How long till the entire fitness industry is vegan?

How long till the entire fitness industry is vegan?

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When they stop trying to milk retards with vegan supplements and routines and have all the money they can get from pretending, they'll all go back to normal

fake vegans that take bazillion supplements

>tfw he could have been the one to bring plant based diets into the light

the juice claims another one

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Haha is VG bullying people into going vegan? I figure the average fraud supplement salesman eats a lot of plant foods to begin with, so going vegan isn't particularly difficult for them.

>when you're on so many fucking roids that your diet basically doesn't matter

anyone who cares about the health of their circulatory system should be vegan

I like how Jow Forums constantly complains about veganism but never has a single legitimate argument against it.

Do steroids and abuse your body for decades.

It starts to break down.

Oh shit, well I guess I'll try to be vegan.
Just lol @ plant eating phaggots. I'm going to enjoy 2 hamburgers today in your place.

nutritionally complete animal foods:
>rib eye steak
>raw milk

nutritionally complete plant foods:
>fortified supplement cocktail

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