verbal consent since the guy is supposed to just "go for it" so technically it is rape.

She doesn't consent user. The guy always just goes for it and she doesn't do anything to stop him. That's how most sex happens.

Technically in this case means legally, and legally, you're wrong.
t. lawyer taking a year off for the kid

t. virgin

Legally its a case of he said she said and there's tons of precedent for those situations and it always favors women. But that's irrelevant. The point is, there is no consent.

If women didn't have sex, humanity would end. Therefore, there is a legitimate purpose to choose to have sex.

>be friends with a girl
>talking about movies and songs
>suddenly decide you wanna sex her
>out of the blue ask "hey btw do you wanna have sex"

We both know this doesn't happen. Its all subtext and flirting, there's never actual explicit verbal consent. The guy is just supposed to go for it which is rape.

Oh, which law are we talking about? Sounds like you're doing the anglo-jive.

It doesn't fucking matter. Its disgusting that its socially inappropriate to ask for sex like in and that you're supposed to start being flirty and touchy touchy with a girl you tricked into coming to your apartment under the pretense of "watching a movie together" and see how she responds physically instead of just talking about it like grown fucking adults.

>she says no
you don't have sex
>she says yes
you have sex

She never says yes because its socially inappropriate to ask for it just like that. She will think you're a creep for asking out of the blue. Unless she's an escort.

That doesn't happen. Do you live under a rock?

I know it doesn't happen. Also asking for sex doesn't happen either. I'm just using op's retarded logic.

that's a beautiful body
and shitty thread

half good job done OP
removed the (You) because you don't deserve it tho

If all sex is rape wouldn't it make sense to just go out and rape a girl instead of wasting time getting her "consent"

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>asking for sex doesn't happen
Therefore its rape and disgusting.

OP didn't use this logic. OP said the opposite

Yeah it does matter because Central European law works very differently from angloamerican law.
What you're "supposed to do" (?) depends on the culture and country you grew up in and whether you're a grown adult or a highschool senior.

1/10 bait

Not if you think rape is disgusting. I want to have sex with a girl who actually wants it, not just plays along with it.

Girls pick who rapes them.

It doesn't matter because she won't sue you. Most girls don't. Its the expectation in modern culture that you're supposed to just go for it. I just find it personally disgusting regardless of legality.

Then you'll have to go for traps.

>either you rape girls (female) or you become gay

I have not once noticed this expectation of the modern culture and I have dated quite a bit during university.

>dating is the same as having sex
If you did have sex, you would have known that its never verbally explicit. It's all physical cues.

You are a liar LOL

It was rather explicit as part of the dirty talk, but then again I dated mostly law students and it wouldn't be suprising if they were more explicit and verbal than others.
Even if that expectation were to exist, it's would be your choice to abide by it or not.

Glad you're having a good time.

>nobody ever asked their gf "hey you wanna fuck"

Not the first time they did it.

>dirty talk is the same as consent

>not the first time
So good thing OP specified "consent isn't clear cut the very first time people sleep together". Oh wait he didn't because he's a faggot.

Dirty talk absolutely works as consent, what are you on about?

Are you fucking retarded saying that it is expected from girls to have sex?

Take the righteous religeous moral end or the feminazi end, neither expects women to be sexual.

Dam, how can people still view the world as id it's 1950 when everything gets shittier in front of their eyes? We're in late roman empire stage, completely feminized society.

>be beta loser
>get first gf at 18
>usually fuck her quite nicely but sometimes get a bit rough
>she eventually stopped having sex with me on account of my being a beta loser
>break up years later
>have sex with a couple of other girls, I'm kind of timid and nervous and not that good
>stop respecting women
>now I hate fuck them and choke them and shit
>they 100% exclusively love that shit
>I haven't fucked that many but I've seen enough to say there is barely a single woman on earth who doesn't like the man to be dominant and rough, if they want a man to be gentle and timid it's the equivalent of a man who only wants his gf to fuck his ass with a strap on

So in a way you're right OP, if you aren't raping you aren't doing it right.

Yes he is, but it doesn't mean he's wrong. Its not forceful or brutal, but it is technically rape and because of that disgusting. And besides, even if you're dating for long, people learn their partner's physical cues and quirks and no verbal explicit consent is issued usually.

>oh baby i love your wet pussy/big dick
Is not the same as being on a date and out of the blue asking her if she wants to come to your place to fuck.

Men have physical needs, girls have emotional needs. It is expected from men to deal with the emotional side of the girl he's in a relationship with, and it is expected from girls to deal with the physical side of the needs of the man she is in a relationship with.

- Do you consent that I kiss you on the mouth?
- Of course. I concede your wish to touch my breasts as well.
- Golly! Today must be my luck day. I was about to ask for that!

OP is correct. Every escalation comes from pushing the boundaries.
Even if the woman wants a lot that the man does something, she'll at most make herself vulnerable to it. That's as far as the "invitation" goes.

