Realistically, how Jow Forums should I get for the upcoming WW3?

Realistically, how Jow Forums should I get for the upcoming WW3?

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if pic related it wont matter. everyone dies. if no nukes are involved, keep your body fat percentage up a little bit, i would say around 17% so you have fat reserves in case you have to surive without food. that and if you want to survive a global conflict your brains will have to be equaly fit. beeing smart is as important if not more important than beeing fit in such cases.

Downvotes for being a drumpfkin

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but seriously, how high is the chance we get into WW3?

well, it depends on what russia does in the next few days. if they retaliate its not looking good. if they say: "ok, you havent hit anything of value to us so were cool but dont do it again" then we might have avoided a full scale conflict.

mutually assured destruction would likely prevent a full blown war between russia and usa, right?

i just hope that IF they go at each other, they go via japan, instead of via europe

Small enough to fit in a small hole so they don't find you hahahahaha cant go to war if they cant find u lmao but seriously though those muscles won't block these bullets going through your head.

train cardio to outrun bullets, brainlet

Shouldn't you stock up on weapons, instead? Doubt being natty could stop a bullet headed toward your way.

fence holds x f

i mean getting drafted desu

just walk away

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Learn to run with full combat gear on, to shoot and to survive in bad conditions. Easier said than done

I increased my daily calories and weights in my exercises.
Also I play Battlefield 4 to learn how to act in fights and how to use weapon.

im literally autistic, so chances are i'm excluded anyway
and if not, im gonna binge HARD, so im too heavy to be drafted
tons of options for me

>Also I play Battlefield 4 to learn how to act in fights and how to use weapon.

Nigga this is eggselent bait

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This is the dude that married Summer

As retarded bait as that is, I believe fps shooters can teach some general things like how to take cover and make yourself a small target etc that would be useful if everybody didn't know these already.

once the economy collapses and gas runs out I will use my superior endurance and strength to become a highly successfull bike messenger and make loads of money doing so.

Realistically, CrossFit would be the way to go. A mix of endurance, agility and strength is integral for survival. Aside from combat training or the like of course. Don't be too big, you wouldn't be able to maintain that in times of scarcity/when hiding/in the aftermath.
Since isolated locations at higher altitudes would likely provide secure refuge (avoid urban locations and wide open lands) and the abundance of fresh unpolluted air will be uncertain, prepare by wearing an altitude mask. (Or gas mask)
Train for a variety of situations - don't get too proficient in one movement but switch them up constantly to be able to deal with everything the future may throw at you.

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Realistically, train in cardio + do upper body exercises.. Boot camp will take on the rest. Don't be fat

it's better to volunteer and have 6 months of basic than get enlisted 2 years later and have 2 months to prepare with limited resources

Cardio, calisthenics and kettlebell conditioning.