>meet a guy online
>have nice conversations with him
>he starts getting sexual and asks nudes
Why do you do this
Why cant some guys and girls be just friends
>meet a guy online
>have nice conversations with him
>he starts getting sexual and asks nudes
Why do you do this
Why cant some guys and girls be just friends
I'll be your fwiend bb no lewds though I'm allergic to sex
i dont want a girl to be my friend, i just want you cum inside you. why cant you just let me do that, we can hangout after if you want. if youre fukn other guys but using me as an emotional tampon, id be fukn offended
because the only value a woman has is her holes.
>admitting to other internet users that you have a vagina
>be friend with femanon
>they get a bf and ghost you
every time... I'm not joking, every time, no exceptions.
I dont talk about my problems to other people also you guys should say first that you are not looking for friendship
no guy wants to just be friends with a girl you retarded fembot
lel. just don't say you're a girl.