First time yes, it should be like that. And then when you get to know someone you can start relying on physical cues. But somehow in our society its completely fucking backwards. First time there is usually no consent, men just go for it and girls let them. And when they start dating it becomes more casual and verbal/explicit. Like him casually texting her if she wants to hang out on tuesday and fuck because he's free. It's completely fucking mind boggling to me how backwards this is.

In what world do you live?

Feminazis are literally complaining that it is rape to look at women or not fuck them if they're fat.

It's expected from women to be privileged cunts. It is expected from men to be self-hating slaves.

Your post is proof of it user. Stop being self-hating and apologetic user. People will respect you as a man and you'll know no better life.

>Feminazis are literally complaining that it is rape to look at women or not fuck them if they're fat.
no they're not

>It is expected from men to be self-hating slaves.
No, it is expected from men to be confident and to take control.

Have fun in your pretend world.

Rape is awesome

the only girls i had sex with told me to fuck them, and plenty of other things too. what are you talking about?

have fun hating women for the wrong reasons

I don't believe you. There was probably a lot of other things happening that you're not mentioning.

>be confident
what does that even mean?
I'm very confident with other guys.
But if i approach a girl, she looks disgusted and fearefull, because i'm ugly.
Confidence has nothing to do with sexuality.
You can be confident as much as you want but if you are not a good looking chad, your actions are interpreted as creepy and as a form of harasement.

well yeah, we danced, we kissed a lot, groped, and then she told me to fuck her.

one girl i didnt fuck repeatedly said "take me" after a night of flirting.

either way this proves the rape thing wrong, so what does it matter?

Flip flop flip flop

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You mean succeful men? The non apologetic ones? Yeah, they're the most resented and condemned.

They're the ones who are not self hating. They' know that the answer to "what do women want?" Is "who the fuck cares?".

This self hating crap and abiding to what women say they want big shit test. That's how they tell the chads from the betas.

Next time a girl tells you some feminist crap, diss it with a joke and watch her panties get soaked. But be confident user. They smell lack of confidence from a mile.

I meant confident once she likes you already and you want to have sex. I'm not talking about the part of getting her to like you and trust you which is what you seem to have trouble with. I'm talking about the disgusting part of once she likes you already where you have to literally trick her into coming to your apartment and rape her in order to have sex.

>feminazis represent all of society
This is not (yet) the case

Yes, one of us is certainly living in a pretend world

This almost never happens. If it does, its because she's drunk. And having intimate sex with someone who is half passed out is disgusting too.

That's my fucking problem user. Why can't girls be grown fucking adults and explicitly want and consent to sex? Why am i supposed to be a man and just go for it and hope she plays along? Just so she can feel like it wasn't her who wanted it? Fuck that. She should grow a pair and admit that she wants it too. Yes, just going for it and being confident works, but its not what i want.

>mfw never gonna get to consensually rape a woman by using nonverbal communication

Means you don't give a fuck about them. You are interacting with them for YOUR amusement, not theirs. You'd rather tell an offensive joke and apologise later than not saying anything at all, for example (actually how I met my girlfriend).

Of course, this comes after she has respect for you. If you act like a chad and she sees you as beta it is fucking creepy. You need to assert yourself demonstrating some form of value.

If you're looking for a manual, search Mystery's venusian art (something like this, pdf is easylly found on jewgle). It's very basic but once you get the idea you can improve on it.

>he would actually enjoy that
I hate this world so much.

It's a game. You spend a fucking lot of time learning video-games user. Put the same effort in life.

It's evolution. Men want big breasts, women want big ego.

>and apologise later
Why would you ever do this unless it's in a way where you acknowledge that it's on the other person for being offended like "oh wow I had no idea you found that offensive"

If telling offensive jokes is something you do it's better to just come clean at the start that it's better for that person to just go enjoy someone else's company if they can't enjoy yours

It's not a game user. It's life. I want to be happy, not achieve some arbitrary goal of getting my dick wet. I can do that with an escort. Hell, if you think about it, with escorts it is in fact explicit. You tell her what to do and she does it. There's no physical cues or subtext.

They can enjoy your company. That's why they don't leave. But they do leave the beta who watches his words in fear of offending them.

acccctually the less she wants it the more you enjoy it

Then you have to know what you want in life user. I'm only giving you directions to a goal.

In fact, I highly recommend you don't use this just for getting your dick wet. I got my girlfriend like this and want to have a big family.

But you do you.

>>be beta loser
>>get first gf at 18
Hahaha some "beta loser" you are you chad haha

I told you what i want in but apparently basic human decency is too much to ask. And this is unrelated but if you treat your gf as someone who is there for your sake, then you will feel alone unless you're a narcissist.

>If you hd any experience with women you would know this

I do though. I've slept with 4 women in my life and I know from experience this simply isn't true. Also learn what words mean. Rough sex =/= rape

>barely a single woman on earth who doesn't like the man to be dominant and rough

Broadly speaking, this is true. But they also like slow and sensual sex sometimes as well. Women don't want to be hatefucked all the time.

