Tfw ramadan soon and all my gains will be killed

>tfw ramadan soon and all my gains will be killed
What do I do fellow pajeets?

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blow yourself

Become Catholic you nigger

if youre actually fasting your gains will be fine dude
extended fasting is the most muscle-sparing way to lose bodyfat, you wont lose a pound of lean mass
eat during the evenings once you have shredded fucking abs

Not trying to lose weight, trying to gain. Been gaining steadily for a while so was wondering if I'm fucked

have you tried eating?

fasting is the biggest redpill of fitness
checkout the /fast/ general, Snake Diet youtube, tons of research on intermittent fasting and time restricted eating

Stay away from hire vans

just eat a fuckton every night
people make sick gains on OMAD all the time

Reminder that sandniggers and pooniggers are not welcome on this board

Get the fuck out and blow yourselves up somewhere else

Same for christfags shilling their """family values""" because they can't get girls to like them

Jow Forums is a nihilistic board for blackpilled anons only.

>inb4 fedora

What if I'm a nihilistic sandnigger?

You would have necked yourself long ago if you were

The cringiest thing I’ve read in a while

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i need a brainlet redditor fedora wearing wojak edit for this one

Why would I? I'm 6' probably whiter than you and good looking

You DEFINITELY wear a fedora

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Convert and fasting will start to give you gains.

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Kill some infidels

Everyone in /fast/ is either obese or DYEL tier. No one in there lifts.

You give up religion and live your life according to how you want to live it.

I would kill myself if I still abided by a stupid fucking religion, especially one that dictates when I shouldn't eat. Yeah, cool. Spiritual. God sure gives a fucking shit about that, I'm sure that's what he told Mehmed or whoever.

i actually reported your post. i hope you get perm banned you fucking racist, homophobic mysogynistic nazi

Have you forgotten where you are? Calm the fuck down bro
t. Paki

*tips fedora*

Why so mad? They are guidelines more than anything. But it's good for to fast and pray anyway.

You kidding me cunt?

Cut like crazy, just keep lifting so you don't lose strength and dump some of that body fat.

Give up your retarded religion

Except you can't make gains while fasting so fuck that

Meme or not bait or not. Why is this thread not immediately deleted. Jesus Christ, I might pop a forehead vein knowing this person is on Jow Forums

Just keep eating. The only thing that matters in life is being a good person and being a positive member in the lives of others, both loved ones and strangers. You don't need religion for that. I don't believe in an afterlife, but if it exists, then good people all go there.

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>Jesus Christ
You need him in your life, why so hateful


>killing yourself
>abiding by an Abrahamic religion
>pick one

Don't listen to the fedora tipping posts


Also, if you're not in an historically Muslim country fucking GO BACK


Pajeet here, don't insult me by calling me a Muslim