Become interested in new girl at work

>become interested in new girl at work
>other coworkers are also interested
>I call dibs
>find out she's actually a degenerate roastie despite looking the opposite
>heart broken
>suppress emotions
>other coworkers ask me permission to go for he
>I allow it
>now watching my coworkers try to get in her pants
>heart stings a little still but it's getting better

Don't know if this is the ultimate alpha or ultimate cuck move.

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alpha beta bump

thot destroyer move

Can't be a move if you basically didn't anything original.

Oh, I did flirt and shit in the beginning, but dropped that instantly when I found out her true personality.

It's really surprising how open she is about railing dudes left and right.

Who the fuck asks for permission to go for a girl? That's one of the most beta things i've ever heard of in my life. If 2 guys go for the same girl, let the best man win. That's just life.

How and what did you find out?

She'd been with a fat fuck coworker of mine back in the day when they worked together in a different company.

And I found her old blog detailing how she was railing two dudes a month at the ripe age of 16.

Wow... if only all girls were so stupidly honest in easily accessible ways.

I actually think she might be slightly autistic. She's certainly bright, but leaving up an old blog like that which you can find with a simple google search just screams obliviousness.

You did the right thing, nothing good to find in roasties

Is this what its like trying to get laid/gf? All this competition from other males?

Post that blog boy, let the guys have a look too.

Fuck no. Very, VERY easy to trace back to her and then to me.

Definitely. It's kinda fun though.

>co-workers asking you for permission to go after a girl
Nigger you are the chad puppetmaster overlord if this is true.

Maybe I am. I'm just competent and doesn't take bullshit from anyone, not even the owner of the business.

But I was kinda surprised how they acted. They were like "I just want to be absolutely sure that if I go to her, nothing will go sour between us bro. Are you certain you're not interested?" etc etc.

> chad puppetmaster overlord

The indecisive chad?

I'm here, dude. Should tell you all you need to know.

I was thinking this too. Calling permission to go after a girl?

That's what I've been telling the others. You really don't need permission, yet they asked.

you made the right choice dude trust me

too many guys settle for shit. You probably did the right thing user.

at least give us excerpt from the blog?

Again, fuck no. I too know Google-fu.

>Didnt pump n dump

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