my chad friend is so chill he never gets mad at anything. girls all love that shit and even guys all want to be as chill as him. how do i get the personality gains to never get mad and stay positive in high stress situations?
Personality gains
The answer is in your pic
Sodium Valproate
Focus on breathing during meditation for 10 minutes a day.
Get yourself present and return to presence even outside of meditation when you feel your brain wanting past/present
Calm down. Recognize every situation will pass for better or worse and the best thing to do is get through whatever it is as well as you can
If you feel yourself losing control of your cool just start counting on your head and let it go. It really is that easy. Count and breathe and that's it.
Learn not to worry, what good does it do anyways?
Learn and internalise that to let another man have control over your emotions is no different to being his slave. This applies to events to not just people. Things/people don't make you mad, you make yourself mad as a reaction to the external. It is entirely up to you to get angry or not. To react or not. Realise that it has no effect on your situation and most times and is a waste of energy. To lash out due to your surroundings is feminine. One must be composed at all times in order to be ready to fix shit, and fixing shit is a man's job. Power is being unfazed. If you want to inspire fear and command respect you must be unfazed. Meditate user.
This. Nothing bothers Chad because nothing threatens him.
not bad! i like this advice. thanks random fit guy