>meet a guy online
>have nice conversations with him
>he starts getting sexual and asks nudes
Why do you do this
Why cant some guys and girls be just friends
>meet a guy online
>have nice conversations with him
>he starts getting sexual and asks nudes
Why do you do this
Why cant some guys and girls be just friends
I'll be your fwiend bb no lewds though I'm allergic to sex
i dont want a girl to be my friend, i just want you cum inside you. why cant you just let me do that, we can hangout after if you want. if youre fukn other guys but using me as an emotional tampon, id be fukn offended
because the only value a woman has is her holes.
>admitting to other internet users that you have a vagina
>be friend with femanon
>they get a bf and ghost you
every time... I'm not joking, every time, no exceptions.
I dont talk about my problems to other people also you guys should say first that you are not looking for friendship
no guy wants to just be friends with a girl you retarded fembot
lel. just don't say you're a girl.
this actually sort of happened to me not too long ago
saying that is just rude. why cant we just smash you and hang out on the side?
Yeah but usually they already know that im a female
no you should say first you just want to be friends
That would make me a thot if i had sex with every guy ive talked
honestly this, femanon. i used to tell my gender cuz the attention was nice, but you get more genuine convos if you dont mention it.
>tfw every friendship I've made online has devolved to this
I don't fucking get it, I don't act gay, but I mention I'm a homo once to somebody I met online and it slowly turns into them saying gay shit to me, I JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH PEOPLE WHAT THE FUCK
Because I get horny too and I would like at least some scraps before you leave me for someone better.
i will never ask for nudes. please talk to me :(
The problem is that they usually come to talk to me on instagram where i have already couple pictures of myself... Should i just delete them then?
i would suggest having a separate insta account for online friends. dont have your face on it !
then don't have conversations on sites/apps that make you put out that you're a girl. I mean if you're trying to find some conversation on something like tinder, then you're going to be shit out of luck
So you're cute too. Why, user, don't you want to share your nudes? For us it means so much while for you is so little.
Because you are in no way interesting to men and they only care about you for sex. Now either stop wasting guys' time or put out.
>why dont you just put out? You're just wasting our time
men are so fucking stupid it's unreal
Why would you talk to more than one guy? Are you a slut?
Men have no true concept of empathy. They are aggressive automata whose only strength to use or abuse everything and everyone around them. They don't see others as people, merely as things to instrumentalize.
She's wasting his time because he wants sex/relationship not some roastie whining about Chad to him.
Usually those who come to talk to me online are guys, im not the kind of person who ignores messages
Is that a rhetorical question? She's female, of course she is. Gotta have some back-up guys lines up.
wait, you're a girl?
post your tits
And then you wonder why they think you have no morals and ask for nudes.
I'll take a crack at this
In my case im miserable as fuck so getting nudes from a girl does nothing to me
But for others its a scrap of attraction and worth
In any case, you can't be friends with a girl even online. If another guy gets you its just another reminder that you'll never have a girl that picks you.
And personally, im not in the business of playing games or catching/giving feelings to girls with a bf. They have a bf and for all intents and purposes I won't be putting myself in there.
Guys only talk to you because their penis is doing the thinking.
Its sad because i have some really good conversations with them but when they starts asking for nudes it ruins it
because you are too stupid to have realised you are worth nothing more than your holes
>Not being perfectly platonic with a girl and agreeing that neither is leading on the other.
>Not going to the movies together because one has a gift card from their birthday and both want to see the movie
>Not talking about all your dirty secrets together but never getting lewd with each other.
It's like you lads don't know how to truly befriend a woman.
Well I don't ever ask for nudes but I do like to have sexual conversations, because otherwise what's the point? I really don't give a shit about what you're up to, you just tick all the fuzzy feelings boxes.
pls talk to me. i am so lonely.
Aww :( men don't want to be used as your personal emotional tampon for nothing in return :(((( The struggles of a """fembot""""
please post pics of tiddies or kindly i ask you to leave
because women are horrible friends.
Oh im sad to hear that :(
D-do you have a discord?
Honestly the actual legit femanons I've run into are cool enough that I do enjoy talking to them. Kinda wish it wasn't so hard to actually get into contact with some, since they do have interesting stories usually.
Why can't you stop clamoring for male attention you vapid whore?
:( no but my email is [email protected]
please send me a message
i don't have much in my life
Its a sad truth that more women get attention from men
>good convos
All ploys and forced with extra effort to get you comfortable for the nude request. None of it was genuine, none of your comments were interesting but were given an inflated value for such purpose.
tl;dr kys yourself
You can only be actual friends with a woman if you're very feminine (i.e. a soicuck).
Untrue my lad, you just simply aren't trying to make friends with, or acting the right way towards said gal. Go for the nerds, they get it the most.
Guys are not interested in girls as friends. Girls are boring friends. Girls are only for sex, and guys pretend to be friends with girls to get sex.
I'll post it every single time.
If a roastie gets triggered when I say I'm a virgin does that mean she was raped?
friendship and a sexual relationship aren't mutually exclusive
I thought it was implicitly understood that a man who bothers to actually talk to a woman is looking for sex unless otherwise stated
because that's what happens when people still have hope, they cling to it as soon as they see a chance.
They are abominable normies who are full of hope.
If you meet a true robot, you'll notice, because they won't even think that "they have a chance" for once because of experience, but also because they don't want to be hurt again.
does this sufficiently answer your question?
there's no point in befriending any females, most are boring af and unable to even hold conversation, they're lazy in writing too.
a friendship with a female is just work without anything remotely interesting or nice. I see no point anymore from my experience
>robots become so desperate and starved for female attention that they begin fucking each other instead
This. The worst is that after all the effort and you get her to be invested in talking to you and you ask her for some nudes as a reward she treats you like a creep and ghosts you. This world is not fair.
Most my friends are girls but realistically I end up falling for them at some point because they're nice to me. I dont get sexual though