>That openly racist guy at the gym
That openly racist guy at the gym
>those fucking niggers curling in the rack again
>getting their "soul glo" on the bench and not wiping it off
>pajeets smell like ghee
>juan valdez sweating jalapenos on the treadmill
>mudslimes talking about ramadan stealing their gainz
>wish that fucking schlomo who owned the place would throw them all out
>pajeets smell like ghee
ghee smells good though
Fucking this. Saw a guy with an SS tattoo across his back like nobody's business. Don't get me wrong, he's a racist, which is bad, (that or he was in prison but he doesn't look the type)
but god damn applause for him being so open.
>that one girl who is visibly upset and whispering her complaints to her friends but everyone can see her mouthing the word nigger every so often
>her friends are just silent and giving an awkward grin not looking at her
everyone around is snickering and looking at each other not believing whats happening. All the black people can see it and basically dont respond to her when she asks if they are still using something which makes her complain even more. Has she been hanging out on Jow Forums or some shit?
>go to planet fitness
>group of blacks using lat pulldown machines
>they set it to lightest weight
>have awful form and do what must be close to 80 reps
>slam the weight every rep instead of controlling it
>do multiple sets of this
>this goes on for 45 minutes
Where the fuck is the lunk alarm when you need it
he was just doing starting strength
Ay man finna get swole ah fuck knowmsayn man? HAHAA
The local gym's owner is covered in nazi tattoos and has a kkk t-shirt and it's unironically the best gym in town
>why dont you slam your weights together 80 times, and go back to Africa