Why aren't you financially successful enough to have your own home gym Jow Forums?
Why aren't you financially successful enough to have your own home gym Jow Forums?
but I do,
btw to anyone thinking of making a home gym; Get a good power rack(500$+) a solid bench and atleast 1/2" rubber mats before getting the bar and weights.
Awful thread.
>Don't pay for gym since friends with the owner since i was 17 and held his fitness classes at times
>200m from my house
>Know most of the gym nice to catch up
>Getting out of the house after work
i got a feeling your fat af
I hated being a homeowner, finally sold it and put that money to good use in my portfolio, now I'm back to cheap rent and someone else being responsible for the broken AC, leaky faucet, and lawn mowing. Never again.
I am but I'm currently traveling abroad for the next year and a half so I would eventually have to leave the equipment behind. Rather wait till I'm home then buy the stuff
i like making the new guys feel small
how to be financially successful?
I've only just bought my place and haven't had the time or space to set up a home gym.
Still deciding whether I want to take over the spare bedroom or put it under cover outside where there is more space.
nigga it doesnt even cost $1000 for a rack, bench dumbell set, olympic set etc etc