Yes it is. Its not rough, but it is rape. There is no explicit consent given.

What would qualify as explicit consent?

It's not their choice user. They're hardwired like this. Evolution brought us here. Just acccept reality. If I wasn't a christian I could eve suggest you're looking for the wrong king of partner.

Believe me, I do not treat my girlfriend like crap. That's why I had to learn to fake it. Now I know it seems crappy and unfair for us nice guys. But it is only to get their attention. Once they respect you, it is actually knowing how to be a nice guy that holds you together.

Think of it like this: you have the brailess chads in one end (misstreating girls and getting one night stands), and you have the ultra self conscious betas in the other end. It does seems like being a nice guy and respectful lands you in the middle, but it doesn't. You have to show girls that you have some fire in you, that you're a controlled beast, not a whimp.

Then AFTER she sees you CAN be a chad, that you're not respectful because you have no other option, she will give you a chance.

See Its too late by then because after that i lose respect for her and i don't want her around anymore.

I'm not asking what "does" happen, I'm asking what you think "should" happen.

If explicit consent is required, what would qualify as explicit consent?

Verbally acknowledging that you want sex. That's it. None of that "lets go watch a movie at my place" crap. None of that demand for you to just go for it and start feeling her up crap. Just two consenting adults verbally agreeing to have sex and agreeing to the type of sex. Do you want to have sex at my place? Yes/no.

Then you've found one of our life's paradox.

>to have something is to no longer desire it

Yes, once you beat a game it no longer challenges you. If it wasn't like this we would be a pretty crappy species.

It's still much more satisfying to do something and brag about it than not doing anything at all.

Okay, that's fair. And I've had that. I have literally had a woman text me to say, "Come over to my place and fuck me until I can't walk." And when I get there she says, "Give me that dick right now."

So your claim that "all sex women have is rape" becomes false. Thank you and good day.

What if the woman is on top, does that mean she is raping the man?

>and brag about it
This is why i don't have friends either. Everybody thinks its some kind of an achievement to get your dick wet and wants to announce it to the world. Go be a teenager somewhere else. You know what would be an actual achievement? Creating something that you worked hard on. You can brag about that all you want and i would praise you for it. But bragging about getting pussy is just so pathetic. Yet everybody does it to an extent. Even adults. I would probably hate you irl. And again, its not a game, its life.


It is an achievment.

Don't resent it just because you have no social skills. If it wasn't for people like you, it wouldn't be an achievment at all.

Ah yes, the old "you're just jelous because you can't do it" argument. I've been through this exact conversation so many times user you normies are really predictable.

Yes user, the whole world is wrong.

You don't need to socialize. Don't buy into the meme that we cannot do mitosis.

From 40 years old on your life will be a damn paradise all alone. Just imagine playing all those new games all by yourself.

Oh yes, that's life!

Slavery was once a thing, and everybody thought it was okay. Just because most of society thinks something is culturally okay, doesn't mean it actually is. Like i said, i've been through this conversation so many times. I've heard all possible arguments.

Exactly, that's the point. The only variable is the male specimen's economic status

>asking for sex doesn't happen
of course it doesn't happen TO YOU, you stupid fucking virgin

Yes, you are suppose to be in rape mode all the time. You rape the female giving u the least resistance

Obviously we are talking in general and not about faggots like you going thu life on easymode

>in general
what syndrome is this where you believe everyone else is like your defective self?

He isn't even doing it on easymode, its was probably just some drunk slut one time. Because what he described does not happen. At all. To anybody.

>under the pretense
nah, the girls *knows*

Do you want to go to the movies with me = / = Hey you wanna come to my place and watch a movie ;)

I know she knows. That's the problem. If we both know why do we have to go through all these social hoops? Its stupidly retarded.

So that she feels better and more excited about it
>y-you okay if I do thi-
Aaaaaaaand she's as dry as the Sahara

And if you must slip a verbal confirmation in there do it more like

>yeah you want this don't you

fuck off back to tumblr sjw filth

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Are you kidding me? If a girl i liked told me she wants to have sex with me i would be hard as diamonds. How is someone you like wanting to be intimate with you not hot? It's the best feeling in the world.

>yeah you want this don't you
That's done after you're already into it. I want her to acknowledge it before we do it. I want to know that she wants it not that she's "letting" me do it.

I refuse to belive that no sex starts like this:
>two adults knowing each other
>they are together doing something or just chilling
>they like each other, they have either said it outloud or just on the brink of doing so
>someone of them says one day: "Hey lets fuck" / "wanna fuck?"
>the other one goes: "sure :D!" / "yea"
>they fuck

No? Am I living in a total dream world for thinking this actually happens atleast sometimes? And its not just a sudden movie like sexscene evolving from no words spoken the last 5 minutes. No?

Yeah I don't like that submissive shit!

>brb calling the police

I was thinking the same thing. If the man doesn't explicitly express that he wants sex, then it would be considered rape by the woman. All these spergs completely ignore the fact that it's a two way street