Stop balding

Stop balding

Attached: 25-Chris-Hemsworth.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.2x.jpg (1420x2127, 158K)

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Shitty example, he'd look better than Statham if he ever went bald. Why am I such a chinlet though

>tfw feminine facial features

I am doomed If ever go bald

nobody looks better bald.

tfw same head shape, exact same eyes, except am a ginger who shaves his head from balding @ 22 and has a green tint to eyebrows from Army camo paint that stained them from when I was younger

wax them once and look like a freak for a month for a perma fix to that


Attached: brotzu.jpg (800x450, 243K)

What kind of raging queerosexual makes these threads every few days

The Rock and Bruce Willis do.

>These two movie stars look good
