Rate my progress

Rate my progress

Started lifting a year ago but not consistently or properly. Last October (first pic) I started to get into a more consistent routine and tried to fix my diet. I can't lift much but I'm getting there. I could barely bench 11lbs weights either side last year but now I'm at 33lbs.

Attached: _20180414_134556_01.jpg (1080x1178, 231K)

This is a joke, right?

What progress?

start cutting asap, stop eating so much

Damn. I thought I had body dysmorphia or something. You guys really can't see a difference?

Don't give up, but shit that is sad.
Yeah he took one picture with dim lighting and one with bright.

Are you retarded? Hows he gonna make ganis on a defecit

Whats your current diet m8


The only change I see are your pants