Anons, does it ever happen while watching porn, suddenly you're so wanting of this girl...

Anons, does it ever happen while watching porn, suddenly you're so wanting of this girl, you look her in the eyes through your screen and even more than sex, you just want desperately to kiss her and claim her for your own? You just want to fill her with kisses all over and tell her you love her more than any sex you'd ever want to have with her?

is this weird?

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>wanting to be with a porn star/slut that does amateur

No man

Definitely not.
I don't see anything weird with this. Unless i myself is weird aswell.
When i watch porn i Think all the time i wanna claim them for myself and impregnate them many times over and over. Sometimes i even say it. Tbh even when i'm not home and just walking I think of how i'd break into their house and rape them and impregnate them, then kidnapping them for a year and making them give birth to the baby. I think of this because i think it's fun and would be a nice ride/adventure. considering i just kidnap some hot whore and make her realize that my sperm is inside her and her baby is half me =).
So in my opinion you are not weird and i don't think it's weird.

Weird for wanting it with a pornstar yes. Others? Not really.

Sounds kinda beta m8, they're literally paid to be whores.

Never happened during watching porn.
But happened to me once while playing a video game and I still can't get over her.

>You just want to fill her with kisses all over and tell her you love her more than any sex you'd ever want to have with her?
Holy fuck, how well do I know this feel.

I know. But for a second there I imagine they re not, even though in the deep of my mind it's obvious they're whores.

>Sometimes i even say it
Yesterday when I was jerking it I looked at this girl in the depth of her blue eyes and whispered that I wanted her. I whispered more than once and I actually felt something.

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>But happened to me once while playing a video game and I still can't get over her.
What game?

Try telling a real girl that. I got
reported to the police for doing it once. If you hate someone or some girl that is a total fucking cunt to you tell her something along the lines of : "I want you impregnate you many times over and over so fucking much" or "I 'd rape you so many times that you'd go crazy and start bleeding and i'd lick up blood and french kiss you so you can taste your own blood"

Pic related. I think about her everyday.

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> "I 'd rape you so many times that you'd go crazy and start bleeding and i'd lick up blood and french kiss you so you can taste your own blood"
user, are you OK?

Patrician taste user.

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What's your dream scenario with Alice user? Would you rather have some crazy sex, or a romantic adventure?

I think i'm ok? Not joking but isn't that normal to think about?

>Not joking but isn't that normal to think about?
Rape? Yeah, but impregnation? no. And what about the blood in mouth after rape thing, she should call the cops kek

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So is there something wrong with me?

A dream scenario?
We are both homeless traveling through the world. We are free and we don't care about anyone other than us. We sleep under the night sky and I fight to my death with everyone who wants to hurt her. The world is ours and we can go anywhere we want. We watch every sunrise and sunset together while cuddling. And after years we settle down find a decent job, make kids and live a happy life together, forever.

Nice dream kiddo, but you do know that this isn't ever gonna happen, neither with Alice, nor with any other woman, right?

>So is there something wrong with me?
No, you're completely fine.

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Ok good. Because what made it seem like i'm normal. I guess hes just trolling.

I know.
But I also know that our brain can't distinguish dreams from reality so I believe that one day I can live in VR believing that it's true.

>tfw I look deep into her eyes in my laptop screen and I fall in love in a 6 minute video
There's no hope for me, is there anons?

How come I see you so often around here? Are you always posting from a phone or are you using a PC?

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Don't worry my frog friend. You are not alone when is comes to lost hope. We are here.

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I like being here because that's the only place where someone can understand me and I can relate to some people. I'm a phoneposter because I don't have any acces to PC.
Most of the time I don't even tell who my waifu is unless someone asks.

Same. Can relate to a lot of people here. However it doesn't seem like anyone can relate to what I've said so far. feelsbad.jpg