Would you rather have a 100 I.Q and have 1 million USD, or a genuine 140 I.Q and have no money at all?
Would you rather have a 100 I.Q and have 1 million USD, or a genuine 140 I.Q and have no money at all?
140 IQ
I fucking hate being a brainlet
You'd have to be pretty dumb to have an IQ of 140, and be broke.
if I had a 140 IQ I'm hoping I could figure out a way to make money...
also where's this image from?
140 IQ, material possesions are ultimatley worthless
I'll take million, I'm not even at 100.
Me too user, being born with a low I.Q is suffering, there's no worse fate, being a manlet or being ugly doesn't even come close.
This is a tough one
if I already have a million and 100 IQ i'm assuming I would be smart enough to invest it and still live off it
but if I have a 140 IQ would I be smart enough to just make the money on my own
am I lazy still? if i'm lazy ill just take the 1 million and 100 IQ
OP has 70 IQ and 0 Dollars
140 IQ. If you're that intelligent, you'll find a way to be successful eventually. IQ correlates with wealth after all.
That there is the Pale Blue Dot, friendo
I'd take the 140 IQ since I have decent enough studying habits that I could at least make good use of it.
Try being an 85 IQ 5'6" manlet who is ugly with a 3" dick (not counting fat in that measure; with fat it's like -2") who is also obese.
At least I'm working on my weight. 50lbs lost in the first two months, I can keep going.
I'm sub 90 and poor, anything would do
Another fat dumb ugly manlet patrician such as myself. I'm also working on losing weight, but life keeps me down. Lost only 30lbs so far but it's a beggining.
No fucking way I'd drop my intellect that far.
Imagine having intellegence, then fucking losing it, knowing full well that your ability to comprehend has left you.
we're gonna make it, man
100 IQ and a million. I have 160 IQ and it's brought me nothing but misery. Every dumb person I know is so much happier than I am.
we will my nigger
>dropping my IQ to 140
Before they lowered to retard level to 70, you would be considered retarded.
you can make more money, but you can't increase your intellect
how is this a question at all?
>being born with a low I.Q is suffering, there's no worse fate
Yes there is, it's called being poor. People respect wealth much more than intelligence. Also one million now is worth 5 in 10 years.
Dumb and rich hands down.
>one million usd
>implying a 100 IQ dumbass wouldn't blow all the money in a year anyway
Really depends how old you are and where you live. 1 million USD at 18-22 in a low cost of living area is very rich and you wouldn't need to work ever again if you invested it, but if you're a 35 year old boomer with tons of debt living in NYC it's not that much. But I'd say having 1 million at any age makes you fairly wealthy, it puts you in the top 9% for wealth in the U.S.
>35 year old boomer
Does nobody on Jow Forums know what a boomer is?
Low I.Q and being poor useally goes together, there aren't many low I.Q wealthy people in the real world.
A boomer is anyone 30+ that's when you start becoming old.
140 no mone
That's not what the word boomer means.
Fucking give me the money, I would probably waste it but whatever, being a brainlet is living life in easy mode.
>being a brainlet is living life in easy mode.
Wew lad, please don't tell me you believe this.
>too stupid to realize how shitty life itself is
>just work on whatever even if you don't have a degree
>many problems but lolwhocares
>still manage to die at a relative old age since government will give you support with about anything.
I'm not saying that you'll live life at it fullest, but definitely is a life more worth living than most robots.
>there aren't many low I.Q wealthy people in the real world
I'm sure there are more poor high iq people than there are rich ones. There's a lot more factors that goes into being successful than IQ.
My IQ is 144 and my life is fucking horrible
Why would you not take the 1 million? IQ is not like a video game where you can just bamboozle people if you spend all your EXP on intelligence. You would not be able to tell the difference between the too, and having intelligence is just no fun.
Ignorance is bliss, ignorance and money is even better
Makes sense. I think the worst part is the self-awareness that I'm retarded. If I was naive at least I'd be happy in my retardation.
Sure thing. You're too smart to get a job and a gf and simply too smart to get your life together.
That's not the definition of boomer, and 30 is young, you stupid teenager virgin.
Like others have said, being highly intelligent means you will figure out how to get what you want in life. So if you have no money, you will get some in no time. You will also get sex, a gf, a wife, or whatever else you want.
This. No one can ever take your intelligence away from you, fuck being a brainlet anons I WANT OFF THIS RIDE.
Its fun watching how the brainlets desire intelligence while high IQ people mostly which they were born stupid.
If only there was a way we could trade user.
Just the opposite. The ones who wish they were stupid are the low IQ Dunning-Kruger posters. The ones who understand the importance of intelligence are smarter than them.
>30 is young
Kek, 30 year old grandpas actually believe this. Getting tired of all those years wasted wageslaving?
Brainlet (yes, 100 is pretty low these days) and rich over smart and poor any day.
>He thinks I would fall for the vaginal jew
I have a bf and I make $50k at 22. Still not happy
100 by literally average by definition
Yes, and the average is getting lower each year.
Well that explains it. Because all gays are mentally ill.
What can you not do at 30 that you can do at 20?
