Here are Arnold Swartzenegger's three sons at the beach. The left one could easily look like the middle one if he worked out and lost the weight.
Just goes to show how being fat dramatically impacts your looks. Females are attracted to masculinity, and soft doughy men look like children with weak flabby arms.
Is calling robots fat the new buzz word? Is Dimitri toasting the roasts?
Brody Robinson
Sounds like someone needs to stop project their insecurities on other people. You're a shitty person criticizing other shitty people you fucking nig. Redirect your anger at your lack of personality.
Logan Hughes
Honestly the fat boi on the left looks like he has the potential to look better than the other two if he was as fit as them.
Adam Anderson
fatbros.. Absolutely, remember how people think Chad gets everything.? Well if you put yourself in the position to succeed by having low body fat, you might not be Chad, but you will get positive reactions from people.
t. someone who lost 70lbs and ended up actually looking decent and didnt have a tiny dick after all
Evan Young
>The butthurt fatty is calling other people insecure
Of course, but only because he's a rich Kennedy boy.
Samuel Rivera
I can relate to this
t. a 6'7, 360 pound guy. being overweight has completely ruined my life and turned me into a robot with no social life with extreme feelings of inadequacy. dont get addicted to food guys and dont get obese. it isnt worth it please
Elijah Peterson
Yeah because he was born into wealth and prestige by having a celebrity parent.
Logan Long
*2 celebrity parents
Nathan Diaz
Didn't work for Elliott
Logan Flores
This Dude already has the mass. How do you have Arnie has a papa and not lift?
Ryder Thomas
I'm 57 lbs and 5'8. I'm not very strong, but at least I'm not fat.