So do fat neckbeard losers just jump from one internet fad to the other?

So do fat neckbeard losers just jump from one internet fad to the other?

I swear a ton of the new conservatives who suck Peterson's dick used to be the atheists who made fun of religious crackpots like him in the past.

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I hate how all nu-Jow Forums posts are conjecture.

I can't fucking stand Peterson zombies and Trumptards but when Bernie wins in 2020 we'll have their obnoxious behavior to thank for it. Just a few more years of obnoxious neckbeards and then socialist utopia.

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Nah, he's too old. 2016 was his last chance.

will bernie even still be alive in 2020?

But does Peterson inject his christian views into his talks about why the left is so batty? I never hear him going full christfag in his arguments with them.

>will bernie even still be alive in 2020?

Old NY Jews live for god damn ever. I guarantee he'll die at 95 and will outlive both Trump and Hillary. Better question is whether Trump will be alive. He does stress eating and he's already a fatass.

When bernie dies in 2020 more like. I doubt even his jew money can keep his motor running that long.

conjecture is almost always the mark of shills.

He likes to say that the Nietzsche thing about "God is dead and oceans of blood will flow to pay the price" predicted Communism and National Socialism. Implying that a truly Abrahamic theist society would not have built death camps and had Gestapo/KGB spying on everyone. I think this is bullshit, for example look at Iran both before the Shah was overthrown and after Ayatollah Khomeini took power. An Abrahamic theist society were dissenters were and are "disappeared", tortured, raped and killed.

Peterson is a full on right wing lunatic

people who deny that are too stupid and gullible and insult

What's the matter there champ? You trailed off in your spewing of vile projection. Better clean that room.

That guy is a top tier magapede american.
He embodies all that makes the current Jow Forums and the average crossboarder who came from there.

We're the Alt-Right!

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suck my dick peterson

Chapo's impression of you has brought me so much joy however

Look it's that communist who keeps spamming threads with some variation of pic related. Nice shilling of that communist podcast bro.

Attached: Poor Drawn 370.png (686x603, 22K)

>I've posted it twice today

braindead maggots like you need to be lobotomized, just how stupid and paranoid can a human being get

>communist calling someone else a braindead maggot
heh... heh....

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>Peterson is a right-wing lunatic
If you keep saying something, I hear it becomes reality.

Here's my album of this faggot:

Check the "Dissociation" description in pic related. Shoo shill shoo.

Attached: Commie 52.png (1834x1366, 211K)

>"I only posted it twice!"

Yeah here's your pol thread too:

I thought you were talking about the podcast. I only linked it twice. I didn't make those threads but that guy is based in my book. Jow Forumstards infest all of fucking Jow Forums, nothing wrong with striking back.

I'm literally banned from Jow Forums

Also just when I think my opinion of Jow Forumstards can't get any lower, along comes one who screenshots every single thread he doesn't like and puts it an album. You spergs probably spend all day on discord organizing youtube downvotes and raids. Absolute biggest subhumans I have ever come across on the internet bar none.

>Jow Forumstards infest all of fucking Jow Forums, nothing wrong with striking back.

Projecting? Jow Forums doesn't raid Jow Forums. That's retarded. It's like pissing in a sea of piss. You communists haven't figured that out yet. But we do crossboard. Most of the time we just relax and post normal r9k shit. We don't run around shilling.

>I'm literally banned from Jow Forums

You literally posted the same thread with the same pic and text there. You used a proxy.

And I'll get even more pics in my album. I raided Youtube 3 days ago and that was the first time in years. We're not running around spamming like you desperate leftists.