Well we know what side of 100 you fall on, champ
I have 140+ IQ. Here is what you need to know
How to make money
>pick skill that you like (or hate the least) that is in demand
>work on that skill every single day (hopefully you started as a child/teen)
>mindfully improve your skill as often as possible, NEVER slack or get rusty
>make money proportional to time invested in skill
How to find girlfriend
>every time you get are introduced to new people (family gettogether, school, job, hobby wherever) be polite, friendly, and talk
>have personality traits that are in demand (be as attractive as your potential allows, maximize your ability to be humorous and comforting, minimize obnoxiousness and neediness)
>always start conversations with people
>learn what they like and remember the details
>learn what they don't like and avoid those things
>practice doing this for 10+ years (hopefully you started as a child/teen) and learn what works and doesn't work and continue mindfully improving your social ability
>meet new people through people until you have a big social network
>every new person you meet is potential girlfriend or knows a potential girlfriend for you
>eventually you will draw a compatible card from the people deck
How to succeed in life and actually be capable of doing the above things aka why I don't succeed in life
>don't have horrificly abusive parents or family members
>don't get raped by a family member as a child
>don't be born into a religious cult family
>don't be born in poverty
>have parents that aren't mentally ill
>have parents that actually support you and care about you
>don't allow horrible parents / school bullying / low self-esteem / self-hatred to cause you to withdraw from everyone and isolate yourself from early childhood all the way through adulthood
>don't avoid any and all opportunities to better yourself
>don't develop self-destructive coping mechanisms that further dig you into the never-ending hole of misery
most of all don't be born with gender dysphoria
140 IQ and a million dollars in the hole. Bigger upside
>How to find girlfriend
Is bullshit. You have to be good looking and that's literally it.
Given how wrong you are on this I don't trust your other opinions as well.
Nobody cares, fagboyy
Neither is that great, a million won't last that long.
I have a girlfriend and I am not good looking
For somebody with
>140+ IQ
you sure have trouble understanding how much your little anecdote, even if it were true, is worth.
You're a khv, how would you know how to get a girlfriend?
My anecdote is worth one anecdote I guess. I will say that you're in a way not wrong though
>You have to be good looking and that's literally it.
If you are indeed really good looking, then there are plenty of people who will date you just because of that. But then you are potentially in a relationship with someone who is ONLY looking for a good-looking partner and doesn't care about anything else. The method I described is how you maximize your chance of finding a compatible person. Sometimes people are compatible even if one of the people in the pair is ugly. Do you seriously think that aren't any ugly people in a successful relationship?
140 and nothing at all, but I will say it'd be difficult to step down a level...
I think I'm sticking with the 140 and no money.
Or have moral standards.
>making money is evil
What next, you also think having sex is evil?
Making money by any means necessary is evil, woman.
>either way I get dumber
I don't trust someone even dumber than me to hold onto 1mil, so I'm going for the INT build
>tfw probably decently high IQ but come from semi-dysfunctional family
>tfw i know some of those feels
intelligence has nothing to do with it, some people just get the shaft
If I being less intelligent (like it'd even make a difference lmao) would make me less worrisome and over-analysing, then yes.
But it probably wouldn't.
>tfw 136 IQ but lazy as fuck
100 I.Q and the cash, there's no real benefit to having a higher IQ once your IQ is above ~90
157 here and lazy piece of shit who just calculates bullet travel in BF4. I feel.
Am currently the latter -6 meme points
Not an enjoyable experience, but better than being stupid, I guess. I fill my brain with garbage so I don't really think of myself as that intelligent though.
The former. It would be an increase in IQ.
Ignorance is bliss.
Gib emone pls.
making money is evil and there's nothing wrong with that
This. Having 140 IQ also will not solve your loneliness or depression. Might even make it worse.
I have a genuine 134 IQ and no money.
It's shit and I doubt it changes much with 6 more points.
Drink underage
>am I lazy still? if i'm lazy ill just take the 1 million and 100 IQ
This user gets it.
Plenty of above average IQ people who never really achieve anything.
Be it due to laziness, lack of ambition, or whatever.
Shit, give me the money + the 100 IQ and the promise that I would a perfect normie: average amount of drive and ambition, etc.
Not reading this thread but what are those gas clouds called in OPs pic?
The gas clouds is a photo of space taken by the hubble telescope
People with high IQ are able to get high paying jobs unlike brainlets
Gas clouds, huh?
Pillars of creation
hmm... Samantha?
>(hopefully you started as a child/teen)
Nigga. You do know you have to be 18+ to browse here, right?
paying for an (((IQ))) test
The money easiIy
My iq is 148 and I'm still broke, Fuck asbergers.
The second option lowers my IQ AND costs me 5 bucks.
How bad is 100 IQ?
Is it like, retarded or something?
>don't allow horrible parents / school bullying / low self-esteem / self-hatred to cause you to withdraw from everyone and isolate yourself from early childhood all the way through adulthood
>don't develop self-destructive coping mechanisms that further dig you into the never-ending hole of misery
Well, fuck. Where were you with your precious advice 30 years ago, huh?
I'm not worried though, now maybe I can succeed at life by the time I'm 50. That'll work... right .... right, guys?
God help me.