Graduate with a STEM degree

>graduate with a STEM degree
>best job I can get is an assembly line job
Don't waste your time going to college kids

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really depends. im not in a great spot but my little brother was more proactive and got a job offer straight out of college and his starting salary was around 100k.

What stem degree and from which school

>STEM degree
which one, this sounds like you did a meme "stem" degree

Comp sci although admittedly it's barebones
Not saying what school but it's not like it some rinkydink school

what even is comp sci?

Computer science is the study of the theory, experimentation, and engineering that form the basis for the design and use of computers. It is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications and the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical procedures (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to, information. An alternate, more succinct definition of computer science is the study of automating algorithmic processes that scale. A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems.

this sounds very vague to me
what did you actually learn?

Did you get an internship during your studies?

Did you have any summer jobs that could be used for future work?

Did you network properly during your college years?

I also did STEM and after 1 year I realized I did neither and wouldn't do any of the mentioned above so I dropped out and went into nursing school, a bit easier finding work...

what kind of work were you hoping or still hope to get?
do you have any concrete vision what would you like to and could do with this degree?

No to all 3
Originally I was a physics major but changed focuses too late and couldn't get any internships and I'm too introverted to network
It's not like I expected to be a programmer but I thought I could at least get a cubicle job or something

a college degree today is like a high school degree 20 years ago. if that. if you're in for a penny you're in for a pound. you need to go to grad school.

you either go into a trade like plumbing and make bank without college or commit to going to grad school. it sucks a dick, but that's life. get working on applications.

>No to all 3
and that's why you can't get a job
the networking part is way more important than the degree and grades part

>what even is comp sci?

it is a mystery

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i still dont understand, but i'm interested
when i think about stem field and stem field students i think that most of them, if not all, know what kind of jobs they want and can get with their degree (an electrical engineer at a hydroplant, a c programmer at a security firm, a financial analyst at a bank etc.)

but you say you hoped for a cubicle job
can you be more specific? what kind of job exactly? do you even know what are your skills right now? what did you learn?

couldn't you get some entry-level data entry kind of job?

Math basically.

You don't even really need a computer to learn algorithms and theory behind CS. There is definitely a science to it though.

Hm. This is odd to me, I'm also from physics and decided to focus more on computer science, and I haven't graduated yet and already have 2 research jobs in computer science and am making decent money.

>mfw everyone I know who went to college has a useless degree they can't do shit with
>mfw they're stuck in jobs they hate to pay back loans

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Why Don't you save money and go fly out to the UAE or China or Russia and actually do something cool?

is it really true a stem BA gets you six figures starting salary???? cuss liek i checjked the ointernet and it usually starts around 60-70k a year a t most>
>is it really true a stem BA gets you six figures starting salary???? cuss liek i checjked the ointernet and it usually starts around 60-70k a year a t most>

(quoting myself btw)

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LOLE also bread
>LOLE also bread

(quoting myself btw)

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>tfw just graduated mechanical engineering
>tfw no job
to be fair i haven't really applied because doing cover letters suck but uh yeah companies are the ones who want people they should be reaching out to me

>just graduated with BS in math
We'll see if the memes are true

cs student here
its a really big field that crosses into a lot of different other fields too. at the core what you're doing is handeling data. in germany we call computer science "informatik" whch comes from information and mathematics, so basicly its a branch of applied mathemathics, in particular discrete maths is important bit you'll need all of the other higher math shit too. you learn about coding, encoding, encryption, networks, databases, formal logic, atleast basic hardware archetecture, datastructures and algorithms (basicly how to solve computational problems efficiently), complexity, automata theory, also theres the whole batch of math (calc, linear algebra, stochastic) in addition to the math introduced in some of the non math classes.

after that the curriculum varies a bit. some ffocus more on programming and add some software engineering courses, some focus more on a specific application like how to design it systems for businesses, some go indepth into more core cs topics that are really specilized like computer graphics, videoencoding, compilers or maschine learning.

the problem is that none of these are hardskills. if you wanna get anywhere in the field you need to know these things, but a programming course will not teach you how to actually programm in all or even any of all the availible languages. you learn how to solve problems efficiently and this will make you a great programmer once you actually learn the ins and outs of a language, which you wont be doing in university. ppl hiring you will require you to know shit you didnt learn in university.
it's a weird field honestly because the degree is more focused on continuing your academic career with a masters/phd because there are not a lot of hardskills you'll actually need in your job later on but at the same time getting a phd in cs is relatively pointless. a math phd with a bit of a personal cs interest will be a better computer scientist than a pure phd cs

ok i get it

So instead of being lonely around my parents I'm lonely around people who speak a different language?

I tried but no dice

maybe you should move someplace that has job openings in your field??? just because you cant find a job right away in your hometown doesnt mean that you wasted your time going to college

move to a city thats not crazy over-populated like nyc or LA and you should have no problem whatsoever finding a well-paying job user-kun

Why dont you stem guys become hackers or something.
If they wont give you money then take it.

Maybe but the thing is I have no money
I couldn't afford a plane ticket to a larger city let alone live there to find one

ok so go work at mcdicks for 3 months while you choose what city youre moving to all the while youre sending out applications highlighting that youre a recent grad whos looking to start a career

its really not rocket science you're just too stupid to see how easy this is because youre too busy wallowing in your made up problems

so either man up and actively do something with the degree you spent 4 years and tens-of-thousands of dollars on or do the world a favor and crawl into a dark hole and dont come out

you just went and got a degree in something stem-like
you are not a true stem graduate, stem will continue to grow as an umbrella term for anything technology and/or math related

A degree can't replace work experience and social skills. Stacy who gets gang banged on mdma at EDC will have tons of job opportunities while you are fighting for internships against a bunch of Chinese with cystic acne

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well that's your problem mate
save up and move out to NY, SF, or LA

It's not like I'm trying but it's gonna be like 3 years not 3 months

Although I think I'd rather stay poor here than live there

I got a degree in Actuarial science and I'm making good money. You should pick degree that actually have jobs wanted. What stem did you get?

I was forced by parental pressure to go to a liberal arts school so all I got were math and computer sci
I'm taking some classes in the side to help bridge the gap so I can do actuarial work. But I've also been stuck at this temporary job for a while now

What's it like being a male nurse? Serious

>all I got were math and computer sci
If you're not raking in big money with those two then you either aren't trying or are just a shit tier person

Well I'm probably not looking in the right places but I don't know what I'm doing wrong

Dude, how shit was your degree. People are fucking desperate for me.

a meme degree generally although it differs from uni to uni

I know that feel
>have As. computer science
>Was IT in navy
>get A+ certified
i'm drowning in call backs now

fuck my $5000 degree is less valuable than my $400 certificate.

My brother graduated with a bachelor's in engineering. He ended up working for four years on an assembly line job before landing ba gig at an engineering firm. Sometimes they're looking for a stable work history so they know you're not a flake who won't show up regularly.

for my associates degree we had to learn the basics of object orientated prog. We also studied about at the level of A+ for hardware and networking. I had to take more non-related courses than i did for related.

what the mother fuck did i just read

>mechanical engineer
>no job
>didnt apply to jobs because dont want to do cover letter
>companies should be magically finding me and begging me for a job

jesus FUCK i must be getting memed so hard right now

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I have an a+ cert and never get called back

whats your degree

>not self employed
oh user how could you