Calf thread

How do I FORCE these bitches to grow? Clearly, calf raises once a week don't do anything. What's a fool-proof way to grow the calves so they might actually be proportionate to the upper legs? Is there an accessory routine I can add to every workout to get them juicier?

Feel free to post your calves and routine if you've got some to brag about.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be fat for about 20-30 years
>decide to lose weight
bang sick claves

jump rope (a lot)

walking with a heavy pack ,cycling

jeff pls

>growing calves
can we leave this meme behind? it's my least favorite meme.

you expect any body part to grow when you work it once a week?
fuck off

just wear high socks. high socks are the push up bras of the fitness world.

You know what I mean
This is true but with summer coming around there are gonna be a lot more flip flop and beach days, I don't want to pussyfut arond
Have you given up so easily?
What about for lanklets

it's not about giving up. it's about facing reality. you're like those chicks that do bodyweight squats every night thinking it makes their ass bigger.
either get on on dbol or face the facts that you calves will never be big and juicy.

Calf raises

This, works every time.

3x a week or have a job that requires walking/standing all day or walk/bike to work

Just strike the ground with your forefoot

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do 5k and 10k runs twice or three times a week

>been doing body weight exercises to fuck around
>lsits, front level shit
>out of nowhere my calves feel super tight and start twitching

What the fuck is happening

Big or smol

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they can and do friendo

I go hiking in sand dunes a couple times a week. Always gets my calves burning.

Never gonna make it

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You made that? That's a nice Apu.

Like looking at a reptile. Ever hear of lotion
>Wanting to leave so much dead skin people think its chalk

It's just grainy cuz I had to lower the res so it would let me post it here

>once a week
Do standing calf raises then sitting ones. 5x5 on the first and 3x12 on the second. Twice a week.

On the sitting ones place the front of your foot on something raised so you get a longer range of motion. You can just sut on a bench with your toes on a plate and place plates on your legs then raise.

Just like forearms they have to be used daily to show any growth.
Also calf raises alone is not a calf workout, there are areas of the calf that respond to weight training. There is a reason people who are larger have larger calves.

>monday intervals (compound movement, calves secondary muscle)
>tue incline walk (compound movement, calves secondary muscle)
>wed calf raises (calves primary (make sure to workout all sides of the calf))
>thursday inclined walk (see tue)
>friday weighted calf raises (comfortable weight that can be done as a slow movement and be held and slowly dropped back down to starting position)
Allows for calf workouts every day without burning out muscles. Calves like all muscles involved in the legs can be used daily. Humans are designed to use our legs to the point of utter failure. We are one of only a handful of animals that can move every single day at long distances on land and not break down after a year.
Your body responds in two ways.
Either it will try to drop weight to make movement more efficient or it will build muscle to make movement more effective.
If you continue to stay the same weight the calves will have to grow larger to compensate for this. If you eat less the calves will use up the majority of energy and nutrients that the rest of the body needs and you'll lose muscle mass. Which is where the meme cardio kills gains comes from.

Use your calves daily in some way and eat to maintain weight. Your calves will grow.
Walking is also more effective for calf training than running or sprinting.
It uses less energy so it's easier to keep weight. It also allows for slow movements and full stretching of the calf.